HWRF  trunk@4391

Table of Contents

This document overviews the setup and installation of HWRF in the 2015 NCEP HWRF Operational system, version 9.0.0 of HWRF. The instructions in this document are specifically for the NCEP SPA team and do not apply to public or EMC parallel NCEP versions.

Overview: Installing HWRF

The source code of version 9.0.0 of the HWRF system is here on the EMC Subversion server:


it can be checked out of the Subversion server via the "svn" command if you have access to the EMC Subversion server:

 me@wcoss> cd /my/favorite/directory
 me@wcoss> svn checkout https://svnemc.ncep.noaa.gov/projects/hwrf/branches/hwrf.v9.0.0

You will need to provide a username and password for the EMC Subversion server. If you do not have access to that server, please contact Samuel.Trahan-AT-noaa.gov, Zhan.Zhang-AT-noaa.gov, or Mingjing.Tong-AT-noaa.gov and we will provide you with a snapshot of the repository on disk.

HWRF Fix Files

The large HWRF fix files (~4.4 GB) are not stored on Subversion due to their size. Instead, we archive them on tape, and keep a shared copy on disk. You must copy those from disk or tape. Disk is clearly the easier method. Do this after checking out the hwrf.v9.0.0 source code:

me@wcoss> cd hwrf.v9.0.0
me@wcoss> cp -rp /hwrf/noscrub/fix-files/hwrf-20150313-fix/fix .

That should create a local directory "fix" with all HWRF fix files. The files will all be read-only.

Modules: HWRF Prerequisites

The HWRF model requires several modules to be loaded before compiling. All modules are IBM-installed software in /usrx/local. We need newer versions than the defaults, however. For your convenience, as requested by Steven Earle, we have produced a module you can load, which will load the proper software before compiling. That modulefile is inside the hwrf.v9.0.0 repository that you checked out at the top of this chapter:

me@wcoss> cd /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0
me@wcoss> ls -lR modulefiles/
  total 0
  drwxrwsr-x 3 Samuel.Trahan hwrf 512 Apr  6 16:30 HWRF

  total 128
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 Samuel.Trahan hwrf 952 Apr  1 16:45 9.0.0

It is not in your $MODULEPATH, so we have to add it. We also need to do a module purge:

me@wcoss> module purge
me@wcoss> module list
  No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.
me@wcoss> module use /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0/modulefiles
me@wcoss> module load HWRF/9.0.0
me@wcoss> module list
  Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
    1) ibmpe/       3) nco/4.4.4           5) NetCDF/4.2/serial
    2) ics/15.0.1          4) HDF5/1.8.9/serial   6) PNetCDF/1.5.0
    7) HWRF/9.0.0

Compiling HWRF

Now that you have checked out the HWRF and loaded its prerequisites, we need to compile.

me@wcoss> module purge
me@wcoss> module list
  No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.
me@wcoss> module use /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0/modulefiles
me@wcoss> module load HWRF/9.0.0
me@wcoss> module list
  Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
    1) ibmpe/       3) nco/4.4.4           5) NetCDF/4.2/serial
    2) ics/15.0.1          4) HDF5/1.8.9/serial   6) PNetCDF/1.5.0
    7) HWRF/9.0.0
me@wcoss> cd /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0/sorc
me@wcoss> ./compile.sh

That last command, ./compile.sh, generally takes several hours. It will loop over the directories in sorc/ and also the ../libs directory, running many install_(something).scr scripts.

These many installation scripts can each be run independently as well, if the need arises. The process is quite clear if one reads the contents of sorc/compile.sh. For example, the last directory built is hwrf_wps.fd:

sorc/compile.sh:42: cd ../hwrf_wps.fd
sorc/compile.sh:43: ./clean -a
sorc/compile.sh:44: ./install_wps.scr

rerunning commands on line 43 and 44 inside sorc/hwrf_wps.fd will rebuild ONLY the hwrf_wps.fd.

Installing the HWRF Executables

The final step in installation of the HWRF is to copy the executables to their destinations in exec. This can only be done after the compilation process (in section 1.3) is complete. Some of the executables have to be renamed in specific ways, so we provided a script to do the installation for you:

me@wcoss> cd /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0/sorc
me@wcoss> ./install.sh

Make the system.conf File

The HWRF is configured through UNIX Conf files, which will be discussed in detail in chapter 3. However, you cannot run at all, unless you create the parm/system.conf file. We have a ready-made file for you, parm/system.conf.nco, which should be very close to what you need. Make sure you copy it to parm/system.conf

me@wcoss> cd /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0/parm
me@wcoss> cp -p system.conf.nco system.conf

Auto-Generate the J-Jobs

The HWRF J-jobs, and NCEP j-jobs in general, are extremely repetitive, which leads to errors. Both EMC and NCO have made mistakes in past years during the implementation period of making changes to 90% of the j-jobs and forgetting the last 10%. To prevent this in the future, we now automatically generate our J-jobs from jobs/JHWRF.in using the ush/hwrf_make_jobs.py script.

me@wcoss> cd /path/to/hwrf.v9.0.0
me@wcoss> ush/hwrf_make_jobs.py
me@wcoss> ls jobs/JHWRF_*
  jobs/JHWRF_ENSDA         jobs/JHWRF_INIT        jobs/JHWRF_PRODUCTS
  jobs/JHWRF_GSI           jobs/JHWRF_OUTPUT

Customization of the HWRF System

At this point, the HWRF is installed, but it may need to be customized to meet NCO's needs, either in the prod version, or to run tests.

Change Paths

The configuration files may need customization in order for the HWRF to use the file paths you desire. Generally this can be done by setting the below environment variables. Make sure the variables are consistent among all jobs. For more complicated path changes, look in Chapter 3.

Add ecflow-client Calls

The jobs/JHWRF* files should match what is needed by NCO, except for the lack of ecflow-client calls. However, you may wish to set extra environment variables. Make sure the existing ones are not removed, and make sure the modules are not changed. If you load the wrong modules, the HWRF will fail. If the variables we've set are not set, HWRF will fail.

Read chapter 4: (see Needed ecFlow Client Calls) for the list of ecflow-client calls needed for:

The DBN_Alerts

The DBN alerts are generated by the ush/hwrf_alerts.py Python module. We have added the alerts for the new HWRF global 0.25 degree grid. All alerts for prior years are still present, as is the custom delivery of track files to NHC, also found in that file.

When it comes time to test the DBN alerts, please contact Sam Trahan.

HWRF Scripting System

First, an overview of this system and its technical requirements.

The HWRF system is the first end-to-end Python HWRF system. In 2013 (HWRF 8.0 and 8.1), we had a hybrid ksh-Python system: the post-processing was Python and the rest was ksh. This year, and in 2014, all ush/ and scripts/ files are Python.

The J-Jobs (jobs/JHWRF*) are still ksh due to a limitation of the "module" command and some parts of the NCEP suite. Our parallel and retrospective systems do NOT use these J-Jobs at all - we have written them just for the NCO SPA team to use, to easily plug our system into ecFlow. Our automation systems call the scripts/ex*py files directly. The purpose of those J-Jobs scripts are to:

  1. Provide the SPA with a reference job card, at the top of each J-Job
  2. Inform the SPA of dependencies, in comments at the top of J-Jobs
  3. Purge and load modules
  4. Load environment variables from the $COMhwrf/$stormlabel.holdvars.txt
  5. Load per-job environment variables as needed
  6. Decide which "python" executable to use.
  7. Pass control to the scripts/ex*.py
  8. Inform ecFlow if the ex-script failed.

The files in the jobs/ directory perform all of those actions, and were painstakingly compared to the process run by our automation system. They have also been tested thoroughly by the jobs/runjob.sh script, which manually runs the jobs, with environment variables set how nwprod sets them. In addition, the SPA may want to add additional environment variables, or move the module load commands into separate ecFlow scripts. The scripts should run without that though. However, the SPA must make sure the environment variables still match what is expected by the underlying configuration.

Modification of this system to match operational requirements is the subject of the rest of this document.

HWRF Jobs, Dependencies and Configuration

First off, we refer you to the PDF or ODP document with tremendous detail about the jobs and dependencies. The graphical workflow displayed there does a better job than one can do in text.

The rest of this chapter assumes you have read that document.

We would like to point out one job that is critical to understanding the rest of this document. That is the new JHWRF_LAUNCH job. There is one of those jobs per storm, and they replace the JHWRF_PRE_MASTER and JHWRF_PRE_ATMOS jobs. Their main purpose is to create the configuration files:


which would look like:


The .holdvars.txt files contain the critical variables needed by the J-Jobs as described the previous section. The .conf file is a UNIX Conf format file that contains extensive configuration information that can be used to customize any aspect of the Python system.

There are a number of configuration files that control the actions of the Python system. The big four are the following:

These are only used for certain storms:

Those files will be combined into a $stormlabel.conf file in each storm's directory as described above, and that conf file is the only one read by any later jobs.

These configuration files will be discussed in great detail in Chapter 3.

Overview of Python Scripting System

Before going into the system's details, it is importing to note that the Python scripting system is pretty solid and configurable. The files in ush/ should not require any modification by the SPA team with the exception of the ush/hwrf_alerts.py (DBN alerts). Nearly any configuration can done via parm/*.conf files, as described in the previous section.

The scripts follow the usual NCEP three tier structure, but with a three-tier tweak as ush is split into two tiers:

Lastly, there are a few more files specific to WCOSS or NCO:

It is likely that the SPA will need to change the ush/hwrf_alerts.py. If the SPA wishes to experiment with different processor configurations (which I discourage) then ush/hwrf_wcoss.py must be modified as well. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3.

Overview of ex-scripts

The system has many ex-scripts in the usual places, with names identical to the J-Jobs, but lower-case, as is the NCEP standard:

... and so on ...

Most of these goes through a similar process:

1 import produtil.setup, hwrf_expt
2 from produtil.log import jlogger
4 try:
5  jlogger.info("my job is now starting")
7  ( ... pass control to hwrf_expt.* objects ... )
8  jlogger.info("my job succeeded")
9 except BaseException as e:
10  jlogger.error("my job failed: %s"%(str(e),),exc_info=True)
11  raise

Here is what each critical bit does:

import produtil.setup, hwrf_expt

Makes these two modules available to the script. Will fail if the $PYTHONPATH is not set correctly.

from produtil.log import jlogger

The jlogger is an object that can log to the NCEP-wide jlogfile


The setup() function in produtil.setup initializes the produtil Python package. This initializes dbn alerts; logging to stdout, stderr and the jlogfile; limits the Python stack size; and sets up signal handlers; among other things.


The try...except block is an exception handling block. Any exception raised between "try" and "except" will be handled by the indented code after the "except"

jlogger.info("my job is now starting")

Sends a message to the jlogfile explaining that the job is starting. The actual message is a bit more informative than the one in this example.


Creates the object structure that defines the entire HWRF workflow. Some jobs may pass arguments to init_module to define only part of the workflow. If there is an error in the workflow configuration, this may raise an exception, aborting the job (such as if the com directory is missing)

# ( ... pass control to hwrf_expt.* objects ... )

After the hwrf_expt module is initialized, the ex-script will call the .run() method of various object created in hwrf_expt. That will do the actual work of the HWRF system. If something goes wrong, an exception is raised, and is caught by the except block later on.

jlogger.info("my job succeeded")

Every ex-script prints a message stating that its job has succeeded, if it did succeed. The actual message is more informative than the one displayed here. We will not get to this line if the earlier lines raised an exception.

except BaseException as e:

Any exception raised is caught. That leads to this code being executed:

jlogger.error("my job failed: %s"%(str(e),),exc_info=True)

We print detailed information about the exception (exc_info=True) to the stdout and stderr, but only print short information to the jlogfile. The shortness of the jlogfile message is due to some magic in produtil.log

Also, you may see jlogger.critical or jlogger.warning instead, depending on the severity of the failure of this job. The workflow can continue without certain aspects of the HWRF system, such as ocean coupling or ENSDA.


The exception is re-raised to ensure the job exits with non-zero status.

HWRF Utility Scripts

The top-level ush files are as follows:

Configuring HWRF

As discussed earlier, the HWRF system is largely configured through the *.conf files found in the parm/ directory. The first job in the workflow, the JHWRF_LAUNCH, creates the storm*.conf files in the COM directory, which all later jobs read in. The parm/system.conf is intended to let the SPA customize the HWRF system without having to edit many different files.

This chapter overviews the major aspects of each configuration section, and highlights the sections NCO will probably want to change. The J-Jobs are set up so they should set up the sections correctly already. Unfortunately, we cannot run ecFlow, so we have not tested these J-Jobs in action as the SPA team can do that. However, we have confirmed that the j-jobs work when run manually in the correct order, and do call the ecflow_client at appropriate times.

Note that each storm has its own configuration file, storm*.conf (storm1.conf, storm2.conf, ...) This is necessary because the configuration is slightly different from storm to storm. This is in part because the domain and storm are different, and in part because different parts of the initialization are disabled for different basins and forecasting centers (NHC/JTWC).

In some cases, the SPA will have to edit other files if certain configuration options are changed, such as WRF processor counts or GFS input locations. When that is so, it is explained.

HWRF Configuration Files

These are all of the input *.conf files and their purposes. It is listed in the order the files are read. Later conf files' values will override earlier ones.

Since there is no parm/system.conf in the repository, you must make one by copying an existing template, and modifying it.

cp parm/system.conf.nco parm/system.conf

You have to edit that file after creating it. Since this is the last file read in among the default files, it lets you override all prior files' options.

These files are only read in for specific storms. They are read in after the system.conf, but only reconfigure ocean, GSI, and science-related namelist values. They will not modify input or output paths. This is already implemented in the JHWRF_LAUNCH:

There is no hwrf_AL.conf because the default configuration is for AL storms. The extremely rare South Atlantic (SL, LS, or Q basin ID) storms will use the hwrf_JTWC.conf, even if they come from NHC.

HWRF Configuration Sections

Within each of the above mentioned configuration files, there are many configuration sections. Some of these sections will appear in multiple files; if a configuration option is specified twice, the later occurrence will override it. There are only a few sections of interest to the SPA team. The rest are mainly for scientific configuration of the system and will not be discussed here.

Major Configuration Options

This section details the main configuration options in the *.conf files the SPA may be interested in. We also discuss any other associated files that need to be changed, if *.conf options are changed. First, we remind you that the *.conf files are read in a specific order, and later files override earlier ones. The last file read in is the system.conf file (copied from system.conf.nco) and so any production-specific configuration should be done in that file. That will prevent any accidental clobbering of the options by later files.


Nearly all executables used by the HWRF are compiled from the HWRF sorc directory. The HWRF scripts do not use system programs like ls, cp, or chmod; instead, the produtil package re-implements those in pure Python. However, there are a few /usrx/local or /nwprod programs, and we need to make sure the HWRF knows how to find them. That is done by the [exe] section of the configuration files. The system.conf.nco overrides these to use NCO locations:


All other executables are set in the parm/hwrf.conf and match the installation locations set by sorc/install.sh. We request that you do not change those, as it will complicate troubleshooting.

Input Files

Input file sources are set in two locations. The first is the [config] section in system.conf:

# FROM parm/system.conf.nco

That tells the HWRF system to read the [wcoss_fcst_nco] section for input data. Specifically, the ush/hwrf/input.py parses this section from parm/hwrf_input.conf:

# FROM parm/hwrf_input.conf
# WCOSS: Input locations for the production HWRF

Note that we expect certain variables to be set. Here they are and their 2014 HWRF values:

The JHWRF_LAUNCH sets those variables. Note that the $mesagdir will be changing due to the separate GFDL and HWRF message files. Some other variables may change when the GFS is upgraded later this year.

The @inc line in [wcoss_fcst_nco] tells the ush/hwrf/input.py to read the [gfs2014_naming] and [prod_loop_naming] sections for names of specific files. They are correct for the current version of GFS. You probably won't need to change those until the GFS upgrade later this year. They are both in the hwrf_input.conf, just below the [wcoss_fcst_nco] section.

If you look in one of those sections, you'll see lines like this:

# FROM parm/hwrf_input.conf
gfs_sf            = gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}
gfs_sfcanl        = gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

The name on the left (eg.: gfs_sf) is the "item=" value requested by the Python code. See the ush/hwrf/gsi.py inputiter function for an example. The name on the right (eg.: gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}) is the name of the file in the GFS com directory. Stuff in set braces {} are substituted with corresponding values. For example, {aHH} is the two-digit analysis hour and {fahr:02d} is the forecast hour zero-padded to two digits.

Changing Forecast Job Configuration

It is unlikely that you will get any more significant speedup out of manipulating the forecast job configuration. Carolyn Pasti (IBM), Zhan Zhang (EMC) and Sam Trahan (EMC) experimented with the processor count, task geometry, environment variables, and source code quite a lot already and managed to speed up the forecast from 160 minutes down to about 94-99. However, we would like to make sure the SPA knows how to make changes to this configuration, so we describe how in this section. If you do find a better configuration, congratulations! Please communicate it back to EMC so we can use it in our own runs.

First off, note that there are two forecast jobs: one coupled, one uncoupled. Only one of those is run for each workflow, and the ocean_init job decides which. The uncoupled job only runs the WRF compute processors and WRF I/O servers. The coupled job also runs the coupler and ocean model. The ordering of the MPI ranks is as follows:

Coupled Forecast MPI Distribution:

In the uncoupled forecast, skip the hwrf_wm3c and hwrf_ocean_fcst, and subtract 13 from the other MPI ranks:

Uncoupled Forecast MPI Distribution:

The LSB_PJL_TASK_GEOMETRY is not a simple round-robin configuration. Instead, we group WRF compute processes together in 4x6 grids to reduce communication between nodes. This is done in ush/hwrf_wcoss.py, in the fcst_wcoss2 function (fcst_wcoss1 is for Phase 1 WCOSS). Note that there are two settings in there in an "if coupled" block: the first is for the coupled forecasts, and the second is for uncoupled.

After you change that, you need to modify the parm/system.conf. These variables need to be changed in [holdvars] and [runwrf]:



The wm3c_ranks and NPROCS_C are the number of coupler (hwrf_wm3c) ranks in the coupled forecast job. The nproc_x and nproc_y are the dimensions of the WRF compute grid, while nio_tasks_per_group is the number of I/O servers in each group in the Y direction. The nio_groups is the number of I/O server groups, each of which can handle one file at a time. Make sure that:

[runwrf] wrf_ranks=nproc_x*nproc_y+nio_groups*nio_tasks_per_group
[holdvars] NPROCS_A_NOIO=nproc_x*nproc_y
[holdvars] NPROCS_C = [runwrf] wm3c_ranks
nproc_x < 142/7
nproc_y < 274/7

The wm3c_ranks is the number of coupler (hwrf_wm3c) ranks, which must be at least 1. You cannot change the number of ocean model ranks. It has to be 9.

Other Important Configuration Options


Specifies a temporary area in which to run the HWRF. Requires an environment variable from ecFlow or JHWRF_LAUNCH: $DATA


The HOMEhwrf in [dir] is the parent of the HWRF scripts, parm, ush, etc. Note that four variables are involved: [config] EXPT, HWRF_VERSION; [dir] CDSAVE and HOMEhwrf. It all results in /nw$envir/hwrf.v$HWRF_VERSION


Set scrub=no to disable nearly all scrubbing of temp areas. Setting scrub=yes (the default) will scrub most data areas except those EMC thinks we'll need for debugging.


The HWRF system communicates between jobs with a sqlite3 database file, specified by this option


The storm*.conf file in the COM directory, created by the JHWRF_LAUNCH job.


Which storm is being run? storm1, storm2, storm3, ..., storm7?


The com variable is set to the current cycle's com directory, while oldcom is the previous cycle's com directory, cycling_interval hours ago. Do not change cycling_interval.


The ocean status files, used to indicate whether ocean coupling should be used. The two are identical.


The GSI status files, used to describe the GSI configuration, and whether GSI is to be used

The storm*.holdvars.txt Files

This file contains a number of environment variables that are needed by all jobs. It is created from parm/hwrf_holdvars.txt, using variables set by parm/hwrf_holdvars.conf and other conf files, in the JHWRF_LAUNCH job. All later jobs in the workflow read the file before passing control to Python.

Needed ecFlow Client Calls

There are several parts of the HWRF system that need to instruct ecFlow to skip over some HWRF jobs. Please read the 2015 Operational HWRF Workflow Document to see a diagrammatic description of the HWRF workflow before reading this chapter. Otherwise, this will make little sense.

These completion marks can be set via calls to the ecflow_client program, inserted into the jobs/JHWRF* scripts. We advise against placing it in the ush or scripts level as that will complicate maintenance for both EMC and NCO. However, if you prefer to put it in the ush or scripts level, then we request that you use the ecFlow Python interface to do so.

We split this chapter into one section per job that needs to make ecflow_client completion marks.

Coupled vs. Uncoupled Forecast Job

The JHWRF_OCEAN_INIT determines whether the HWRF should be coupled or uncoupled. Uncoupled storms should only run the uncoupled forecast job, while coupled storms should only run the coupled forecast job. We cannot express both jobs as one since the job card (processor count) is different between the two.

This requires the following logic in ecFlow:

If $COMOUT/$stormlabel.ocean_status contains RUN_COUPLED=YES:
  skip the uncoupled forecast job
else if $COMOUT/$stormlabel.ocean_status contains RUN_COUPLED=NO:
  skip the coupled forecast job
  # Should never get here due to failsafes in python code.
  # Just in case though...
  workflow has failed
  fallback is to skip the coupled forecast job and run uncoupled

GSI (FGAT Initialization) vs. No GSI (GFS Initialization)

A large portion of the workflow is skipped if GSI is disabled, where as one job is skipped if GSI is enabled. This determination is made in the JHWRF_LAUNCH job after calling exhwrf_launch.py. It is not critical to skip these jobs if GSI is disabled since the jobs are smart enough to exit without doing anything if GSI is disabled. However, it is advisable to skip the jobs as it will save significant runtime:

If $RUN_GSI == YES in storm1.holdvars.txt, then:
  skip all three JHWRF_RELOCATE $MODEL=GDAS jobs
  skip the JHWRF_MERGE
  skip both JHWRF_GSI jobs
  skip all JHWRF_ENSDA jobs
  skip the JHWRF_ENSDA_PRE job
  skip the JHWRF_ENSDA_OUTPUT job
  skip the JHWRF_BUFRPREP job


There is a job, JHWRF_ENSDA_PRE, whose sole purpose is to decide if the JHWRF_ENSDA and JHWRF_ENSDA_OUTPUT jobs are to be run. It is run once the AOC sends a flag file to NCEP, and reads that file to determine if the current storm is going to have a NOAA aircraft flying through it, collecting Tail Doppler Radar (TDR) data. The ENSDA represents a huge amount of forecast jobs, so we need to make sure we disable it if it is supposed to be disabled. The TDR collection represents a huge investment of people and money, so we need to make sure we run the ENSDA if it supposed to be run. This determination is made at the bottom of the JHWRF_ENSDA_PRE.

It is absolutely critical to skip the JHWRF_ENSDA jobs if they are not in use. There are 280 of them, they each take 2 nodes for 30 minutes, and they will (intentionally) continue running if TDR is not present. That is 280 core-hours wasted, every six hours, if you do not add the ecflow_client calls to skip these jobs.

If $COMOUT/$stormlabel.run_ensda contains "RUN_ENSDA=YES":
  it is okay to run the JHWRF_ENSDA and JHWRF_ENSDA_OUTPUT jobs
Else if $COMOUT/$stormlabel.run_ensda contains "RUN_ENSDA=NO":
  # should never get here due to failsafes in Python scripts
  scripts failed
  Fallback is to skip all JHWRF_ENSDA and JHWRF_ENSDA_OUTPUT jobs


Hurricane Setup and DCOM Scripts

Before the HWRF or GFDL models can even run, the NOAA Senior Duty Meteorologist has to choose which storms to run, and generate the input hurricane message files. That process requires inputs from the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) and US Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) storm files. This chapter discusses the process surrounding that, and the final message files that are input to HWRF and GFDL.

The process is as follows:

When What
~T+1:00-1:30 JTWC generates bulletin files (sec. 5.1)
~T+1:00-1:30 NCEP dbnet runs the getjtbul.py script to generate JTWC storm files
before T+2:45 NHC generates NHC storm files
before T+2:45 SDM and NHC talk on the phone
before T+2:45 SDM runs the setup_hurricane script
about T+2:45 HWRF starts
about T+3:30 GFDL starts
by T+6:00 HWRF and GFDL track files are delivered to NHC and JTWC
by about T+7:00 NHC and JTWC prepare next cycle's vitals

JTWC Bulletins

The JTWC sends bulletin files to NCEP, which show up in the /dcom directory here:


and consist of a number of bulletins separated by End-of-Text (control-C) files. Each bulletin has a header, which is a single line of text beginning with a marker that describes the type of bulletin followed by a date and time (DDHHMM). The bulletins that are relevant begin with either "ATXX01 PGTW" or "ATXX01 KNWC". This is then parsed by the getjtbul.py script, located in the HWRF install directory under ush/hwrf_getjtbul.py.

That script generates a directory here:


which contains a number of "storm" files: storm1 through (at most) storm7. Each file contains data for one JTWC-requested storm.

Sometimes the bulletins will be missing or corrupted. In such cases, the storm files will be absent and the vitals data will have to come from another source. Unfortunately, as of this writing, JTWC has no way to resend the bulletins.

NHC Storm Files

NHC also generates storm files similar to what JTWC generates, but in another directory. Also, unlike JTWC, NHC is able to regenerate these files if they contain errors or are missing. Four times a day, NHC and the SDM communicate over phone to verify the files manually before the SDM generates the final message files (discussed in sections 5.3-5.5). The NHC storm files are here:


There are storm1 through, at most, storm5 files each of which contains data for one storm. Unfortunately, some of the storm files are for old cycles, so the setup scripts (sections 5.3-5.5) have to be smart enough to ignore them.

SDM and the "setup_hurricane" Script

Four times a day, the NOAA Senior Duty Meteorologist (SDM) runs the setup_hurricane script. This has to happen after the JTWC and NHC storm files are available, and has to be complete before the GFDL and HWRF jobs are triggered.

Fortunately, the script is easy to run:

SDM@WCOSSprod>   setup_hurricane

HOWEVER, the setup_hurricane.conf file must be correctly configured. It looks about like this:


There are two variables that are critical to configure:

deliver=yes or no

If "yes", files will actually be copied to locations specified to the gfdl_output and hwrf_output directories. The other key is:

source=stormfiles or tcvitals

The "stormfiles" option reads from the operational locations, discussed in the last two sections. The "tcvitals" option reads the archived tcvitals instead, and should only be used for testing.

Reconfiguring "setup_hurricane" for Production

The repository version of setup_hurricane.conf instructs setup_hurricane to use the development options, rather than production options, to prevent accidental modification of production message files:

deliver=no      ; do not generate message files
source=tcvitals ; read archived tcvitals

clearly that has to be changed. Specificially,

deliver=yes     ; create message files
source=stormfiles  ; read JTWC and NHC "storm?" files

Those two changes must be made in parm/setup_hurricane.conf.

5.5. The Message Files

The message files generated by the setup_hurricane end up in two directories, as configured by the setup_hurricane.conf:


The following files are created or modified in each directory every time the setup_hurricane is run: