HWRF  trunk@4391
produtil Namespace Reference

Platform-independent weather and ocean forecasting utility package. More...

Detailed Description

Platform-independent weather and ocean forecasting utility package.

The produtil package is a general production weather and ocean forecasting utility package. It implements a number of classes and functions needed to implement a reliable, cross-platform weather or ocean forecasting system. This package is entirely model-independent: nothing in it is specific to, or reliant on, the HWRF model.

Note that before you use anything in this module, you must first call the produtil.setup.setup() function, and that function should only be called once per process. Generally this is done at the top of the main program.

File and Product Manipulation

There are a number of file and directory manipulation routines in the produtil package. In many cases, these replace Python standard library routines that either have known bugs or lack logging functionality. If a function exists in produtil and the Python standard library, it is best to use the produtil version to avoid Python's bugs.

Program Execution

The produtil package has flexible, shell-like syntaxes for specifying program execution, including complex MPI execution with multiple executables. Most critically, this package works around a bug in Python's subprocess module, which forgets to close pipes after a fork() call, causing deadlocks in multi-stage pipelines. That bug renders Python's subprocess module worthless for complex pipelines. The produtil.run does not suffer from that problem.

You should never need to access the mpi_impl or pipeline modules directly, and you should only need the prog and mpiprog modules for type checking. (For example, is my argument a produtil.prog.ImmutableRunner?) In nearly all cases, you can use the produtil.run functions to access the full functionality of all of the program execution modules.

Other Utilities


 Manipulates Access Control Lists (ACL)
 ATParser is a text parser that replaces strings with variables and function output.
 Provides information about the batch system.
 Change directory, handle temporary directories.
 Provides information about the cluster on which this job is running.
 Stores products and tasks in an sqlite3 database file.
 This module runs the NCO dbn_alert program, or logs dbn_alert messages if run with dbn alerts disabled.
 This module provides a set of utility functions to do filesystem operations.
 Contains the Listing class, which emulates "ls -l".
 Handles file locking using Python "with" blocks.
 Configures logging.
 Converts a group of MPI ranks to a runnable command.
 Object structure for describing MPI programs.
 Internal module that launches and monitors processes.
 Implements the produtil.run: provides the object tree for representing shell commands.
 Contains retry_io() which automates retrying operations.
 Handles data restriction classes.
 A shell-like syntax for running serial, MPI and OpenMP programs.
 This module allows querying resource usage and limits, as well as setting resource limits.
 Contains setup(), which initializes the produtil package.
 Sets up signal handlers to ensure a clean exit.
 This module is an alias for produtil.cd, for backward compatibility.
 Contains the WorkPool class, which maintains pools of threads that perform small tasks.