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hwrf.numerics Namespace Reference

Time manipulation and other numerical routines. More...

Detailed Description

Time manipulation and other numerical routines.

This module implements various simple numerical algorithms, such as partial sorting, time manipulation or fraction-to-date conversions. It also contains two array-like classes that take datetime objects as indices.


class  partial_ordering
 Sorts a pre-determined list of objects, placing unknown items at a specified location. More...
class  TimeArray
 A time-indexed array that can only handle equally spaced times. More...
class  TimeContainer
 Abstract base class that maps from time to objects. More...
class  TimeMapping
 Maps from an ordered list of times to arbitrary data. More...


def great_arc_dist (xlon1, ylat1, xlon2, ylat2)
 Great arc distance between two points on Earth. More...
def fcst_hr_min (time, start)
 Return forecast time in hours and minutes. More...
def randint_zeromean
 Generates "count" numbers uniformly distributed between -imax and imax, inclusive, with a mean of zero. More...
def split_fraction (f)
 Splits a fraction into components. More...
def within_dt_epsilon (time1, time2, epsilon)
 Returns True if time1 is within epsilon of time2, and False otherwise. More...
def timedelta_epsilon
 Decides a reasonable epsilon for time equality comparisons. More...
def to_fraction
 Converts an object or two to a fraction. More...
def to_datetime_rel (d, rel)
 Converts objects to a datetime relative to another datetime. More...
def to_datetime (d)
 Converts the argument to a datetime. More...
def to_timedelta
 Converts an object to a datetime.timedelta. More...
def minutes_seconds_rest (fraction)
 Splits the given fractions.Fraction of seconds into integer minutes, seconds and fractional remainder <=0. More...
def nearest_datetime (start, target, timestep)
 Return the nearest datetime.datetime to a target. More...
def is_at_timestep (start, target, timestep)
 Returns True if the target time lies exactly on a timestep, and False otherwise. More...
def str_timedelta (dt)
 Converts a timedelta to a string. More...


list __all__
 The symbols exported by "from hwrf.numerics import *". More...

Function Documentation

def hwrf.numerics.fcst_hr_min (   time,

Return forecast time in hours and minutes.

Given a forecast datetime.datetime and an analysis datetime.datetime, this returns a tuple containing the forecast hour and minute, rounded to the nearest integer minute.

timeforecast time as a datetime.datetime
startanalysis time as a datetime.datetime
a tuple (ihours,iminutes)

Definition at line 126 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.config.ConfTimeFormatter.get_value().

def hwrf.numerics.great_arc_dist (   xlon1,

Great arc distance between two points on Earth.

Calculates the great arc distance in meters between two points using the Haversine method. Uses the local Earth radius at the latitude half-way between the two points.

xlon1,ylat1first point, degrees
xlon2,ylat2second point, degrees
distance in meters

Definition at line 99 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.is_at_timestep (   start,

Returns True if the target time lies exactly on a timestep, and False otherwise.

startthe fixed start time of allowed return values
targetthe time desired
timestepthe times between allowed return values

Definition at line 454 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.minutes_seconds_rest (   fraction)

Splits the given fractions.Fraction of seconds into integer minutes, seconds and fractional remainder <=0.

fractionthe fraction to convert, assumed to be in seconds
a tuple (minutes,seconds,rest) as integers

Definition at line 420 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.nearest_datetime (   start,

Return the nearest datetime.datetime to a target.

Given a start time, a target time and a timestep, determine the nearest time not earlier than the target that lies exactly on a timestep. Input start and target can be anything understood by to_datetime, and the timestep can be anything understood by to_fraction. Return value is a datetime.datetime object.

startthe fixed start time of allowed return values
targetthe time desired
timestepthe times between allowed return values

Definition at line 434 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.randint_zeromean (   count,
  randomizer = None 

Generates "count" numbers uniformly distributed between -imax and imax, inclusive, with a mean of zero.

countnumber of numbers to return
imaxmaximum value of any number
randomizerthe random module, or something that looks like it

Definition at line 146 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.gen_vitals().

def hwrf.numerics.split_fraction (   f)

Splits a fraction into components.

Splits a fraction.Fraction into integer, numerator and denominator parts. For example, split_fraction(Fraction(13,7)) will return (1,6,7) since 1+6/7=13/7.

a tuple (integer,numerator,denominator)

Definition at line 184 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.numerics.str_timedelta().

def hwrf.numerics.str_timedelta (   dt)

Converts a timedelta to a string.

Converts dt to a string of the format "DD:HH:MM:SS+num/den"

  • DD - number of days
  • HH - number of hours
  • MM - minutes
  • SS - seconds
  • num/den - fractional part The to_fraction is used to get the fractional part.
dtanything convertible to a datetime.timedelta.

Definition at line 467 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.timedelta_epsilon (   times,
  rel = None,
  default = None,
  sort = False,
  numerator = 10 

Decides a reasonable epsilon for time equality comparisons.

Given an iterable of datetime objects (or anything accepted by to_datetime_rel), computes the minimum time difference between any two adjacent times and divides it by "numerator" (default: 10). The "rel" argument is the relative time when calling to_datetime_rel. If unspecified, it will be the first time seen (in which case that time must be acceptable to to_datetime). The "default" is the return value when all elements in "times" are identical, or when there is only one element. If the default is unspecified and it is needed, then NoTimespan is raised. If sort is specified and True, then the times will be sorted before anything is done (it is False by default).

timesa list of example times for comparison
rela reference time to which the times will be compared
defaultif too few unique times are found, this is returned If that happens and no default is provided, an exception is raised
sortif True, sort times
numeratorA measure of how close times should be. The least time difference will be at least numerator times the epsilon
an epsilon value

Definition at line 220 of file numerics.py.

def hwrf.numerics.to_datetime (   d)
def hwrf.numerics.to_datetime_rel (   d,

Converts objects to a datetime relative to another datetime.

Given a datetime object "rel", converts "d" to a datetime. Object "d" can be anything accepted by to_datetime, or anything accepted as a single argument by to_timedelta. If it is a timedelta, it is added to "rel" to get the final time.

dthe object being converted
relthe datetime.datetime to which it is to be converted

Definition at line 319 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__add__(), hwrf.numerics.TimeArray.__init__(), hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.gen_vitals(), hwrf.numerics.TimeArray.index_of(), hwrf.hycom.HYCOMIniter.link_coupled_inputs(), hwrf.numerics.nearest_datetime(), setup_hurricane.StormCurses.setup(), hwrf.numerics.timedelta_epsilon(), and hwrf.config.HWRFConfig.timestrinterp().

def hwrf.numerics.to_fraction (   a,
  b = None,
  negok = False 

Converts an object or two to a fraction.

This routine is a wrapper around fraction.Fraction() which accepts additional inputs. Fractions are needed to provide higher precision in time and resolution calculations (and also to match the WRF behavior). The arguments are the same as for the fractions.Fraction constructor, but additional calling conventions are accepted: a single float argument, a single datetime.timedelta object, or a string containing an integer and a fraction. If a float is provided, its denominator is restricted to be no more than 1000000. If the resulting fraction is not larger than 0, then InvalidTimestep is thrown unless negok=True.


1 to_fraction(0.855) # 0.855 seconds
2 to_fraction(33) # 33 seconds
3 to_fraction('12/5') # 2.4 seconds
4 to_fraction('7+1/2') # 7.5 seconds
5 to_fraction(0.0000001) # ERROR! Value of the float() is less
6  # than 1e-6
7 to_fraction(1,10000000) # Valid as a fraction, even though value
8  # is less than 1e-6
a,bthe objects to convert
negokif True, negative numbers are okay.

Definition at line 269 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__add__(), hwrf.numerics.TimeArray.__init__(), hwrf.numerics.TimeArray.index_of(), hwrf.numerics.is_at_timestep(), hwrf.numerics.minutes_seconds_rest(), hwrf.numerics.nearest_datetime(), hwrf.numerics.TimeContainer.neartime(), hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.sanity_check_coupling(), hwrf.numerics.str_timedelta(), hwrf.numerics.timedelta_epsilon(), hwrf.numerics.to_timedelta(), and hwrf.numerics.within_dt_epsilon().

def hwrf.numerics.to_timedelta (   a,
  b = None,
  negok = True 

Converts an object to a datetime.timedelta.

Returns a datetime.timedelta object. If "a" is a timedelta, then that value is returned. If "a" is a string of the format 08:13 or 08:13:12, optionally preceded by a "-" then it is interpreted as HH:MM or HH:MM:SS, respectively (where a "-" negates). Otherwise, the arguments are sent to the to_fraction() function, and the result is converted into a timedelta.

aobject being converted
bsecond object, if a time range is sent
negokif True, negative timespans are allowed
a datetime.timedelta

Definition at line 371 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo.__add__(), hwrf.numerics.TimeArray.__init__(), hwrf_expt.init_module(), hwrf.numerics.str_timedelta(), hwrf.numerics.timedelta_epsilon(), and hwrf.numerics.to_datetime_rel().

def hwrf.numerics.within_dt_epsilon (   time1,

Returns True if time1 is within epsilon of time2, and False otherwise.

time1,time2the times being compared
epsilonhow close they need to be in order to be considered equal.
True if the times are within epsilon of each other, False if not

Definition at line 198 of file numerics.py.

Referenced by hwrf.prep.PrepHybrid.input_at(), and hwrf.prep.PrepHybrid.inputiter().

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
1 = [ 'partial_ordering','fcst_hr_min','split_fraction','to_fraction',
2  'to_datetime_rel','to_datetime','to_timedelta','TimeArray',
3  'minutes_seconds_rest','nearest_datetime','is_at_timestep',
4  'great_arc_dist', 'timedelta_epsilon', 'TimeMapping',
5  'within_dt_epsilon', 'randint_zeromean']

The symbols exported by "from hwrf.numerics import *".

Definition at line 10 of file numerics.py.