HWRF  trunk@4391
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hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing Class Reference

Creates the post-processing for the HWRF forecast job. More...

Detailed Description

Creates the post-processing for the HWRF forecast job.

Creates and configures all tasks related to the post-processing system. This includes the post, regribber, trackers, and any NHC-specific product generation, as well as some data delivery settings. Everything is made configurable via the hwrf.config.HWRFConfig system.

This class is configurable through config file options:

1 [.conf]
2  [forecast_products]
3  # Post-processing start, end and step for various components:
4  tracker_step=1 # hours between tracker inputs
5  nonsatpost_step=1 # hours between non-satellite post inputs
6  satpost_step=6 # hours between satellite post inputs
7  wrfcopier_start=0 # first WRF native output time to copy to COM
8  wrfcopier_end=9 # last native output time to copy to COM
9  wrfcopier_step=3 # hours between WRF native outputs copied to COM
10  combinetrack_fhr=12 # length of cycling track in hours
12  # Settings for GRIB1 grid 255 (native lat-lon) for each grid:
13  d23_grid=0.02,0.02,12.,15.,136,751,601
14  d123low_grid=0.20,0.20,90.,110.,136,551,451
15  d123high_grid=0.06,0.06,90.,110.,136,1834,1500
16  d2_grid=0.06,0.06,12.,14.,136,234,201
17  d3_grid=0.02,0.02,7.5,9.0,136,450,375
18  d2t_grid=0.06,0.06,30.,30.,128,500,500
19  d1t_grid=0.10,0.10,30.,30.,128,301,301
21  # Tracker grid expansion settings:
22  trk_expand=2.5,2.5,4.0,4.0,1000,1000,128,0.02,0.02
24  # GRIB2 compression method:
25  grib2_compression=32 ; complex packing with second-order differences
26  # grib2_compression=40 ; alternative: "lossless" jpeg 2000
28  # Output filenames:
29  hwrftrk%com={out_prefix}.hwrftrk.f{fahr:03d}.grb
30  hwrftrk%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrftrk.grbf{fahr:02d}
32  anl_outer={out_prefix}.wrfanl_d02
33  anl_inner={out_prefix}.wrfanl_d03
35  hwrfprs_m%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb
36  hwrfprs_n%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb
37  hwrfprs_i%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb
38  hwrfprs_p%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb
39  hwrfprs_c%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb
40  hwrfprs_g%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb
42  hwrfsat_m%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb
43  hwrfsat_n%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb
44  hwrfsat_i%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb
45  hwrfsat_p%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb
46  hwrfsat_c%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d12.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb
47  hwrfsat_g%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb
49  hwrf2prs_m%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
50  hwrf2prs_n%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
51  hwrf2prs_i%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
52  hwrf2prs_p%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
53  hwrf2prs_c%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
54  hwrf2prs_g%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
56  hwrf2sat_m%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
57  hwrf2sat_n%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
58  hwrf2sat_i%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
59  hwrf2sat_p%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
60  hwrf2sat_c%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d12.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2
61  hwrf2sat_g%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Config options have certain formats:

The product names in productcom and productintercom follow a certain pattern:

1 hwrfprs_m
2 hwrf2sat_g

In the second example, here is what each component means:

Definition at line 258 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Inheritance diagram for hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing:
hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask produtil.datastore.Task produtil.datastore.Datum

