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hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo Class Reference

Storm vitals information from ATCF, B-deck, tcvitals or message files. More...

Detailed Description

Storm vitals information from ATCF, B-deck, tcvitals or message files.

Represents all information about a one storm at one time as a Python object. It can read a single line of a tcvitals file, one time from a Best Track file, or CARQ entries from an Aid Deck file at a single time. It will scan multiple lines from a Best Track or CARQ group to get the last forecast hour (up to a maximum of 72hrs) and all possible radii for one time.

This class is meant for complex manipulations of a small amount of data, not for manipulations of whole databases. It can be used for manipulating the entire TCVitals database, or multiple ATCF deck files, but will generally be slower than other libraries – operations will take on the order of ten times as long.

Write a separate class for simple manipulations of a whole ATCF database. This could be done efficiently using an in-memory sqlite3 database.

Definition at line 411 of file storminfo.py.

Inheritance diagram for hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 StormInfo constructor. More...
def old (self)
 Returns a copy of this StormInfo, but with the last renumbering or renaming of the vitals undone. More...
def copy (self)
 Returns a copy if this object. More...
def __sub__ (self, amount)
 Same as self + (-amount) More...
def __add__ (self, amount)
 Returns a copy of this object, with the vitals extrapolated forward "amount" hours. More...
def hwrf_domain_center
 Uses the 2013 operational HWRF method of deciding the domain center based on the storm location, basin, and, if available, the 72hr forecast location. More...
def set_stormtype
 Sets the two letter storm type self.stormtype. More...
def rename_storm
 Sets the name of the storm. More...
def renumber_storm
 Changes the storm number. More...
def swap_numbers (self)
 Swaps the new and old stormid variables. More...
def as_tcvitals (self)
 Returns a tcvitals version of this data. More...
def as_message (self)
 Returns a message line version of this data. More...
def as_tcvitals_or_message
 Internal function that underlies as_tcvitals() and as_message() More...
def change_basin
 Changes the basin of this StormInfo. More...

Public Attributes

 The linetype argument to the constructor. More...
 If True, the various old_* variables are present. More...
 Contents of the line of text sent to init
 Multi-line input to the constructor.
 Raw parser data for the basin.
 Two character best track storm type.
 Upper-case storm name.
 Storm number: 1-49 for real storms, 0 for fake basin-scale, 50-79 for RSMC internal usage, 80-89 for test storms and 90-99 for genesis cases. More...
 Three character storm ID from tcvitals: 09L, 91S, 18P, etc. More...
 Four character storm ID: AL09, SH91, IO18, etc. More...
 Three character storm ID from tcvitals: 09l, 91s, 18p, etc. More...
 Storm basin, number and year: AL092012. More...
 The forecast center (RSMC) whose forecaster provided this information.
 Forecast latitude in degrees North.
 Forecast longitude in degrees East.
 If True, the fhr, flat and flon are provided.
 Forecast hour.
 Lower-case storm name.
 Technique number for ATCF.
 The datetime.datetime for the valid time.
 The ten digit date and time of the valid time.
 Set of quadrant information keys.
 Code sent for 34kt wind radii.
 Code sent for 50kt wind radii.
 Code sent for 64kt wind radii.
 Technique field for ATCF.
 Tau value from the ATCF.
 Storm center latitude in degrees North, a float.
 Storm center longitude in degrees East, a float.
 Maximum wind as a float.
 Minimum pressure as a float.
 Pressure of the outermost closed isobar.
 Radius of the outermost closed isobar.
 Radius of the maximum wind.
 Maximum gust.
 Eye diameter from the tcvitals.
 Maximum sea height as a float.
 Storm movement direction from tcvitals, degrees.
 Storm movement speed from tcvitals, m/s float.
 Storm depth: S, M or D; or X for missing.
 NE quadrant 50kt wind radius.
 SE quadrant 50kt wind radius.
 SW quadrant 50kt wind radius.
 NW quadrant 50kt wind radius.
 Original flat string. More...
 Original flon string. More...
 NE quadrant 64kt wind radius.
 SE quadrant 64kt wind radius.
 SW quadrant 64kt wind radius.
 NW quadrant 64kt wind radius.
 Raw parser data for the century.
 Raw parser data for the storm name.
 Raw parser data for the date.
 Raw parser data for the time.
 Original string version of lat.
 Original string version of lon.
 NE quadrant 34kt wind radius.
 SE quadrant 34kt wind radius.
 SW quadrant 34kt wind radius.
 NW quadrant 34kt wind radius.
 stormtype before Invest renumbering
 stormname before Invest renumbering
 stnum before Invest renumbering
 stormid3 before Invest renumbering
 stormid3lc before Invest renumbering
 stormid4 before Invest renumbering
 longstormid before Invest renumbering

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__init__ (   self,
  carq = 'CARQ',
  logger = None,
  raise_all = True 

StormInfo constructor.

Constructor for the StormInfo class. You should not call this directly. Instead, use the other parsing functions in this module to generate tcvitals from file objects.

linetypetype of vitals: tcvitals, message, carq (ATCF CARQ entries), old, or copy. See below
inputsinputs, converted to a string before processing
carqadditional CARQ data to fill in more information
loggera logging.Logger for log messages
raise_allif True, exceptions will be raised if parser errors happen

The constructor can create StormInfo objects in several ways, specified by the type argument:

  • tcvitals — Parse a line of a tcvitals file.
  • message — Parse a tropical cyclone message file.
  • carq — Parse A deck CARQ entries.
  • old — Take another StormInfo whose storm id/name has been replaced with another id/name through invest renumbering. Swap the old invest id/name with the current non-invest id/name.
  • copy — Do a deep copy of the supplied StormInfo

Definition at line 441 of file storminfo.py.

Member Function Documentation

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__add__ (   self,

Returns a copy of this object, with the vitals extrapolated forward "amount" hours.

Only the location is changed.

amountthe amount of time to extrapolate forward

Definition at line 522 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__sub__ (   self,

Same as self + (-amount)

amountThe amount of time to extrapolate backwards.

Definition at line 518 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_message (   self)

Returns a message line version of this data.

This is not cached, and will be recalculated every time it is called.

Definition at line 1163 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_tcvitals (   self)

Returns a tcvitals version of this data.

This is not cached, and will be recalculated every time it is called.

Definition at line 1158 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_tcvitals_or_message (   self,
  no_century = False 

Internal function that underlies as_tcvitals() and as_message()

Returns a tcvitals or message version of this data. This is not cached, and will be recalculated every time it is called.

no_centuryIf no_century=True, then only two digits of the year are written, and the line will be a message.

Definition at line 1168 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_message(), and hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_tcvitals().

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.change_basin (   self,
  subbasin = None,
  discardold = False 

Changes the basin of this StormInfo.

basinthe primary basin (IO, L, etc.)
subbasinthe subbasin. For example, IO has the subbasins AA and BB.
discardoldIf discardold=False (the default), then the old values are moved to the old_stnum, old_stormid3, etc.

Definition at line 1254 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.copy (   self)
def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.hwrf_domain_center (   self,
  logger = None 

Uses the 2013 operational HWRF method of deciding the domain center based on the storm location, basin, and, if available, the 72hr forecast location.

Returns a tuple containing a pair of floats (cenlo, cenla) which are the domain center longitude and latitude, respectively. Results are cached internally so future calls will not have to recompute the center location.

loggera logging.Logger for log messages

Definition at line 546 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.old (   self)

Returns a copy of this StormInfo, but with the last renumbering or renaming of the vitals undone.

Definition at line 511 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.rename_storm (   self,
  discardold = False 

Sets the name of the storm.

newnamethe new storm name
discardoldIf discardold=False (the default) then the old storm name is moved to self.old_stormname.

Definition at line 1094 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm (   self,
  discardold = False 

Changes the storm number.

Changes the storm number: the 09 in 09L. That changes self.stnum, stormid3, stormid3lc, stormid4 and longstormid.

newnumberthe new storm number
discardoldIf discardold=False (the default), then the old values are moved to the old_stnum, old_stormid3, etc.

Definition at line 1108 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.hwrf_domain_center().

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.set_stormtype (   self,
  discardold = False 

Sets the two letter storm type self.stormtype.

discardoldIf discardold=False (the default), then the old value, if any, is moved to self.old_stormtype.
stormtypethe storm type information

Definition at line 1077 of file storminfo.py.

def hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.swap_numbers (   self)

Swaps the new and old stormid variables.

The stnum and old_stnum are swapped, the stormid3 and old_stormid3 are swapped, and so on.

Definition at line 1140 of file storminfo.py.

Member Data Documentation


The linetype argument to the constructor.

This is the format of the input data: tcvitals, message or carq (atcf).

Definition at line 474 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.change_basin(), and hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.swap_numbers().


Original flat string.

Definition at line 1301 of file storminfo.py.


Original flon string.

Definition at line 1301 of file storminfo.py.


If True, the various old_* variables are present.

If False, they are not even in self.__dict__

Definition at line 475 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm().


Storm basin, number and year: AL092012.

Note that southern hemisphere "years" start at July 1, so July-Dec storms have the next physical year in their longstormid.

Definition at line 1131 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm().


Storm number: 1-49 for real storms, 0 for fake basin-scale, 50-79 for RSMC internal usage, 80-89 for test storms and 90-99 for genesis cases.

Definition at line 1124 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.as_tcvitals_or_message(), hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm(), and hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.swap_numbers().


Three character storm ID from tcvitals: 09L, 91S, 18P, etc.


Definition at line 1125 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm().


Three character storm ID from tcvitals: 09l, 91s, 18p, etc.


Definition at line 1127 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm().


Four character storm ID: AL09, SH91, IO18, etc.

Definition at line 1126 of file storminfo.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.renumber_storm().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: