HWRF  trunk@4391
hwrf Namespace Reference

Defines classes that know how to run all parts of the HWRF system. More...

Detailed Description

Defines classes that know how to run all parts of the HWRF system.

The hwrf package implements the atmospheric and coupling aspects of the HWRF system. It provides many classes that perform initialization, forecast, post-processing and data delivery. Broadly speaking, these are divided into three groups: high-level packages that actually run parts of the system, packages that describe the work to be done by the HWRF system, and low-level packages that provide simple utilities and abstract base classes.

High-Level Packages

The packages in this section implement the high-level logic of the HWRF system, such as running GSI or WRF, or copying files to COM. By and large, these packages define hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask subclasses. The batch jobs or scripts then call the run() function on the task of interest to tell it to do its job. Later tasks in the workflow obtain data from earlier tasks by calling the products() iterator on those tasks.

Relevant modules, in the approximate order in which they're used in the workflow, are:

Packages that Describe the HWRF System

Some packages in the HWRF system only describe the workflow and how it is to be executed. These modules allow for complex querying and modification of the work before the work is actually started. This way, tasks know in detail the inputs and outputs to all other tasks in the workflow.

These modules include:

Low-Level Logic Modules

Several of the modules in the hwrf package provide utilities or abstract base classes that simplify the higher-level modules described above.


 Contains Bufrprep, which converts data tanks to bufr files, and otherwise preprocesses the prepbufr and bufr files.
 parses UNIX conf files and makes the result readily available
 Constants used throughout the hwrf package.
 Contains the WRFCopyTask, which delivers WRF output and input.
 Utilities for ensemble-based data assimilation.
 Exceptions raised by the hwrf package.
 Runs the real_nmm or wrf executables.
 Declares GRIBTask, which automates regribbing operations.
 Runs the GSI data assimilation on the HWRF system.
 Post-processes GSI input and output for data assimilation diagnostics.
 Combines multiple tasks together to make the HWRF post-processing system.
 Base class of tasks run by HWRF.
 Combines Tasks from multiple modules into a single initialization object.
 Obtains input data needed by various subclasses of hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask.
 Creates the initial HWRF directory structure, loads information into each job.
 Runs the POM initialization and POM-WRF coupled forecast.
 This module provides two different ways to generate Fortran namelist files from HWRFConfig sections:
 Generates NHC-specific products and validates wrfdiag files.
 Time manipulation and other numerical routines.
 Runs the Unified Post Processor on outputs from the WRF-NMM, producing E grid GRIB files as EGRIB1Product objects.
 Functions called automatically before a cycle is launched.
 PrepHybrid runs the prep_hybrid program to transform GFS spectral files to the HWRF grid.
 Describes regribbing operations using an algebraic structure.
 This module implements Python classes that run the 2014 HWRF Relocation.
 Defines the Revital class which manipulates tcvitals files.
 This module contains utilities for plugging HWRF into the Rocoto workflow manager.
 Defines StormInfo and related functions for interacting with vitals ATCF data.
 This module contains tasks to prepare input for the GFDL Vortex Tracker, run the tracker and deliver its results.
 This module contains Tasks to run the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS): Geogrid, Ungrib and Metgrid.
 Create namelists, monitor wrf simulations, generate filenames.
 low-level wrf implementation, underlying hwrf.wrf