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produtil.fileop Namespace Reference

This module provides a set of utility functions to do filesystem operations. More...

Detailed Description

This module provides a set of utility functions to do filesystem operations.

It replaces or improves upon several os, stat, and sys module functions by working around Python bugs, providing an API layer that allows forward compatibility to future Python versions, and adding logging capabilities.


class  CannotFindExe
 Thrown when find_exe cannot find an executable in the path or directory list. More...
class  CannotLinkMulti
 This exception is raised when the caller tries to create multiple symlinks in a single target, but the target is not a directory. More...
class  DeliveryFailed
 This exception is raised when a file cannot be delivered. More...
class  FileOpError
 This is the superclass of several exceptions relating to multi-file operations in produtil.fileop. More...
class  FileOpErrors
 This exception is raised when an operation that processes multiple files catches more than one exception. More...
class  FileWaiter
 A class that waits for files to meet some requirements. More...
class  FindExeInvalidExeName
 Thrown when find_exe is given an executable name that contains a directory path. More...
class  InvalidExecutable
 Thrown when a find_exe fails. More...
class  RelativePathError
 Raised when a relative path is given, but an absolute path is expected. More...
class  UnexpectedAbsolutePath
 This exception indicates that the renamer function sent to make_symlinks_in returned an absolute path. More...
class  VerificationFailed
 This exception is raised when a copy of a file has different content than the original. More...
class  WrongSymlink
 Raised when os.symlink makes a symlink to a target other than the one that was requested. More...


def realcwd ()
 Returns the current working directory, expanding any symbolic links. More...
def chdir
 Changes to the specified directory. More...
def touch
 Open the file for append and set mtime and atime. More...
def netcdfver (filename)
 What is the NetCDF version of this file? More...
def gribver (filename)
 What is the GRIB version of this file? More...
def makedirs
 Make a directory tree, working around filesystem bugs. More...
def remove_file
 Deletes the specified file. More...
def rmall (args, kwargs)
 Deletes the specified list of files. More...
def lstat_stat
 Runs lstat and stat on a file as efficiently as possible. More...
def isnonempty (filename)
 Returns True if the filename refers to an existent file that is non-empty, and False otherwise. More...
def deliver_file
 This moves or copies the file "infile" to "outfile" in a unit operation; outfile will never be seen in an incomplete state. More...
def find_exe
 Searches the $PATH or a specified iterable of directory names to find an executable file with the given name. More...
def symlink_read_test
 Opens the specified file for reading and attempts to read data to it. More...
def make_symlinks_in
 Creates symbolic links from a set of source files to a target directory. More...
def make_symlink
 Creates a symbolic link "target" that points to "source". More...
def replace_symlink
 Do not call this routine directly: you want make_symlink instead. More...
def ln_sf
def unblock
 Attempts to modify the given stream to be non-blocking. More...
def call_fcntrl
 Internal function that implements unblock() More...
def fortlink
 This is a convenience routine that makes many symbolic links to fort.N files for various integers N using make_symlink. More...
def fortcopy (forts, basedir=None, logger=None, only_log_errors=False, kwargs)
 A convenience function for copying files to local fort.N files for various integers N using deliver_file(...,keep=True). More...
def norm_expand_path
 Normalizes path and expand home directories. More...
def norm_abs_path
 Return relative path. More...
def check_last_lines
 Checks the last few bytes of a file to see if the specified search string is present. More...
def check_file
 Determines whether the specified file exists, and meets additional requirements. More...
def wait_for_files
 Waits for files to meet requirements. More...


list __all__
 List of symbols exported by "from produtil.fileop import *". More...
tuple module_logger = logging.getLogger('produtil.fileop')
 sync_frequently = False

Function Documentation

def produtil.fileop.call_fcntrl (   stream,
  logger = None 

Internal function that implements unblock()

streamthe stream to modify
onflags to turn on
offflags to turn off
loggera logging.Logger for messages
True on success, False otherwise.

Definition at line 804 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.unblock().

def produtil.fileop.chdir (   path,
  logger = None 

Changes to the specified directory.

Please use produtil.cd.NamedDir instead.

This is generally not a good idea since you will not cd back if an unhandled exception is raised. It is better to use the produtil.cd module, which provides ways to enter a directory in a "with" block and optionally delete it afterwards. Such functionality could also be implemented via a try...finally block.

paththe path to cd to
loggera logging.Logger for log messages

Definition at line 145 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_gsi_post.main(), and scripts.exhwrf_input.main().

def produtil.fileop.check_file (   filename,
  min_size = None,
  min_mtime_age = None,
  min_atime_age = None,
  min_ctime_age = None,
  logger = None 

Determines whether the specified file exists, and meets additional requirements.

filenameThe file to analyze.
min_sizeIf present, the file must be at least this many bytes.
min_mtime_ageIf specified, the file must have been modified more than this many seconds in the past.
min_atime_ageif specified, the file atime must be at least this many seconds old. The meaning of atime varies, but usually means the last access time.
min_ctime_ageIf specified, the file ctime must be at least this many seconds old. The meaning of ctime varies between platforms and file types, but usually means the file creation or inode change time. See stat(2) for details.
loggera logging.Logger for log messages.
This routine can also be used on directories, but one should avoid the min_size option when doing that.
True if requirements are met, False otherwise.

Definition at line 982 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.datastore.UpstreamFile.check(), produtil.fileop.FileWaiter.check(), and produtil.fileop.check_last_lines().

def produtil.fileop.check_last_lines (   filename,
  lastbytes = 10000,
  logger = None 

Checks the last few bytes of a file to see if the specified search string is present.

Returns True if the string is present or False if the file existed but the string was not present. Will raise an exception if the file is non-existent or cannot be read.

filenameThe file to search (a string).
searchstrThe string to search for. Must not contain end-of-line chars.
lastbytesThe number of bytes at the end of the file to check. Can be larger than the file size.
loggerA logging.Logger for log messages.
True if the file contains the given string, False otherwise

Definition at line 948 of file fileop.py.

def produtil.fileop.deliver_file (   infile,
  keep = True,
  verify = False,
  blocksize = 1048576,
  tempprefix = None,
  permmask = 002,
  removefailed = True,
  logger = None,
  preserve_perms = True,
  preserve_times = True,
  preserve_group = None,
  copy_acl = None,
  moveok = True,
  force = True,
  copier = None 

This moves or copies the file "infile" to "outfile" in a unit operation; outfile will never be seen in an incomplete state.

If the caller specifies keep=False (default is True) and moveok=True, and the source and destination are on the same filesystem then the delivery is done with a simple move. Otherwise a copy is done to a temporary file on the same filesystem as the target. If verification is requested (verify=True) then the temporary file is verified by filecmp.cmp, before moving the temporary file to the final location.

When requested, and when possible, the permissions and ownership are preserved. Both copy_acl and preserve_group have defaults set by the produtil.cluster module. If the cluster uses access control lists for data restriction classes, then copy_acl will be set to True, otherwise it is false. If group quotas are enabled, preserve_group is False, otherwise it is True.

The original file is never deleted, but it may be moved to the target if keep=False. If a copy is done instead, the original file is still present.
infilethe origin file
outfilethe destination file or its parent directory
keepIf False, the original file is no longer needed. If False and moveok=True, the file might be delivered by a "mv" operation, avoiding any data duplication (no "cp").
verifyIf a "cp" is done, reopen the target and source and verify they are the same. Note that providing a copier will break the verification functionality if the copier changes the contents of the destination file (such as a copier that compresses).
blocksizeblock size during copy operations
tempprefixPrefix for temporary files during copy operations. Do not include directory paths in the tempprefix.
permmaskPermission bits to remove Default: world write (002)
removefailedIf True, delete temporary files if the delivery fails
loggerthe logging.Logger for log messages.
preserve_permsIf True, copy the old file's permissions to the new file
preserve_timesIf True, copy the old file's timestamps to the new file
preserve_groupIf True, copy the old file's group ID to the new file
copy_aclIf True, copy the access control lists from one file to another
moveokIf True, delivery by "mv" is allowed. Must also set keep=False.
forceIf False, delivery will be aborted (raise TargetFileExists) if the target file already exists.
copierIf present, this function or callable object is used to copy data from the source file to the temporary file before moving it to the target. The copier is called as copier(infile,temp_file_name,temp_file_object) Where the temp_file_name is the name of the destination file and the temp_file_object is an object that can be used to write to the file. The copier should NOT close the temp_file_object.

Definition at line 359 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.multistorm.RealInit.add_wrfinput(), produtil.datastore.FileProduct.deliver(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB2Product.deliver(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB1Product.deliver(), scripts.exhwrf_output.deliver_multi(), hwrf.bufrprep.Bufrprep.deliver_products(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.deliver_products(), hwrf.fcsttask.AnalysisCycle.deliver_products(), produtil.fileop.fortcopy(), produtil.fileop.isnonempty(), hwrf.post.link_post_fix(), scripts.exhwrf_ensda.main(), hwrf.post.EGRIB1Product.make(), hwrf.regrib.UpstreamGRIB1.make(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB2Product.make(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB1Product.make(), hwrf.post.PostOneWRF.make_control(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.make_diag_files(), produtil.fileop.make_symlinks_in(), hwrf.ww3.WW3Init.run(), and hwrf.bufrprep.Bufrprep.tdrdump().

def produtil.fileop.find_exe (   name,
  dirlist = None,
  raise_missing = True 

Searches the $PATH or a specified iterable of directory names to find an executable file with the given name.

Returns the exectuable's location. If the executable cannot be found, and raise_missing=True, raises CannotFindExe, otherwise returns None. Raises FindExeInvalidExeName if "name" is not the same as its os.path.basename.

nameThe name of the executable to find.
dirlistThe list of directories to search, or None to search $PATH
raise_missingIf True, the CannotFindExe exception is raised for executables that cannot be found. If False, return None in that situation.

Definition at line 573 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.nhc_products.NHCProducts.deliver_wrfdiag(), produtil.mpi_impl.mpirun_lsf.mpirunner(), produtil.mpi_impl.mpiexec.mpirunner(), produtil.mpi_impl.mpiexec_mpt.mpirunner(), produtil.mpi_impl.impi.mpirunner(), produtil.mpi_impl.lsf_cray_intel.mpirunner2(), produtil.mpi_impl.srun.mpirunner_impl(), hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask.ncks_path(), hwrf.ww3.WW3Post.ncks_path(), hwrf.relocate.Stage1.relocate_storm(), hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.sanity_check_executables(), and hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.wrfout_copier().

def produtil.fileop.fortcopy (   forts,
  basedir = None,
  logger = None,
  only_log_errors = False,

A convenience function for copying files to local fort.N files for various integers N using deliver_file(...,keep=True).

It works similarly to fortlink. The force= argument tells fortcopy to overwrite existing files. Otherwise, an exception will be raised if the destination file already exists. The optional basedir argument is the parent directory of the fort.N.

Call like this:

1 fortcopy({ 15:"/usr/local/share/file1",
2  23:"./file2"})

And you will create files:

1 ./fort.15 (copied from /usr/local/share/file1)
2 ./fort.23 (copied from ./file2)

All other keyword arguments are sent to deliver_file.

fortsMapping from Fortran unit number to copy target.
basedirWhere to put the files instead of the current directory.
loggerA logging.Logger for log messages.
only_log_errorsOnly log failed operations instead of logging everything.
kwargsAll other keyword arguments are passed to deliver_file()

Definition at line 868 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.finalmergetask.FinalMergeTask.run_ext(), and hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask.run_ext().

def produtil.fileop.fortlink (   forts,
  force = False,
  basedir = None,
  logger = None 

This is a convenience routine that makes many symbolic links to fort.N files for various integers N using make_symlink.

It works similarly to fortcopy. The optional basedir is the relative directory. The optional force argument is passed on to make_symlink and has the usual meaning: replace existing files.

Call like this:

1 fortlink({ 15:"/usr/local/share/file1",
2  23:"./file2"})

And you will create these symbolic links:

1 ./fort.15 -> /usr/local/share/file1
2 ./fort.23 -> ./file2

as with other symlink routines in this module, set force=True to remove target fort.N files if they already exist.

fortsMapping from Fortran unit number to link target.
forceRemove target files if they exist.
basedirWhere to make the links instead of the current directory.
loggerA logging.Logger for log messages.

Definition at line 834 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask.run(), hwrf.finalmergetask.FinalMergeTask.run_ext(), and hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask.run_ext().

def produtil.fileop.gribver (   filename)

What is the GRIB version of this file?

Returns the GRIB file version: 1 or 2. If the file is not a GRIB file, or if the answer is indeterminate, returns None. Only the first GRIB record is tested.

filenamethe path to the file to test

Definition at line 201 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wps.Ungrib.get_grib().

def produtil.fileop.isnonempty (   filename)
def produtil.fileop.lstat_stat (   filename,
  raise_nonexist = False 

Runs lstat and stat on a file as efficiently as possible.

Returns (lstat(filename),stat(filename)) where each is None if it fails due to non-existence. Does this in as few filesystem metadata operations as possible. Will raise an exception if the stat fails for any reason other than non-existence of a file, or if the file or linked file is non-existent and raise_nonexist=True.

filenameThe file to test.
raise_nonexistShould we raise an exception if the file does not exist?
a tuple (L,S) where L is the lstat return value, and S is the stat return value. Each will be None if the file or link target do not exist.

Definition at line 307 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.deliver_file(), produtil.fileop.isnonempty(), and produtil.fileop.make_symlinks_in().

def produtil.fileop.make_symlink (   source,
  force = False,
  logger = None,
  max_tries = 20 

Creates a symbolic link "target" that points to "source".

If the target already exists and is NOT a directory, then the file will be replaced. The replacement is done in a unit operation so that the target will always exist (unless the operation fails).

sourceThe file to link to.
targetThe name of the link.
forceIf True, and target exists, delete it first.
loggera logging.Logger for log messages.

Definition at line 677 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.fortlink(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_fix_parm(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_gfs_enkf(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_wrf_enkf(), hwrf.hycom.HYCOMIniter.link_coupled_inputs(), hwrf.wps.WPSTask.link_geogrid(), hwrf.tracker.TrackerTask.link_grib(), produtil.fileop.make_symlinks_in(), and hwrf.gsipost.GSIPost.run().

def produtil.fileop.make_symlinks_in (   sources,
  force = False,
  renamer = None,
  logger = None,
  copy = False 

Creates symbolic links from a set of source files to a target directory.

If "force" is True, then any existing files will first be deleted.

The "renamer" can be a function that generates paths of the symlinks, relative to targetdir, for each symlink in "sources". If the return value from "renamer" is an absolute path, an exception will be thrown. If the return value is None, then no link will be made.

Example: make_symlinks_in(['/path/to/a','/path/to/b'],'.', renamer=lambda s: os.path.basename(s)+'.linkified')

will create a.linkified, linked to /path/to/a, and b.linkified, linked to /path/to/b in directory "."

sourcesThe list of files to link to.
targetdirThe directory in which to place the links.
forceRemove existing files if needed.
renamerFunction to generate link names.
loggerA logging.Logger for log messages.
copyIf True, files are copied instead of linked.

Definition at line 620 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.symlink_read_test().

def produtil.fileop.makedirs (   filename,
  numtries = 10,
  logger = None 

Make a directory tree, working around filesystem bugs.

This makedirs implementation works around a common bug: if two processes try to recursively make a directory tree simultaneously, makedirs can fail when two processes make the same path component at the same time. This implementation automatically retries in that situation.

filenamethe directory path
numtriesthe number of times to retry
loggera logging.Logger for log messages

Definition at line 224 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.locking.LockFile.acquire_impl(), hwrf.mpipomtc.POMInit.deliver_products(), hwrf.bufrprep.Bufrprep.deliver_products(), hwrf.finalmergetask.FinalMergeTask.deliver_products(), hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask.deliver_products(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.deliver_products(), hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM.deliver_products(), hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl.deliver_products(), hwrf.fcsttask.AnalysisCycle.deliver_products(), hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.gen_vitals(), hwrf.launcher.launch(), hwrf.hycom.HYCOMIniter.link_coupled_inputs(), scripts.exhwrf_output.main(), scripts.exhwrf_para_archive.main_disk(), hwrf.config.HWRFConfig.makedirs(), hwrf.finalmergetask.FinalMergeTask.run(), hwrf.wps.Geogrid.run(), hwrf.relocate.Stage1.run(), hwrf.wps.Ungrib.run(), hwrf.wps.Metgrid.run(), hwrf.relocate.Stage2.run(), hwrf.relocate.Stage3.run(), hwrf.relocate.Merge.run(), hwrf.gribtask.GRIBTask.run_helper(), hwrf.prep.PrepHybrid.run_ipiece(), setup_hurricane.StormCurses.setup(), hwrf.input.tempopen(), hwrf.post.PostManyWRF.wrftask(), and hwrf.relocate.RelocationInfo.write_info().

def produtil.fileop.netcdfver (   filename)

What is the NetCDF version of this file?

Returns one of three strings based on the NetCDF version of the given file, or returns None if the file is not NetCDF:

  • "CDF1" = NetCDF classic format
  • "CDF2" = NetCDF 64-bit offset format
  • "HDF5" = HDF5 file, and hence possibly a NetCDF4 file.
  • None = Not NetCDF and not HDF5
    filenamethe name of the file to test

Definition at line 177 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask.compression_copier(), hwrf.copywrf.WRFCopyTask.decompression_copier(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_wrf_enkf(), and hwrf.relocate.Stage1.relocate_storm().

def produtil.fileop.norm_abs_path (   rel,
  fromdir = None 

Return relative path.

This routine generates relative file paths (using os.path.relpath) that are relative to the specified "from" directory fromdir. The fromdir will be first sent through norm_expand_path to eliminate system-specific weirdness, such as a/./b, a/../b, ~username and so on. This will raise RelativePathError if the resulting path is not absolute.

relthe path
fromdirthe directory from which we want the relative path

Definition at line 934 of file fileop.py.

def produtil.fileop.norm_expand_path (   path = None,
  fullnorm = False 

Normalizes path and expand home directories.

Calls os.path.normpath and os.path.expanduser on its argument, or on os.getcwd() if no argument is supplied (or if path=None). This removes extraneous a/./b, a/../b, expands ~username and ~, and other system-specific expansions. See the Python documentation of normpath and expanduser for details. Will also call realpath and normcase if fullnorm=True. Raises RelativePathError if the resulting path is not absolute.

paththe path to expand
fullnormIf True, call os.path.normcase() and os.path.realpath() normapth and expanduser.

Definition at line 910 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf_scrub.Deleter.add(), and produtil.fileop.norm_abs_path().

def produtil.fileop.realcwd ( )

Returns the current working directory, expanding any symbolic links.

Definition at line 140 of file fileop.py.

def produtil.fileop.remove_file (   filename,
  info = True,
  logger = None 
def produtil.fileop.replace_symlink (   source,
  logger = None,
  max_tries = 20 

Do not call this routine directly: you want make_symlink instead.

This routine creates a new symbolic link and renames that link to "target." That always replaces target with a symbolic link to source, even if target did not already exist.

sourcethe file to link from
targetthe file to link to
loggera logging.Logger for messages

Definition at line 723 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.make_symlink().

def produtil.fileop.rmall (   args,

Deletes the specified list of files.

Deletes files listed in "args". Each one is passed to remove_file. Exceptions that derive from EnvironmentError are collected, and will be raised at the end, thus allowing removal of later files to continue if earlier ones failed. If only one file causes an exception, that exception will be raised, otherwise FileOpErrors will be raised

argsThe files to delete.
kwargsKeyword arguments passed to remove_file().

Definition at line 276 of file fileop.py.

def produtil.fileop.symlink_read_test (   filename,
  readsize = 40,
  logger = None 

Opens the specified file for reading and attempts to read data to it.

Logs the process. Will NOT raise any I/O or system errors; they are ignored. This is a workaround for a bug in Cray: symlinks to recently created files cannot be read by the compute node unless the batch node reads from them first (or unless you wait a while).

Definition at line 604 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.make_symlink(), and produtil.fileop.replace_symlink().

def produtil.fileop.touch (   filename,
  times = None 

Open the file for append and set mtime and atime.

Opens the specified file in append mode, but writes nothing. Sets the access and modification times.

filenamethe string filename
timesA 2-tuple of numbers, of the form (atime, mtime). These are UNIX epoch times (seconds since 1970 began in UTC).

Definition at line 164 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by hwrf.launcher.multistorm_parse_args().

def produtil.fileop.unblock (   stream,
  logger = None 

Attempts to modify the given stream to be non-blocking.

This only works with streams that have an underlying POSIX fileno, such as those from open.

Will re-raise any exception received, other than AttributeError and EnvironmentError. Hence, I/O errors and attempts to make a non-fileno stream non-blocking will produce a False return value, while anything else will raise an exception.

streamthe stream to unblock
loggera logging.Logger for log messages
True on success, False otherwise.

Definition at line 789 of file fileop.py.

def produtil.fileop.wait_for_files (   flist,
  logger = None,
  maxwait = 1800,
  sleeptime = 20,
  min_size = 1,
  min_mtime_age = 30,
  min_atime_age = None,
  min_ctime_age = None,
  min_fraction = 1.0,
  log_each_file = True 

Waits for files to meet requirements.

This is a simple wrapper around the FileWaiter class for convenience. It is equivalent to creating a FileWaiter with the provided arguments, and calling its checkfiles routine.

flistthe file or list of files to wait for. This is simply sent into self.add.
loggera logging.Logger for messages
maxwaitmaximum seconds to wait
sleeptimesleep time in seconds between checks
min_sizeminimum file size
min_mtime_ageminimum modification time age,
min_atime_ageminimum access time age.
min_ctime_agetime since last file status change (see stat(2))
min_fractionthe minimum fraction of the provided files that must match the above requirements in order for FileWaiter.wait to return True. Default is 1.0, which means all of them.
log_each_filelog messages about each file checked

Definition at line 1189 of file fileop.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.FileWaiter.checkfiles().

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
1 = ['FileOpError','FileOpErrors','CannotLinkMulti',
2  'UnexpectedAbsolutePath','InvalidExecutable',
3  'FindExeInvalidExeName','CannotFindExe','RelativePathError',
4  'DeliveryFailed','VerificationFailed','realcwd','chdir',
5  'makedirs','remove_file','rmall','lstat_stat','isnonempty',
6  'check_file','deliver_file','make_symlinks_in','find_exe',
7  'make_symlink','replace_symlink','unblock','fortcopy',
8  'norm_expand_path','norm_abs_path','check_last_lines',
9  'wait_for_files','FileWaiter','call_fcntrl','gribver',
10  'netcdfver','touch']

List of symbols exported by "from produtil.fileop import *".

Definition at line 9 of file fileop.py.