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, ds, conf, section, runwrf, wrf, postdoms, wrfdoms, moad, storm1inner, storm1outer, kwargs)
 Constructor for HWRFForecastPostProcessing. More...
def make_nonsatpost
 Creates the non-satellite post-processor. More...
def make_satpost
 Creates the satellite post-processor. More...
def make_wrfcopier
 Generates the WRF input/output copier task. More...
def make_gribber_tracker
 Generate the regribbing objects and the main tracker. More...
def make_extra_trackers (self)
 Generates intermediate and outermost domain trackers. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask
def __init__ (self, dstore, conf, section, taskname=None, workdir=None, outdir=None, storminfo=UNSPECIFIED, taskvars=UNSPECIFIED, kwargs)
 Creates an HWRFTask. More...
def isfakestorm (self)
def ismultistorm (self)
def get_workdir (self)
 Returns the directory the class should work in, as set by the "workdir" metadata value. More...
def set_workdir (self, val)
 Sets the directory the class should work in. More...
def get_outdir (self)
 Gets the directory that should receive output data. More...
def set_outdir (self, val)
 Sets the directory that should receive output data. More...
def realtime (self)
 Is this job a real-time forecast job? More...
def redirect (self)
 Should subprograms' outputs be redirected to separate files?
def scrub (self)
 Should temporary files be deleted as soon as they are not needed?
def tvset (self, opt, val)
 Sets a taskvar option's value. More...
def tvdel (self, opt)
 Deletes an object-local value set by tvset. More...
def tvget (self, opt)
 Gets a taskvar's value. More...
def tvhave
 Is a taskvar set? More...
def taskvars (self)
 The dict of object-local values used for string substitution. More...
def confint
 Alias for self.conf.getint for section self.section. More...
def confstr
 Alias for self.conf.getstr for section self.section. More...
def conffloat
 Alias for self.conf.getfloat for section self.section. More...
def confbool
 Alias for self.conf.getbool for section self.section. More...
def confget
 Alias for self.conf.get for section self.section. More...
def confitems
 Alias for self.conf.items for section self.section. More...
def confstrinterp (self, string, section=None, kwargs)
 Alias for self.icstr for backward compatibility. More...
def conftimestrinterp (self, string, ftime, atime=None, section=None, kwargs)
 Alias for self.timestr for backward comaptibility. More...
def confraw
 Get a raw configuration value before string expansion. More...
def icstr (self, string, section=None, kwargs)
 Expands a string in the given conf section. More...
def timestr (self, string, ftime, atime=None, section=None, kwargs)
 Expands a string in the given conf section, including time vars. More...
def getdir
 Alias for hwrf.config.HWRFConfig.get() for the "dir" section. More...
def getexe
 Alias for hwrf.config.HWRFConfig.get() for the "exe" section. More...
def getconf (self)
 Returns this HWRFTask's hwrf.config.HWRFConfig object. More...
def getsection (self)
 Returns this HWRFTask's section name in the HWRFConfig. More...
def log
 Obtain a logging domain. More...
def inputiter (self)
 Iterates over all inputs required by this task. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from produtil.datastore.Task
def __init__ (self, dstore, taskname, logger=None, kwargs)
 Task constructor. More...
def jlogfile (self)
 returns the jlogfile logger. More...
def postmsg (self, message, args, kwargs)
 same as produtil.log.jlogger.info() More...
def setstate (self, val)
 Sets the state of this job. More...
def getstate (self)
 Returns the job state. More...
def strstate (self)
 A string representation of the job state. More...
def gettaskname (self)
 Returns the task name part of the database ID, which is the same as the prodname. More...
def products (self, args, kwargs)
 Iterate over the products this task produces. More...
def log (self)
 Returns the logger object for this task. More...
def clean (self)
 Cleans up any unneeded data used by this task. More...
def unrun (self)
 Undoes the effect of run(). More...
def run (self)
 Performs the work this Task should do and generates all products. More...
def is_completed (self)
 Is this task complete? More...
def completed (self)
 Read-only property: is this task completed? Same as is_completed() More...
def runpart (self)
 Run some of this task's work, deliver some products. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from produtil.datastore.Datum
def __init__ (self, dstore, prodname, category, meta=None, cache=30, location=None, kwargs)
 Datum constructor. More...
def __enter__ (self)
 Acquires this object's thread lock. More...
def __exit__ (self, etype, evalue, traceback)
 Releases this object's thread lock. More...
def validate (self)
 Validates this object's Datastore, prodname and category. More...
def getid (self)
 Returns the database ID of this datum. More...
def getdatastore (self)
 Returns the datastore of this datum. More...
def transaction (self)
 Creates, but does not lock, a Transaction for this datum's datastore. More...
def getprodtype (self)
 Returns the product type of this Datum. More...
def getprodname (self)
 Returns the product name part of the database ID. More...
def getcategory (self)
 Returns the product category part of the database ID. More...
def getlocation (self)
 Returns the "location" field of this Datum's database entry. More...
def setlocation (self, v)
 Sets the "location" field of this Datum's database entry. More...
def __hash__ (self)
 Integer hash function. More...
def __str__ (self)
 Human-readable description of this Datum. More...
def __repr__ (self)
 Python code-like description of this Datum. More...
def __cmp__ (self, other)
 Compares two Datums' prodnames and categories. More...
def set_loc_avail (self, loc, avail)
 Sets the location and availability of this Datum in a single transaction. More...
def update (self)
 Discards all cached metadata and refreshes it from the Datastore. More...
def __getitem__ (self, k)
 Returns the value of the specified metadata key or raises KeyError. More...
def meta
 Return the value of a metadata key. More...
def get
 Alias for self.meta() Returns the value of the specified metadata key or returns default if it is unset. More...
def __setitem__ (self, k, v)
 Sets the value of the specified metadata key. More...
def __delitem__ (self, k)
 Deletes the specified metadata key, which must not be "available" or "location". More...
def __contains__ (self, k)
 Determines if a metadata key is set. More...
def iteritems (self)
 Iterates over all metadata (key,value) pairs for this Datum, including "available" and "location". More...

