HWRF  trunk@4391
hwrf.constants Namespace Reference

Constants used throughout the hwrf package. More...

Detailed Description

Constants used throughout the hwrf package.

This module contains various constants, including the Earth "radius" and unit conversions. Unit conversion constants are given as fractions.Fraction objects to allow the conversion to be exact.


list __all__ = ['']
 ensures that "from hwrf.constants import *" does nothing
tuple ft2m = fractions.Fraction(12*254,10000)
 """US foot to meters conversion (exact)."""
int m2ft = 1
 Meters to US foot conversion (exact). More...
tuple nmi2km = fractions.Fraction(1852,1000)
 Nautical miles to kilometers conversion (exact). More...
int km2nmi = 1
 Kilometers to nautical miles conversion (exact). More...
tuple kts2mps = fractions.Fraction(1852,3600)
 Knots to meters per second conversion (exact). More...
int mps2kts = 1
 Meters per second to knots conversion (exact). More...
float Rpole = 6356752.3142
 EGM2008 Earth radius at the pole. More...
float Requator = 6378137.0000
 EGM2008 Earth radius at the equator. More...
int flattening = 1
 EGM2008 Earth flattening ratio. More...
float REmean = 6371009.0
 Earth mean ellipsoid radius from IUGG 1980.
float REauthalic = 6371007.2
 Earth authalic (equal surface area) radius from IUGG 1980.
float REvolume = 6371000.8
 Earth equal volume radius from IUGG 1980.
float RErectifying = 6367449.1
 Earth rectivying (equal circumference) radius from IUGG 1980.
tuple Rearth = (REmean+REauthalic+REvolume)
 A compromise: the average of the mean ellipsoid radius, authalic radius and equal volume radius.

Variable Documentation

hwrf.constants.flattening = 1

EGM2008 Earth flattening ratio.

Definition at line 60 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.km2nmi = 1

Kilometers to nautical miles conversion (exact).

Definition at line 34 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.kts2mps = fractions.Fraction(1852,3600)

Knots to meters per second conversion (exact).

Definition at line 39 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.m2ft = 1

Meters to US foot conversion (exact).

Definition at line 24 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.mps2kts = 1

Meters per second to knots conversion (exact).

Definition at line 44 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.nmi2km = fractions.Fraction(1852,1000)

Nautical miles to kilometers conversion (exact).

Definition at line 29 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.Requator = 6378137.0000

EGM2008 Earth radius at the equator.

Definition at line 55 of file constants.py.

hwrf.constants.Rpole = 6356752.3142

EGM2008 Earth radius at the pole.

Definition at line 50 of file constants.py.