HWRF  trunk@4391
hwrf.exceptions Namespace Reference

Exceptions raised by the hwrf package. More...

Detailed Description

Exceptions raised by the hwrf package.

This module contains exceptions raised by the hwrf package. The only exceptions are the hwrf.revital and hwrf.storminfo modules which contain their own exceptions for backward compatibility to old scripts.


class  DomainExists
 Raised when adding a domain, if a domain by the same name already exists. More...
class  DomainsDone
 Raised when it is no longer possible to add domains, but the caller tried to add one. More...
class  DuplicateTaskName
 Raised when more than one task is registered with the same name in an HWRFConfig object. More...
class  EmptyCouplerNamelist
class  EndBeforeStart
 Raised when the end of a timespan is before the beginning. More...
class  EndNotTimestep
 Raised when the end of a timespan is not a timestep. More...
class  EnsdaTrackerMissing
class  ForecastInputError
 Parent class of exceptions specific to the hwrf.fcsttask module. More...
class  GeogridNoLog
 Raised when geogrid did not create a log file. More...
class  GeogridNoOutput
 Raised when a geogrid output file is missing or empty. More...
class  GribberError
 Exceptions for hwrf.regrib.GRIBTask for certain internal errors. More...
class  GRIBInputError
 Raised when a GRIB file is invalid. More...
class  GRIBLocationError
 Raised when no location is specified for a tracker input GRIB file. More...
class  GridlessError
 Raised when a grid was expected but none was provided. More...
class  GridMismatchError
 Raised when two GRIB files have non-matching grids, but a matching grid is required. More...
class  GSIInputError
 Raised when GSI cannot find a required input file. More...
class  HWRFArchiveInsane
 Raised when the sanity check of the HWRF archiving settings fails. More...
class  HWRFConfigFileOrder
 Raised when configuration files were specified in the wrong order. More...
class  HWRFConfigInsane
 Raised when the requested configuration conf or hwrf_expt files fail a sanity check. More...
class  HWRFConfigUnsupported
 Raised when the user requests a configuration that makes sense, but is not supported. More...
class  HWRFCouplingError
class  HWRFCycleInsane
 Raised when the configuration had a different cycle than expected. More...
class  HWRFDirInsane
 Raised when a directory is unspecified, missing or invalid. More...
class  HWRFError
 Base class of all exceptions in this module. More...
class  HWRFExecutableInsane
 Raised when the HWRF executables fail a sanity check. More...
class  HWRFFixInsane
 Raised when the HWRF fix files fail a sanity check. More...
class  HWRFInputError
 Base class of exceptions related to the hwrf.input module. More...
class  HWRFInputInsane
 Raised when input files to HWRF fail a sanity check. More...
class  HWRFSanityError
 Base class of all sanity checker exceptions. More...
class  HWRFScriptInsane
 Raised when HWRF scripts fail a sanity check. More...
class  HWRFStormInsane
 Raised when the configuration had a different storm than expected. More...
class  HWRFTimeError
 Base class used for time-related HWRF exceptions. More...
class  HWRFVariableInsane
 Raised when a sanity check on a variable's value failed. More...
class  InputSourceBadType
 Raised when a configuration file requests a DataCatalog class that does not exist. More...
class  InvalidConfigOptName
 Raised when one tries to use an invalid string for an option name. More...
class  InvalidDomainStart
 Raised when the hwrf.wrf.WRFDomain start type is unrecognized. More...
class  InvalidInputSpecification
 Raised when an input source is missing the location, or both histprio and fcstprio. More...
class  InvalidRegribResult
 Debug assetion in hwrf.regrib used to detect type mismatches. More...
class  InvalidTimespan
 Superclass of exceptions relating to groups of one or more distinct times and relationships between them. More...
class  InvalidTimestep
 Raised when a timestep is invalid, such as a negative timestep for a situation that requires a positive one. More...
class  MissingGRIBError
 Not currently used, this would be raised when GRIB inputs to the tracker are missing. More...
class  NamelistKeyError
 Raised when an hwrf.namelist is asked for a key that does not exist. More...
class  NamelistValueError
 Raised when hwrf.namelist cannot convert a value to or from Fortran namelist format. More...
class  NoCoupledComponents
class  NoGeogData
 Raised when the prep_hybrid program cannot find WPS geogrid output data. More...
class  NoIndexError
 Raised when a GRIB file should have an index file already, but doesn't. More...
class  NoNearbyValues
 Raised when an operation has a set of known times, but another provided time is not near one of those known times. More...
class  NoOceanData
class  NoOutputTime
 Raised when a time was required, but none was provided. More...
class  NoProductError
 Raised when an operation that produces input to Regrib should have produced a Product, but produced nothing at all. More...
class  NoSpectralData
 Raised when the spectral input files to prep_hybrid do not exist after some specified amount of time. More...
class  NoSuchDomain
 Raised by hwrf.input when trying to get the wrong domain from its hwrf.relocate.Relocate child objects. More...
class  NoTimespan
 Raised when a timespan was expected, but none was available. More...
class  NotInTimespan
 Raised when a time is outside the range of times being processed by a function. More...
class  OceanExeUnspecified
class  OceanInitFailed
 Raised when the ocean init did not produce some expected outputs. More...
class  OutputStreamDisabled
 Raised when attempting to obtain information about when a WRF stream outputs, if the stream is disabled. More...
class  OverspecifiedOutputTime
 Raised when an output time is specified in two redundant ways. More...
class  PartialTransfer
 Raised when a file transfer, done by an InputSource, was incomplete. More...
class  PostFailed
 Raised upon errors that would cause a retry, in the PostOneWRF.run when passed the raiseall=True argument. More...
class  PostHasNoInput
 Raised when the post's input file is not available and raiseall=True in PostOneWRF.run. More...
class  PrecisionTooHigh
 Raised when a time was requested with higher precision than available. More...
class  PrepHybridError
 Base class of exceptions related to the prep_hybrid program. More...
class  ProductAmbiguityError
 Raised when an operation that provides input to Regrib produces more than one product. More...
class  RealNMMError
 Raised when failing to run the real_nmm program. More...
class  RegribError
 Superclass of errors used by Regrib. More...
class  RegribGridError
 Base class of grid-related regrib errors. More...
class  RegribKeyError
 Raised when a RegribMany is given an invalid name: one that does not match a known grid or operation. More...
class  RegribManyError
 Base class of errors from the hwrf.regrib.RegribMany. More...
class  RegribProductError
 Superclass of errors relating to regrib products. More...
class  RelocateOutputMissing
 Raised when a relocation program did not produce an expected output file. More...
class  RelocationConfigurationError
 Raised when an impossible configuration is requested. More...
class  RelocationError
 Raised when something in the vortex relocation fails. More...
class  RelocationInputError
 Raised when required inputs to the relocation are missing. More...
class  SetNestFailed
 Raised when failing to set the parent start location via the set_nest (set_ij_start) program. More...
class  StartNotAtParentTimestep
 Raised when a timespan's beginning is not at a timestep. More...
class  StormRadiusError
 Raised when the merge cannot find the storm_radius file in the relocate or fix directory. More...
class  Subsetless
 Raised when a Regrib was expecting a GRIB subsetter function, but no such function was provided. More...
class  TimestepModularityError
 Called when one hour is not divisable by the WRF output timestep. More...
class  TimestepTooLong
 Raised when a timestep is too long for the process under consideration. More...
class  TimestepTooShort
 Raised when a timestep is too short for the process under consideration. More...
class  TimezoneProvided
 Raised when a timezone is provided. More...
class  TrackerError
 Base class of hwrf.tracker exceptions. More...
class  TrackerInputError
 Base class of exceptions raised when the tracker's input files are missing or invalid. More...
class  TrackerModeError
 Raised when an impossible tracker configuration is requested, such as running with a grid that is both regional and global. More...
class  TrackerStormError
 Raised when multiple storms are requested, but only one was expected. More...
class  UnexpectedColdStart
 Raised when the relocation could not find the prior cycle's 6hr forecast, but it expected to be able to. More...
class  UngribCannotSubset
 Raised when hwrf.wps.Ungrib cannot subset files as requested. More...
class  UngribInputUnknown
 Raised for hwrf.wps.Ungrib input problems. More...
class  UngribNoInput
 Raised when ungrib cannot find an input file it needs. More...
class  UngribSubsetError
 Raised when wgrib or wgrib2 generates an empty or invalid file. More...
class  UnsupportedTransfer
 Raised when a configuration file requests an unsupported data transfer method (such as carrier pigeon). More...
class  WaveInitFailed
class  WPSAssertion
 Raised when WPS inputs are implausable. More...
class  WPSError
 Base class of WPS-related exceptions. More...
class  WRFAnlMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run, but wrfanl files are missing. More...
class  WRFBdyMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run, but wrfbdy files are missing. More...
class  WRFDomainError
 Base class of errors related to a WRF domain. More...
class  WRFError
 Base class of WRF-related errors. More...
class  WRFGeogridMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run but geogrid data is missing. More...
class  WRFInputMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run, but wrfinput files are missing. More...
class  WRFMetgridMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run, but metgrid data is missing. More...
class  WRFMissing
 Raised when wrf or real want to run but needed input data is missing. More...
class  WRFPrepMissing
 Raised when real wants prep_hybrid data, but that data is missing. More...
class  WW3InputError