Public Attributes

 The hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAtmos or subclass thereof that runs the WRF. More...
 The hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation describing the WRF simulation that was run. More...
 The array of WRF domains to post-process (hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain objects)
 The array of WRF domains (hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain objects)
 The Mother Of All Domains (MOAD) in the WRF simulation, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain object. More...
 The innermost domain, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain.
 The intermediate domain, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain.
 The non-satellite post-processor, an hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object. More...
 The satellite post-processor, an hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object. More...
 The task that copies WRF input and output files directly to COM. More...
 The task that generates custom products for NHC. More...
 The main track file from self.tracker. More...
 Task that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on all three domains combined. More...
 The hwrf.gribtask.GRIBTask that does the regribbing. More...
 The hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on the combined outermost and intermediate domain vortex, omitting the innermost domain. More...
 The hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on the outermost domain vortex only. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask
 The hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo describing the vitals information for the storm processed by this HWRFTask. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from hwrf.hwrftask.HWRFTask
 The directory in which this task should be run. More...
 The directory in which this task should deliver its final output. More...
 This HWRFTask's hwrf.config.HWRFConfig object. More...
 The confsection in self.section for this HWRFTask (read-only) More...
- Properties inherited from produtil.datastore.Task
 Read-write property: the job state. More...
 Read-only property: the name of this task. More...
- Properties inherited from produtil.datastore.Datum
 prodname = property(getprodname,None,None,)
 Read-only property, an alias for getprodname(): the product name part of the database ID. More...
 category = property(getcategory,None,None,)
 Read-only property, an alias for getcategory(), the category name part of the database ID. More...
 Read-only property, an alias for getprodtype(), the product type. More...
 Read-only property, an alias for getid(). More...
 Read-only property, an alias for getdatastore(), the Datastore in which this Datum resides. More...
 Read-write property, an alias for getlocation() and setlocation(). More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.__init__ (   self,

Constructor for HWRFForecastPostProcessing.

dsthe produtil.datastore.Datastore to use
confthe HWRFConfig to use for configuration options. This conf is passed down to the RegribMany during regribbing operations.
sectionthe config section to use.
runwrfthe object that runs the forecast, such as an hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAtmos or hwrf.mpipomtc.WRFCoupledPOM
wrfthe hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation that represents the forecast model.
postdomsa list of domains to post-process in order of GRID id.
wrfdomsa list of WRF domains in order of GRID id
moadthe Mother Of All Domains (MOAD), an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain
storm1innerthe first storm's intermediate domain, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain
storm1outerthe first storm's innermost domain, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain
kwargsadditional keyword arguments are passed to the superclass constructor

Definition at line 363 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Member Function Documentation

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_extra_trackers (   self)

Generates intermediate and outermost domain trackers.

