HWRF  trunk@4391
hwrf.exceptions.HWRFError Class Reference

Base class of all exceptions in this module. More...

Detailed Description

Base class of all exceptions in this module.

This is the base class of exceptions raised by the HWRF module due to HWRF-specific failures. It is possible to get other exceptions from the StandardException hierarchy in certain failure cases. For example, trying to obtain the fifth of three domains may raise KeyError. Also, see pom.exceptions for exceptions that may be raised from the pom package. See the produtil package for exceptions that may come from lower levels.

Definition at line 8 of file exceptions.py.

Inheritance diagram for hwrf.exceptions.HWRFError:
hwrf.exceptions.DuplicateTaskName hwrf.exceptions.ForecastInputError hwrf.exceptions.GSIInputError hwrf.exceptions.HWRFCouplingError hwrf.exceptions.HWRFInputError hwrf.exceptions.HWRFSanityError hwrf.exceptions.HWRFTimeError hwrf.exceptions.InvalidConfigOptName hwrf.exceptions.NoOceanData hwrf.exceptions.OceanInitFailed hwrf.exceptions.PostFailed hwrf.exceptions.PostHasNoInput hwrf.exceptions.PrepHybridError hwrf.exceptions.RegribError hwrf.exceptions.RelocationError hwrf.exceptions.TrackerError hwrf.exceptions.WaveInitFailed hwrf.exceptions.WPSAssertion hwrf.exceptions.WPSError hwrf.exceptions.WRFError hwrf.revital.RevitalError hwrf.storminfo.StormInfoError

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