HWRF  trunk@4391
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hwrf.hwrfsystem Namespace Reference

Combines multiple tasks together to make the HWRF post-processing system. More...

Detailed Description

Combines multiple tasks together to make the HWRF post-processing system.

This is a wrapper around the hwrf.post, hwrf.gribtask, hwrf.tracker, hwrf.nhc_products and hwrf.gsipost that creates customizable post-processing tasks. The main purpose of this module is to simplify the hwrf_expt module.


class  FakeStormForecast
class  ForecastBase
class  HWRFForecastPostProcessing
 Creates the post-processing for the HWRF forecast job. More...
class  HWRFGSIPostProcessing
 Configures the GSI post-processing and regribbing. More...


def add_clatlon_grid (task, r, name, rel)
 Add a domain-centered lat-lon grid to a RegribMany object. More...
def add_expandlatlon_grid (task, r, name, rel)
 Adds a grid-centered lat-lon grid to a RegribMany object. More...
def to_com_intercom (task, what, r)
 Requests deliver to com and/or intercom of a RegribMany product. More...


list __all__ = ['HWRFGSIPostProcessing','HWRFForecastPostProcessing']
 Symbols exported by "from hwrf.hwrfsystem import *".

Function Documentation

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.add_clatlon_grid (   task,

Add a domain-centered lat-lon grid to a RegribMany object.

Adds to the given hwrf.regrib.RegribMany object a latitude-longitude grid centered on some GRIB product. The grid will be re-centered at every forecast time, so the grid is allowed to move. Centering information comes from the name+"_grid" option in the task's section. The value should be a comma-separated list of seven values:

  • res1,res2 - grid resolution for GRIB1 grid 255
  • size1,size2 - size in degrees for GRIB1 grid 255
  • scan - scanning mode flags for GRIB1 grid 255
  • n1,n2 - gridpoint count for GRIB1 grid 255
    taskthe task that provides configuration information
    rthe hwrf.regrib.RegribMany object to receive the grid
    namethe name of the new grid
    relthe GRIB product in r on which this grid is centered

Definition at line 29 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker(), and hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFGSIPostProcessing.make_gsi_post().

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.add_expandlatlon_grid (   task,

Adds a grid-centered lat-lon grid to a RegribMany object.

Adds a new grid to an hwrf.regrib.RegribMany object, centered on a prior existing grid but with a border added around its edges. The grid is recalculated at every forecast time so it works with moving grids as well. Grid expansion information comes from the name+"_expand" option in the given task's section. The value should be a comma-separated list of nine values:

  • west extension in degrees
  • east extension in degrees
  • north extension in degrees
  • south extension in degrees
  • n1,n2 - new gridpoint count for GRIB1 grid 255
  • scan - new scanning mode flags for GRIB1 grid 255
  • res1,res2 - new resolution for GRB1 grid 255
    taskthe task that provides configuration information
    rthe hwrf.regrib.RegribMany object to receive the grid
    namethe name of the new grid
    relthe grid on which this grid is centered.

Definition at line 59 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker().

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.to_com_intercom (   task,

Requests deliver to com and/or intercom of a RegribMany product.

Utility function for deliveries. Given what="hwrftrk" this will look for options "hwrftrk%com" and "hwrftrk%intercom" in the given task's config section. If each option is present and non-empty, the corresponding delivery is enabled and the option's value is used as the delivery location.

taskthe task that provides configuration information
whatthe RegribMany product being delivered
rthe hwrf.regrib.RegribMany whose products are being delivered

Definition at line 96 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker(), and hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFGSIPostProcessing.make_gsi_post().