Generates trackers that use intermediate and outermost domain data to track the storm and analyze its intensity. These are intended for use in analyzing the effects of resolution and upscale feedback on hurricane track, structure and intensity. Creates these member variables and returns them:

  • trackerd01 — a tracker that just uses the outermost domain data
  • trackerd02 — a tracker that uses the outermost and intermediate domain data
    A tuple (trackerd01,trackerd02) of the new trackers
    The make_gribber_tracker() must have been called with extra_trackers=True, so it will add the extra GRIB products needed by the new trackers.

Definition at line 748 of file hwrfsystem.py.

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker (   self,
  extra_trackers = False,
  satpost_flag = True,
  gofile_flag = False 

Generate the regribbing objects and the main tracker.

Generates the gribber, tracker, track and nhcp member variables and returns them in a tuple:

extra_trackerslogical flag: are the parent and intermediate domain trackers also desired? If so, extra regribbing is arranged, that will be required by make_extra_trackers()
satpost_flaglogical flag: is satellite post-processing desired
The make_nonsatpost() must have been called. If the satpost_flag=True, then make_satpost() must also have been called.
a tuple (nhcp,track,tracker,gribber) of the objects that were created

Definition at line 531 of file hwrfsystem.py.

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_nonsatpost (   self,
  default_step = 1. 

Creates the non-satellite post-processor.

Creates the nonsatpost member, which runs the non-satellite post processing. That is the object that runs everything except the synthetic satellite brightness temperatures. This is a hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object.

the created object
default_stepnon-satellite post-processor input step, if none is provided in the config file.

Definition at line 417 of file hwrfsystem.py.

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_satpost (   self,
  default_step = 6 

Creates the satellite post-processor.

Creates the satpost member, an hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object that runs the satellite post-processing.

the created object
default_stepsatellite post-processor input step, if none is provided in the config file.

Definition at line 437 of file hwrfsystem.py.

def hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_wrfcopier (   self,
  wrfcopier_name = 'copywrf',
  multistorm = False 

Generates the WRF input/output copier task.

Creates the wrfcopier member variable which copies inputs and outputs of the forecast job directly to COM. This is an hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask object.

the created object
wrfcopier_namethe section and task name to use for the hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask that is created.

Definition at line 454 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Member Data Documentation


The hwrf.gribtask.GRIBTask that does the regribbing.

Definition at line 731 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_extra_trackers().


The Mother Of All Domains (MOAD) in the WRF simulation, an hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain object.

Definition at line 391 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker().


The task that generates custom products for NHC.

This is an hwrf.nhc_products.NHCProducts object.

Definition at line 728 of file hwrfsystem.py.


The non-satellite post-processor, an hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object.

Definition at line 428 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker().


The satellite post-processor, an hwrf.post.PostManyWRF object.

Definition at line 447 of file hwrfsystem.py.

Referenced by hwrf.hwrfsystem.HWRFForecastPostProcessing.make_gribber_tracker().


The main track file from self.tracker.

Definition at line 729 of file hwrfsystem.py.


Task that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on all three domains combined.

This is an hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask.

Definition at line 730 of file hwrfsystem.py.


The hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on the outermost domain vortex only.

Definition at line 787 of file hwrfsystem.py.


The hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask that runs the GFDL vortex tracker on the combined outermost and intermediate domain vortex, omitting the innermost domain.

Definition at line 786 of file hwrfsystem.py.


The task that copies WRF input and output files directly to COM.

This is an hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask object.

Definition at line 524 of file hwrfsystem.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: