HWRF  trunk@4391
ush.setup_hurricane Namespace Reference

This script is run by the NOAA Senior Duty Meteorologist four times a day to generate the list of storms for the HWRF and GFDL hurricane models to run. More...

Detailed Description

This script is run by the NOAA Senior Duty Meteorologist four times a day to generate the list of storms for the HWRF and GFDL hurricane models to run.

This is an interactive program that uses the curses library to make a text-base, mouse-capable interface for deciding whether to run the HWRF and GFDL models for each storm. The list of possible storms are sent by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and Joint Typhoon Warning Center. The script is able to use the data those centers send in real-time, and also the archived TCVitals database, which contains years of message files.

The setup_hurricane script is configured using the following UNIX conf file:

1 [setup_hurricane]
2 deliver=no ; should the final messages be delivered (yes) or just printed (no)
3 source=tcvitals ; get data from the historical tcvitals
4 source=stormfiles ; get data from the real-time locations instead (comment out one)
5 envir={ENV[envir|-test]} ; run environment: prod, para, test
6 gfdl_output=/com2/hur/{envir}/inpdata ; where to place GFDL messages
7 hwrf_output=/com2/hur/{envir}/inphwrf ; where to place HWRF messages
8 maxgfdl=5 ; maximum number of GFDL storms
9 maxhwrf=8 ; maximum number of HWRF storms
10 nhc_max_storms=8 ; maximum number of NHC storms
11 jtwc_max_storms=9 ; maximum number of JTWC storms
12 dcomroot={ENV[DCOMROOT|-/dcom/us007003]} ; dcom directory
13 nhcdir={ENV[nhcdir|-/nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep]} ; nhc storm directoyr
14 nhc_input={nhcdir}/storm{istorm} ; nhc storm file name and path
15 jtwc_input={dcomroot}/{YMD}/wtxtbul/storm_data/storm{istorm} ; jtwc storm file path
16 tcvitals={ENV[COMINARCH|-/com/arch/prod/syndat]}/syndat_tcvitals.{year} ; tcvitals location

It finds the file from one of several locations, checked in this order: