HWRF  trunk@4391
1 """!This module provides a set of utility functions to do filesystem
2 operations. It replaces or improves upon several os, stat, and sys
3 module functions by working around Python bugs, providing an API layer
4 that allows forward compatibility to future Python versions, and
5 adding logging capabilities."""
7 ##@var __all__
8 # List of symbols exported by "from produtil.fileop import *"
9 __all__=['FileOpError','FileOpErrors','CannotLinkMulti',
10  'UnexpectedAbsolutePath','InvalidExecutable',
11  'FindExeInvalidExeName','CannotFindExe','RelativePathError',
12  'DeliveryFailed','VerificationFailed','realcwd','chdir',
13  'makedirs','remove_file','rmall','lstat_stat','isnonempty',
14  'check_file','deliver_file','make_symlinks_in','find_exe',
15  'make_symlink','replace_symlink','unblock','fortcopy',
16  'norm_expand_path','norm_abs_path','check_last_lines',
17  'wait_for_files','FileWaiter','call_fcntrl','gribver',
18  'netcdfver','touch']
20 import os,tempfile,filecmp,stat,shutil,errno,random,time,fcntl,math,logging
23 module_logger=logging.getLogger('produtil.fileop')
24 sync_frequently=False
26 ########################################################################
27 class FileOpError(Exception):
28  """!This is the superclass of several exceptions relating to
29  multi-file operations in produtil.fileop."""
30  def __init__(self,message,filename,more=[]):
31  """!FileOpError constructor
32  @param message the error message
33  @param filename the name of the problematic file
34  @param more a list of tuples, (from,to,message) where from is
35  the source file, to is the destination file and message is a
36  description of the problem with that pair."""
37  self.message=message
38  self.filename=filename
39  self.more=more
40  ##@var message
41  # The error message
43  ##@var filename
44  # The name of the problematic file
46  ##@var more
47  # A list of tuples, (from,to,message) where from is the
48  # source file, to is the destination file and message is a
49  # description of the problem with that pair.
51  def __str__(self):
52  """!A string description of the problem."""
53  return '%s: %s' % (self.filename,self.message)
54  def __iter__(self):
55  """!Iterates over a list of tuples, (from,to,message) where
56  from is the source file, to is the destination file and
57  message is a description of the problem with that pair."""
58  for fromfile,tofile,message in self.more:
59  yield fromfile,tofile,message
61  """!This exception is raised when an operation that processes
62  multiple files catches more than one exception."""
63 class CannotLinkMulti(FileOpError):
64  """!This exception is raised when the caller tries to create
65  multiple symlinks in a single target, but the target is not a
66  directory."""
68  """!This exception indicates that the renamer function sent to
69  make_symlinks_in returned an absolute path."""
71  """!Thrown when a find_exe fails."""
73  """!Thrown when find_exe is given an executable name that contains
74  a directory path."""
76  """!Thrown when find_exe cannot find an executable in the path or
77  directory list."""
79  """!Raised when a relative path is given, but an absolute path is
80  expected."""
83  """!Raised when os.symlink makes a symlink to a target other than
84  the one that was requested. This is present to detect a bug in
85  Cray where os.symlink randomly makes a symlink to the wrong
86  place."""
88 class DeliveryFailed(Exception):
89  """!This exception is raised when a file cannot be delivered."""
90  def __init__(self,message,fromfile,tofile):
91  """!DeliveryFailed constructor.
92  @param message why the delivery failed
93  @param fromfile what was being delivered
94  @param tofile delivery destination"""
95  self.message=message
96  self.fromfile=fromfile
97  self.tofile=tofile
98  ##@var message
99  # String description of the problem
101  ##@var fromfile
102  # The source file
104  ##@var tofile
105  # The target file
107  def __str__(self):
108  """!Human-readable description of this error."""
109  return '%s: cannot deliver (from %s): %s'%(
110  self.tofile,self.fromfile,self.message)
111  def __repr__(self):
112  """!Pythonic representation of this error."""
113  return 'DeliveryFailed(%s,%s,%s)' % \
114  (repr(self.message),repr(self.fromfile),repr(self.tofile))
117  """!This exception is raised when a copy of a file has different
118  content than the original."""
119  def __init__(self,message,fromfile,tofile,verifyfile):
120  """!VerificationFailed constructor.
121  @param message why the delivery failed
122  @param fromfile what was being delivered
123  @param tofile delivery destination
124  @param verifyfile temporary file that failed verification"""
125  DeliveryFailed.__init__(self,message,fromfile,tofile)
126  self.verifyfile=verifyfile
127  ##@var verifyfile
128  # The file to verify
130  def __str__(self):
131  """!Human-readable description of this error."""
132  return '%s: verification failed on temporary file %s (from %s): %s'%\
133  (self.tofile,self.verifyfile,self.fromfile,self.message)
134  def __repr__(self):
135  """!Pythonic representation of this error."""
136  return 'VerificationFailed(%s,%s,%s,%s)'%\
137  (repr(self.message),repr(self.fromfile),repr(self.tofile),repr(self.verifyfile))
139 ########################################################################
140 def realcwd():
141  """!Returns the current working directory, expanding any symbolic
142  links."""
143  return os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
145 def chdir(path,logger=None):
146  """!Changes to the specified directory. Please use
147  produtil.cd.NamedDir instead.
149  This is generally not a good idea since you will not cd back if an
150  unhandled exception is raised. It is better to use the
151  produtil.cd module, which provides ways to enter a directory in a
152  "with" block and optionally delete it afterwards. Such
153  functionality could also be implemented via a try...finally block.
154  @param path the path to cd to
155  @param logger a logging.Logger for log messages"""
156  path=str(path)
157  try:
158  if logger is not None: logger.info(path+': cd here')
159  os.chdir(path)
160  except EnvironmentError as e:
161  logger.warning(path+': cannot cd: '+str(e),exc_info=True)
162  raise
164 def touch(filename, times=None):
165  """!Open the file for append and set mtime and atime.
167  Opens the specified file in append mode, but writes nothing. Sets
168  the access and modification times.
170  @param filename the string filename
171  @param times A 2-tuple of numbers, of the form (atime, mtime).
172  These are UNIX epoch times (seconds since 1970 began in UTC)."""
173  with open(filename, 'a'):
174  os.utime(filename, times)
176 ########################################################################
177 def netcdfver(filename):
178  """!What is the NetCDF version of this file?
180  Returns one of three strings based on the NetCDF version of the
181  given file, or returns None if the file is not NetCDF:
182  * "CDF1" = NetCDF classic format
183  * "CDF2" = NetCDF 64-bit offset format
184  * "HDF5" = HDF5 file, and hence possibly a NetCDF4 file.
185  * None = Not NetCDF and not HDF5
186  @param filename the name of the file to test"""
187  with open(filename,'rb') as f:
188  eight=f.read(8)
189  if len(eight)<4:
190  return None
191  four=eight[0:4]
192  if four=='CDF\x01':
193  return "CDF1"
194  elif four=='CDF\x02':
195  return "CDF2"
196  elif eight=='\x89\x48\x44\x46\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a':
197  return "HDF5"
198  return None
200 ########################################################################
201 def gribver(filename):
202  """!What is the GRIB version of this file?
204  Returns the GRIB file version: 1 or 2. If the file is not a GRIB
205  file, or if the answer is indeterminate, returns None. Only the
206  first GRIB record is tested.
207  @param filename the path to the file to test"""
208  if not isinstance(filename,basestring):
209  raise TypeError('The first argument to gribver should be '
210  'a filename. You provided a %s %s.'%
211  (type(filename).__name__,repr(filename)))
212  if not isnonempty(filename):
213  return None
214  with open(filename,'rb') as f:
215  eight=f.read(8)
216  if eight=='GRIB\x00\x00\x00\x02':
217  return 2
218  elif eight[0:4]=='GRIB':
219  return 1
220  else:
221  return None
223 ########################################################################
224 def makedirs(filename,numtries=10,logger=None):
225  """!Make a directory tree, working around filesystem bugs.
227  This makedirs implementation works around a common bug: if two
228  processes try to recursively make a directory tree simultaneously,
229  makedirs can fail when two processes make the same path component
230  at the same time. This implementation automatically retries in
231  that situation.
232  @param filename the directory path
233  @param numtries the number of times to retry
234  @param logger a logging.Logger for log messages"""
235  for n in xrange(numtries):
236  try:
237  if not os.path.isdir(filename):
238  if logger is not None:
239  logger.info(filename+': make directory and parents')
240  os.makedirs(filename)
241  except EnvironmentError as e:
242  if os.path.isdir(filename):
243  return True
244  elif os.path.exists(filename):
245  raise
246  elif n==numtries-1:
247  continue
248  raise
250 ########################################################################
251 def remove_file(filename,info=True,logger=None):
252  """!Deletes the specified file.
254  Does nothing if the filename is None, is the empty string or
255  already does not exist. Otherwise, the file is deleted.
256  @param filename The file to delete.
257  @param info Optional: indicates that warnings about a file already
258  not existing should be sent to the logger at INFO level
259  (info=True) instead of WARNING (info=False).
260  @param logger the logging.Logger for messages"""
261  if filename is None or filename=='':
262  return # nothing to do
263  try:
264  if logger is not None: logger.info('%s: remove file'%(filename,))
265  os.unlink(filename)
266  except EnvironmentError as e:
267  if e.errno!=errno.ENOENT: # ENOENT = file does not exist
268  if logger is not None:
269  logger.warning('%s: cannot remove: %s'%(filename,str(e)),
270  exc_info=True)
271  raise
272  if logger is not None:
273  log=logger.info if info else logger.warning
274  log('%s: cannot remove; does not exist: %s'%(filename,str(e)))
276 def rmall(*args,**kwargs):
277  """!Deletes the specified list of files.
279  Deletes files listed in "args". Each one is passed to
280  remove_file. Exceptions that derive from EnvironmentError are
281  collected, and will be raised at the end, thus allowing removal of
282  later files to continue if earlier ones failed. If only one file
283  causes an exception, that exception will be raised, otherwise
284  FileOpErrors will be raised
285  @param args The files to delete.
286  @param kwargs Keyword arguments passed to remove_file()."""
287  logger=kwargs.get('logger',None)
288  if logger is not None:
289  logger.info('Removing %d files...'%(len(args),))
290  ex=list()
291  for arg in args:
292  try:
293  remove_file(arg,**kwargs)
294  except EnvironmentError as e:
295  ex.append( (arg,None,e) )
296  if len(ex)==1:
297  raise ex[0][1]
298  elif len(ex)>1:
299  msg='Multiple exceptions caught while deleting files in rmall.'
300  if logger is not None: logger.warning(msg)
301  raise FileOpErrors(msg,','.join(args),
302  [ (a,b,str(c)) for a,b,c in ex ] )
303  if logger is not None:
304  logger.info('Done removing %d files...'%(len(args),))
306 ########################################################################
307 def lstat_stat(filename,raise_nonexist=False):
308  """!Runs lstat and stat on a file as efficiently as possible.
310  Returns (lstat(filename),stat(filename)) where each is None if it
311  fails due to non-existence. Does this in as few filesystem
312  metadata operations as possible. Will raise an exception if the
313  stat fails for any reason other than non-existence of a file, or
314  if the file or linked file is non-existent and
315  raise_nonexist=True.
316  @param filename The file to test.
317  @param raise_nonexist Should we raise an exception if the file does not exist?
318  @returns a tuple (L,S) where L is the lstat return value, and S is
319  the stat return value. Each will be None if the file or link
320  target do not exist."""
321  assert(filename is not None)
322  (xlstat,xstat)=(None,None)
323  try:
324  xlstat=os.lstat(filename)
325  if not stat.S_ISLNK(xlstat.st_mode):
326  return (xlstat,xlstat)
327  xstat=os.stat(filename)
328  except EnvironmentError as e:
329  if raise_nonexist or e.errno!=errno.ENOENT:
330  raise
331  return (xlstat,xstat)
333 def isnonempty(filename):
334  """!Returns True if the filename refers to an existent file that is
335  non-empty, and False otherwise.
336  @param filename The file to test."""
337  if filename is None: return None
338  sfile=str(filename)
339  if sfile is None or sfile=='': return None
340  (l,s) = lstat_stat(filename)
341  ret=s is not None and s.st_size>0
342  if not ret and sync_frequently:
343  module_logger.info(
344  '%s: is empty or does not exist. Will sync and recheck.'
345  %(filename,))
346  produtil.pipeline.simple_run(['/bin/sync'],logger=module_logger)
347  (l,s) = lstat_stat(filename)
348  ret=s is not None and s.st_size>0
349  module_logger.info(
350  '%s: isnonempty=%s; s=%s s.st_size=%s'
351  %(filename,repr(ret),repr(s),repr(None if s is None else s.st_size)))
352  return ret
354 ########################################################################
355 def deliver_file(infile,outfile,keep=True,verify=False,blocksize=1048576,
356  tempprefix=None,permmask=002,removefailed=True,
357  logger=None,preserve_perms=True,preserve_times=True,
358  preserve_group=None,copy_acl=None,moveok=True,
359  force=True, copier=None):
360  """!This moves or copies the file "infile" to "outfile" in a unit
361  operation; outfile will never be seen in an incomplete state.
363  If the caller specifies keep=False (default is True) and
364  moveok=True, and the source and destination are on the same
365  filesystem then the delivery is done with a simple move.
366  Otherwise a copy is done to a temporary file on the same
367  filesystem as the target. If verification is requested
368  (verify=True) then the temporary file is verified by filecmp.cmp,
369  before moving the temporary file to the final location.
371  When requested, and when possible, the permissions and ownership
372  are preserved. Both copy_acl and preserve_group have defaults set
373  by the produtil.cluster module. If the cluster uses access
374  control lists for data restriction classes, then copy_acl will be
375  set to True, otherwise it is false. If group quotas are enabled,
376  preserve_group is False, otherwise it is True.
378  @note The original file is never deleted, but it may be moved to
379  the target if keep=False. If a copy is done instead, the original
380  file is still present.
382  @param infile the origin file
383  @param outfile the destination file or its parent directory
384  @param keep If False, the original file is no longer needed. If False
385  and moveok=True, the file might be delivered by a "mv"
386  operation, avoiding any data duplication (no "cp").
387  @param verify If a "cp" is done, reopen the target and source and
388  verify they are the same. Note that providing a copier will
389  break the verification functionality if the copier changes the
390  contents of the destination file (such as a copier that compresses).
391  @param blocksize block size during copy operations
392  @param tempprefix Prefix for temporary files during copy operations.
393  Do not include directory paths in the tempprefix.
394  @param permmask Permission bits to remove Default: world write (002)
395  @param removefailed If True, delete temporary files if the delivery fails
396  @param logger the logging.Logger for log messages.
397  @param preserve_perms If True, copy the old file's permissions to
398  the new file
399  @param preserve_times If True, copy the old file's timestamps to
400  the new file
401  @param preserve_group If True, copy the old file's group ID to the
402  new file
403  @param copy_acl If True, copy the access control lists from one file
404  to another
405  @param moveok If True, delivery by "mv" is allowed. Must also set
406  keep=False.
407  @param force If False, delivery will be aborted (raise
408  TargetFileExists) if the target file already exists.
409  @param copier If present, this function or callable object is used to
410  copy data from the source file to the temporary file before moving
411  it to the target. The copier is called as
412  copier(infile,temp_file_name,temp_file_object)
413  Where the temp_file_name is the name of the destination file and
414  the temp_file_object is an object that can be used to write to
415  the file. The copier should NOT close the temp_file_object. """
416  if preserve_group is None:
417  preserve_group = not produtil.cluster.group_quotas()
418  if copy_acl is None:
420  if copier is not None:
421  # Cannot simply do a "move" if we are using an external
422  # function to copy.
423  keep=True
425  assert(infile is not None)
426  assert(outfile is not None)
427  inbase=os.path.basename(infile)
428  (ilstat,istat)=lstat_stat(infile,raise_nonexist=True)
430  if stat.S_ISDIR(istat.st_mode):
431  raise DeliveryFailed('This subroutine cannot deliver directories.',
432  infile,outfile)
434  # The outfile may be a directory, in which case we copy to a file
435  # with the same name as the source, in that directory:
436  actual_outfile=outfile # actual path of target file
437  outdir=None # parent directory of target file
438  (oflstat,ofstat)=lstat_stat(actual_outfile) # stat on target file
439  (odlstat,odstat)=(None,None) # stat on target file's parent directory
440  if ofstat is not None:
441  if stat.S_ISDIR(ofstat.st_mode):
442  outdir=actual_outfile
443  actual_outfile=os.path.join(outfile,inbase)
444  (odlstat,odstat)=(oflstat,ofstat)
445  if logger is not None:
446  logger.debug('%s: is a directory; file is %s'
447  %(outfile,inbase))
448  (oflstat,ofstat)=lstat_stat(actual_outfile)
449  if odlstat is None:
450  outdir=os.path.dirname(outfile)
451  if len(outdir)<1: outdir='.'
452  if logger is not None:
453  logger.debug('%s: exists, so parent %s must exist and be a '
454  'directory'%(outfile,outdir))
455  (odlstat,odstat)=lstat_stat(outdir,raise_nonexist=True)
456  if odstat is None:
457  raise DeliveryFailed('Target does not exist, and parent of '
458  'target does not exist.',infile,outfile)
459  if not stat.S_ISDIR(odstat.st_mode):
460  raise DeliveryFailed('Target does not exist, and parent of '
461  'target is not a directory.',infile,outfile)
463  if odstat is not None and not force:
464  if logger is not None:
465  logger.debug('%s: exists and overwrite (force) is disabled. '
466  'Aborting delivery.'%(actual_outfile,))
468  # Handle a special case: the source and destination are the same
469  # and the destination is not a symlink. In that case, we have
470  # nothing to do and can simply return.
471  if ofstat is not None:
472  if stat.S_ISLNK(ofstat.st_mode):
473  if logger is not None:
474  logger.info('%s: destination is a link, will recopy as '
475  'a non-link.'%(actual_outfile,))
476  elif os.path.samestat(istat,ofstat):
477  if logger is not None:
478  logger.info('%s: same as %s'%(actual_outfile,infile))
479  return # nothing to do
480  if logger is not None:
481  logger.info('%s: exists, replacing with %s'%(
482  actual_outfile,infile))
483  elif logger is not None:
484  logger.debug('%s: does not exist'%(actual_outfile))
486  # Handle another case: if we're not required to keep the origin,
487  # the origin is in the same file as the target, and the origin is
488  # not a link, and moveok=True, we can deliver the file by an
489  # os.rename
490  samefs = (istat.st_dev == odstat.st_dev)
491  if samefs and not keep and moveok:
492  if stat.S_ISLNK(ilstat.st_mode):
493  if logger is not None:
494  logger.info('%s: cannot deliver via "os.rename" since '
495  'source is a link.'%(infile,))
496  else:
497  if logger is not None:
498  logger.info('%s: move from %s'%(actual_outfile,infile))
499  try:
500  os.rename(infile,actual_outfile)
501  return
502  except EnvironmentError as e:
503  if logger is not None:
504  logger.info('%s: could not deliver by os.rename: %s'
505  %(actual_outfile,str(e)))
507  # If we get here, then the files are in different filesystems or
508  # we're being asked to keep a copy or os.rename failed. That
509  # means we need to copy to a temporary file and move it to the
510  # destination.
511  temp=None
512  tempname=None
513  try:
514  # Copy to a temporary file:
515  if tempprefix is None:
516  tempprefix="tmp."+inbase+".part."
517  temp=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tempprefix,
518  delete=False,dir=outdir)
519  tempname=temp.name
520  if logger is not None:
521  logger.info('%s: copy to temporary %s'%(infile,tempname))
522  if copier is None:
523  with open(infile,'rb') as indata:
524  shutil.copyfileobj(indata,temp,length=blocksize)
525  else:
526  copier(infile,tempname,temp)
527  temp.close()
528  temp=None
530  if verify:
531  if logger is not None:
532  logger.info('%s: verify copy %s'%(infile,tempname))
533  if not filecmp.cmp(infile,tempname):
534  raise VerificationFailed('filecmp.cmp returned False',
535  infile,actual_outfile,tempname)
536  if logger is not None:
537  logger.info('%s: copy group ID and permissions to %s'
538  %(infile,tempname,))
539  # Copy group ID and permissions:
540  if preserve_group:
541  try:
542  os.chown(tempname,-1,istat.st_gid)
543  except(IOError,OSError) as e:
544  # Usually this is not an error: it means the user is
545  # not in the group
546  if logger is not None:
547  logger.warning('%s: cannot copy groupid to %s: %s'
548  % (infile,tempname,str(e)))
549  if preserve_perms:
550  os.chmod(tempname,istat.st_mode&~permmask)
552  # Move to the final location:
553  if logger is not None:
554  logger.info('%s: move from %s'%(actual_outfile,tempname))
555  if preserve_times:
556  os.utime(tempname,(istat.st_atime,istat.st_mtime))
557  os.rename(tempname,actual_outfile)
558  tempname=None
559  except Exception as e:
560  if logger is not None:
561  logger.error('%s: delivery failed: %s'%(infile,str(e)))
562  raise
563  finally:
564  try:
565  if temp is not None:
566  temp.close()
567  if removefailed and tempname is not None:
568  os.unlink(tempname)
569  except EnvironmentError as e:
570  pass
572 ########################################################################
573 def find_exe(name,dirlist=None,raise_missing=True):
574  """!Searches the $PATH or a specified iterable of directory names
575  to find an executable file with the given name.
577  Returns the exectuable's location. If the executable cannot be
578  found, and raise_missing=True, raises CannotFindExe, otherwise
579  returns None. Raises FindExeInvalidExeName if "name" is not the
580  same as its os.path.basename.
582  @param name The name of the executable to find.
583  @param dirlist The list of directories to search, or None to search $PATH
584  @param raise_missing If True, the CannotFindExe exception is
585  raised for executables that cannot be found. If False, return
586  None in that situation."""
587  bn=os.path.basename(name)
588  if bn != name:
589  raise FindExeInvalidExeName(
590  'executable name is not the same as its basename in '
591  'find_exe (basename=%s)'%(bn,),name)
592  if dirlist is None:
593  dirlist=os.environ['PATH'].split(':')
594  for dirname in dirlist:
595  if dirname=='': dirname='.'
596  exename=os.path.join(dirname,name)
597  if os.path.isfile(exename) and os.access(exename,os.X_OK):
598  return exename
599  if not raise_missing: return None
600  raise CannotFindExe('cannot find executable',name)
602 ########################################################################
604 def symlink_read_test(filename,readsize=40,logger=None):
605  """!Opens the specified file for reading and attempts to read data
606  to it. Logs the process. Will NOT raise any I/O or system
607  errors; they are ignored. This is a workaround for a bug in Cray:
608  symlinks to recently created files cannot be read by the compute
609  node unless the batch node reads from them first (or unless you
610  wait a while)."""
611  try:
612  with open(filename,'rt') as f:
613  buf=f.read(readsize)
614  if logger is not None:
615  logger.info('%s: read %s'%(filename,repr(buf)))
616  except EnvironmentError as e:
617  pass # ignore I/O and OS errors
619 def make_symlinks_in(sources,targetdir,force=False,renamer=None,logger=None,
620  copy=False):
621  """!Creates symbolic links from a set of source files to a target
622  directory. If "force" is True, then any existing files will first
623  be deleted.
625  The "renamer" can be a function that generates paths of the
626  symlinks, relative to targetdir, for each symlink in "sources".
627  If the return value from "renamer" is an absolute path, an
628  exception will be thrown. If the return value is None, then no
629  link will be made.
631  Example:
632  make_symlinks_in(['/path/to/a','/path/to/b'],'.',
633  renamer=lambda s: os.path.basename(s)+'.linkified')
635  will create a.linkified, linked to /path/to/a, and b.linkified,
636  linked to /path/to/b in directory "."
637  @param sources The list of files to link to.
638  @param targetdir The directory in which to place the links.
639  @param force Remove existing files if needed.
640  @param renamer Function to generate link names.
641  @param logger A logging.Logger for log messages.
642  @param copy If True, files are copied instead of linked."""
643  (tlstat,tstat)=lstat_stat(targetdir,raise_nonexist=True)
644  if not stat.S_ISDIR(tstat.st_mode):
645  raise CannotLinkMulti('target is not a directory',targetdir)
646  errors=[]
647  for source in sources:
648  target=None
649  try:
650  if renamer is not None:
651  target=renamer(source)
652  if target is None: continue
653  if os.path.isabs(target):
655  'renamed path is absolute',renamed)
656  target=os.path.join(targetdir,target)
657  else:
658  target=os.path.join(targetdir,os.path.basename(source))
659  if copy:
660  if os.path.exists(source):
661  if force and os.path.exists(target):
662  os.unlink(target)
663  deliver_file(source,target,keep=True,logger=logger)
664  elif logger is not None:
665  logger.warning(
666  '%s: skip. Am in copy mode, and source does not exist (%s)'%(
667  target,source))
668  else:
669  make_symlink(source,target,force=force,logger=logger)
670  except EnvironmentError as e:
671  errors.append( (source,str(target),str(e)) )
672  if logger is not None:
673  logger.warning(str(e),exc_info=True)
674  if len(errors)>0:
675  raise FileOpError('cannot link files',targetdir,errors)
677 def make_symlink(source,target,force=False,logger=None,max_tries=20):
678  """!Creates a symbolic link "target" that points to "source". If
679  the target already exists and is NOT a directory, then the file
680  will be replaced. The replacement is done in a unit operation so
681  that the target will always exist (unless the operation fails).
682  @param source The file to link to.
683  @param target The name of the link.
684  @param force If True, and target exists, delete it first.
685  @param logger a logging.Logger for log messages."""
686  if logger is not None:
687  logger.info('link %s -> %s'%(target,source))
688  if os.path.isdir(target):
689  target=os.path.join(target,os.path.basename(source))
690  if logger is not None:
691  logger.info('Target is a directory. Symlink to %s instead'%(target,))
692  try:
693  os.symlink(source,target)
694  content=os.readlink(target)
695  if content!=source:
696  if sync_frequently and max_tries>1:
697  if logger is not None:
698  msg="Filesystem failure (will retry): Cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
699  target,source,content)
700  logger.warning(msg)
701  os.unlink(target)
702  naptime=random.randrange(100,300)*1e-4
703  if logger is not None:
704  logger.info('Sleep %f seconds'%(naptime,))
705  time.sleep(naptime)
706  replace_symlink(source,target,logger,max_tries-1)
707  return
708  elif sync_frequently and max_tries==1:
709  return ln_sf(source,target,content,logger=logger)
710  else:
711  raise WrongSymlink("FILESYSTEM FAILURE: Cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
712  target,source,content),target)
713  else:
714  symlink_read_test(target,logger=logger)
715  except EnvironmentError as e:
716  if not e.errno==errno.EEXIST or not force:
717  raise
718  # The file already exists
719  if logger is not None:
720  logger.info('target exists - using replace_symlink instead')
721  return replace_symlink(source,target,logger=logger)
723 def replace_symlink(source,target,logger=None,max_tries=20):
724  """!Do not call this routine directly: you want make_symlink
725  instead. This routine creates a new symbolic link and renames
726  that link to "target." That always replaces target with a
727  symbolic link to source, even if target did not already exist.
728  @param source the file to link from
729  @param target the file to link to
730  @param logger a logging.Logger for messages"""
731  tempname=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target),
732  'tmp.%s.%06x.%06x.tmp' % ( os.path.basename(target),
733  random.getrandbits(32),random.getrandbits(32)))
734  try:
735  if logger is not None:
736  logger.info('link %s -> %s'%(tempname,source))
737  os.symlink(source,tempname)
738  content=os.readlink(tempname)
739  if content!=source:
740  if sync_frequently and max_tries>1:
741  if logger is not None:
742  msg="Filesystem failure (will retry): Cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
743  tempname,source,content)
744  logger.warning(msg)
745  os.unlink(tempname)
746  naptime=random.randrange(100,300)*1e-4
747  if logger is not None:
748  logger.info('Sleep %f seconds'%(naptime,))
749  time.sleep(naptime)
750  replace_symlink(source,target,logger,max_tries-1)
751  return
752  elif sync_frequently and max_tries==1:
753  return ln_sf(source,target,content,logger=logger)
754  else:
755  raise WrongSymlink("FILESYSTEM FAILURE: Cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
756  tempname,source,content),tempname)
757  if logger is not None:
758  logger.info('rename %s to %s'%(tempname,target))
759  os.rename(tempname,target)
760  symlink_read_test(tempname,logger=logger)
761  except Exception as e:
762  if isinstance(e,WrongSymlink): raise
763  try:
764  if logger is not None:
765  logger.info('failed: delete %s'%(tempname,))
766  os.remove(tempname)
767  except EnvironmentError: pass
768  raise e
770 def ln_sf(source,target,content,logger=None):
771  if logger is not None:
772  msg="Filesystem failure (will retry with sync and ln -sf): Cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
773  target,source,content)
774  logger.warning(msg)
775  produtil.pipeline.simple_run(['/bin/sync'],logger=logger)
776  result=produtil.pipeline.simple_run(['/bin/ln','-sf',source,target],
777  logger=logger)
778  if result==0:
779  content=os.readlink(target)
780  if content==source: return True
781  raise WrongSymlink(
782  "FILESYSTEM FAILURE: Python and ln -sf both cannot symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Instead, the symlink is to \"%s\"."%(
783  target,source,content),target)
784  else:
785  raise WrongSymlink('FILESYSTEM FAILURE: Cannot link \"%s\" -> \"%s\". Last resort of ln -sf failed: return status %s'%(
786  source,target,repr(result)))
788 ########################################################################
789 def unblock(stream,logger=None):
790  """!Attempts to modify the given stream to be non-blocking. This
791  only works with streams that have an underlying POSIX fileno, such
792  as those from open.
794  Will re-raise any exception received, other than AttributeError
795  and EnvironmentError. Hence, I/O errors and attempts to make a
796  non-fileno stream non-blocking will produce a False return value,
797  while anything else will raise an exception.
799  @param stream the stream to unblock
800  @param logger a logging.Logger for log messages
801  @returns True on success, False otherwise."""
802  call_fcntrl(os.O_NONBLOCK,0,logger)
804 def call_fcntrl(stream,on,off,logger=None):
805  """!Internal function that implements unblock()
806  @param stream the stream to modify
807  @param on flags to turn on
808  @param off flags to turn off
809  @param logger a logging.Logger for messages
810  @returns True on success, False otherwise."""
811  try:
812  if isinstance(stream,int):
813  fd=stream
814  else:
815  fd=stream.fileno()
816  except (AttributeError,EnvironmentError) as ee:
817  if logger is not None:
818  logger.warning('%s: stream has no fileno, cannot switch to '
819  'non-blocking I/O: %s'%
820  (repr(stream),str(ee)),exc_info=True)
821  return False
823  try:
824  flags=fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
825  fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, (flags|on) & ~off)
826  return True
827  except EnvironmentError as ee:
828  if logger is not None:
829  logger.error('%s: cannot switch to non-blocking I/O: %s'%
830  (repr(stream),str(ee)),exc_info=True)
831  return False
833 ########################################################################
834 def fortlink(forts,force=False,basedir=None,logger=None):
835  """!This is a convenience routine that makes many symbolic links to
836  fort.N files for various integers N using make_symlink. It works
837  similarly to fortcopy. The optional basedir is the relative
838  directory. The optional force argument is passed on to
839  make_symlink and has the usual meaning: replace existing files.
841  Call like this:
842  @code
843  fortlink({ 15:"/usr/local/share/file1",
844  23:"./file2"})
845  @endcode
847  And you will create these symbolic links:
848  @code{.unformatted}
849  ./fort.15 -> /usr/local/share/file1
850  ./fort.23 -> ./file2
851  @endcode
853  as with other symlink routines in this module, set force=True to
854  remove target fort.N files if they already exist.
855  @param forts Mapping from Fortran unit number to link target.
856  @param force Remove target files if they exist.
857  @param basedir Where to make the links instead of the current directory.
858  @param logger A logging.Logger for log messages."""
859  if logger is not None:
860  logger.debug('in fortlink, forts=%s force=%s basedir=%s logger=%s'%(
861  repr(forts),repr(force),repr(basedir),repr(logger)))
862  for (i,filename) in forts.iteritems():
863  assert(isinstance(filename,basestring))
864  link='fort.%d'%(int(i),)
865  if basedir is not None: link=os.path.join(basedir,where)
866  make_symlink(filename,link,force=force,logger=logger)
868 def fortcopy(forts,basedir=None,logger=None,only_log_errors=False,**kwargs):
869  """!A convenience function for copying files to local fort.N files
870  for various integers N using deliver_file(...,keep=True). It
871  works similarly to fortlink. The force= argument tells fortcopy
872  to overwrite existing files. Otherwise, an exception will be
873  raised if the destination file already exists. The optional
874  basedir argument is the parent directory of the fort.N.
876  Call like this:
877  @code
878  fortcopy({ 15:"/usr/local/share/file1",
879  23:"./file2"})
880  @endcode
882  And you will create files:
883  @code{.unformatted}
884  ./fort.15 (copied from /usr/local/share/file1)
885  ./fort.23 (copied from ./file2)
886  @endcode
888  All other keyword arguments are sent to deliver_file.
889  @param forts Mapping from Fortran unit number to copy target.
890  @param basedir Where to put the files instead of the current directory.
891  @param logger A logging.Logger for log messages.
892  @param only_log_errors Only log failed operations instead of logging everything.
893  @param kwargs All other keyword arguments are passed to deliver_file()"""
894  for (i,filename) in forts.iteritems():
895  newfile='fort.%d'%(int(i),)
896  if basedir is not None: newfile=os.path.join(basedir,where)
897  try:
898  deliver_file(filename,newfile,logger=logger,**kwargs)
899  except (EnvironmentError) as ee:
900  if logger is not None:
901  logger.warning('%s: fortcopy could not copy to %s: %s'
902  %(filename,newfile,str(ee)))
903  if not only_log_errors:
904  raise
905  else:
906  # Cannot log errors, so ignore the only_log_errors flag
907  raise
909 ########################################################################
910 def norm_expand_path(path=None,fullnorm=False):
911  """!Normalizes path and expand home directories.
913  Calls os.path.normpath and os.path.expanduser on its argument, or
914  on os.getcwd() if no argument is supplied (or if path=None). This
915  removes extraneous a/./b, a/../b, expands ~username and ~, and
916  other system-specific expansions. See the Python documentation of
917  normpath and expanduser for details. Will also call realpath and
918  normcase if fullnorm=True. Raises RelativePathError if the
919  resulting path is not absolute.
920  @param path the path to expand
921  @param fullnorm If True, call os.path.normcase() and
922  os.path.realpath() normapth and expanduser."""
923  if path is None:
924  path=os.getcwd()
925  normpath=os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path))
926  if fullnorm:
927  normpath=os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(normpath))
928  if not os.path.isabs(normpath):
929  raise RelativePathError(
930  '%s: path is relative, not absolute (expands to %s)'%
931  (path,normpath))
932  return normpath
934 def norm_abs_path(rel,fromdir=None):
935  """!Return relative path.
937  This routine generates relative file paths (using os.path.relpath)
938  that are relative to the specified "from" directory fromdir. The
939  fromdir will be first sent through norm_expand_path to eliminate
940  system-specific weirdness, such as a/./b, a/../b, ~username and so
941  on. This will raise RelativePathError if the resulting path is
942  not absolute.
943  @param rel the path
944  @param fromdir the directory from which we want the relative path"""
945  return os.path.relpath(rel,norm_expand_path(fromdir))
947 ########################################################################
948 def check_last_lines(filename,searchstr,lastbytes=10000,logger=None):
949  """!Checks the last few bytes of a file to see if the specified
950  search string is present. Returns True if the string is present
951  or False if the file existed but the string was not present. Will
952  raise an exception if the file is non-existent or cannot be read.
954  @param filename The file to search (a string).
955  @param searchstr The string to search for. Must not contain
956  end-of-line chars.
957  @param lastbytes The number of bytes at the end of the file to check.
958  Can be larger than the file size.
959  @param logger A logging.Logger for log messages.
960  @returns True if the file contains the given string, False otherwise"""
961  with open(str(filename),'rt') as f:
962  try:
963  f.seek(-lastbytes,os.SEEK_END)
964  except EnvironmentError as e:
965  if logger is not None:
966  logger.info('%s: probably not an error: %s'
967  %(filename,str(e)))
968  i=0
969  for line in f:
970  i+=1
971  #print '%s: search line "%s" for "%s"'%(
972  # filename,line,searchstr)
973  if line.find(searchstr)>=0:
974  return True
975  if logger is not None:
976  logger.info('%s: read %d lines'%(filename,i))
977  return False
979 ########################################################################
981 def check_file(filename,min_size=None,min_mtime_age=None,
982  min_atime_age=None,min_ctime_age=None,logger=None):
983  """!Determines whether the specified file exists, and meets
984  additional requirements.
985  @param filename The file to analyze.
986  @param min_size If present, the file must be at least this many bytes.
987  @param min_mtime_age If specified, the file must have been modified
988  more than this many seconds in the past.
989  @param min_atime_age if specified, the file atime must be at least
990  this many seconds old. The meaning of atime varies, but
991  usually means the last access time.
992  @param min_ctime_age If specified, the file ctime must be at least
993  this many seconds old. The meaning of ctime varies between
994  platforms and file types, but usually means the file creation
995  or inode change time. See stat(2) for details.
996  @param logger a logging.Logger for log messages.
997  @note This routine can also be used on directories, but one should avoid
998  the min_size option when doing that.
999  @returns True if requirements are met, False otherwise. """
1000  try:
1001  s=os.stat(filename)
1002  if s.st_size<min_size:
1003  if logger is not None:
1004  logger.info('%s: too small'%(filename,))
1005  return False
1006  if min_mtime_age is not None or min_atime_age is not None \
1007  or min_ctime_age is not None:
1008  now=int(time.time())
1009  if min_mtime_age is not None:
1010  if not now-s.st_mtime>min_mtime_age:
1011  if logger is not None:
1012  logger.info('%s: not old enough (modification time)'
1013  %(filename,))
1014  return False
1015  if min_atime_age is not None:
1016  if not now-s.st_atime>min_atime_age:
1017  if logger is not None:
1018  logger.info('%s: not old enough (access time)'
1019  %(filename,))
1020  return False
1021  if min_ctime_age is not None:
1022  if not now-s.st_ctime>min_ctime_age:
1023  if logger is not None:
1024  logger.info('%s: not old enough (inode change time)'
1025  %(filename,))
1026  return False
1027  if logger is not None:
1028  logger.info('%s: file meets requirements'%(filename,))
1029  return True
1030  except EnvironmentError as e:
1031  if e.errno==errno.ENOENT:
1032  if logger is not None:
1033  logger.info('%s: does not exist (ENOENT)'%(filename,))
1034  return False
1035  raise
1038  """!A class that waits for files to meet some requirements."""
1039  def __init__(self,flist=None,min_size=None,
1040  min_mtime_age=None,min_atime_age=None,
1041  min_ctime_age=None,
1042  min_fraction=1.0):
1043  """!Constructor for the FileWaiter. Most arguments have the same
1044  meaning as check_file()
1045  @param flist the file or list of files to wait for. This is simply
1046  sent into self.add.
1047  @param min_size minimum file size
1048  @param min_mtime_age minimum modification time age,
1049  @param min_atime_age minimum access time age.
1050  @param min_ctime_age time since last file status change (see stat(2))
1051  @param min_fraction the minimum fraction of the provided files
1052  that must match the above requirements in order for
1053  FileWaiter.wait to return True. Default is 1.0, which
1054  means all of them."""
1055  self._flist=list()
1056  self._fset=set()
1057  self._found=set()
1058  self.min_size=min_size
1059  self.min_mtime_age=min_mtime_age
1060  self.min_atime_age=min_atime_age
1061  self.min_ctime_age=min_ctime_age
1062  self.min_fraction=float(min_fraction)
1063  if flist is not None: self.add(flist)
1064  ##@var min_size
1065  # The minimum file size
1067  ##@var min_mtime_age
1068  # Minimum age of the modification time
1070  ##@var min_atime_age
1071  # Minimum age of the access time
1073  ##@var min_ctime_age
1074  # Minimum age of the creation and/or inode access time
1076  ##@var min_fraction
1077  # The minimum fraction of files that must meet the requirements
1079  def add(self,flist):
1080  """!Adds a file, or iterable that iterates over files, to the
1081  list of files to wait for. If the same filename is received a
1082  second time, it is ignored.
1083  @param flist a filename (string) or list of filenames"""
1084  if isinstance(flist,basestring):
1085  if flist in self._fset:
1086  return # already have this file
1087  self._flist.append(flist)
1088  self._fset.add(flist)
1089  else:
1090  for file in flist:
1091  self.add(file)
1092  def check(self,filename,logger=None):
1093  """!Checks to see if one file meets the requirements set in the
1094  constructor. This default implementation calls check_file.
1095  This is in a separate member function so that a subclass can
1096  override the file checking method.
1097  @returns True if the file is "ready," and False if it is not.
1098  @param filename the path to the file to check
1099  @param logger a logging.Logger for messages"""
1100  return check_file(filename,self.min_size,self.min_mtime_age,
1101  self.min_atime_age,self.min_ctime_age,
1102  logger=logger)
1103  def reset(self):
1104  """!Resets internal information about which files have been
1105  seen."""
1106  self._found=set()
1108  def iterfound(self):
1109  """!Iterates over all files that were found."""
1110  for filename in self._found: yield filename
1112  def countfound(self):
1113  """!Returns the number of files that were found."""
1114  return len(self._found)
1115  def countmissing(self):
1116  """!Returns the number of files that were NOT found."""
1117  return len(self._fset)-len(self._found)
1119  def checkfiles(self,maxwait=1800,sleeptime=20,logger=None,
1120  log_each_file=True):
1121  """!Looks for the requested files. Will loop, checking over
1122  and over up to maxwait seconds, sleeping sleeptime seconds
1123  between checks.
1124  @param maxwait maximum seconds to wait
1125  @param sleeptime sleep time in seconds between checks
1126  @param logger a logging.Logger for messages
1127  @param log_each_file log messages about each file checked"""
1128  maxwait=int(maxwait)
1129  start=int(time.time())
1130  now=start
1131  first=True
1132  if log_each_file:
1133  flogger=logger
1134  else:
1135  flogger=None
1136  while None is None:
1137  if len(self._fset)<=0:
1138  if logger is not None:
1139  logger.info('No files to check.')
1140  return True
1142  left=len(self._fset)-len(self._found)
1143  now=int(time.time())
1144  nfiles=len(self._fset)
1145  nfound=len(self._found)
1146  frac=float(nfound)/nfiles
1147  needfiles=math.ceil(self.min_fraction*nfiles)
1149  if frac>=self.min_fraction-1e-5:
1150  logger.info('Have required fraction of files.')
1151  return True
1152  if now-start>=maxwait:
1153  logger.info('Waited too long. Giving up.')
1154  return False
1156  if not first:
1157  sleepnow=max(0,min(sleeptime,start+maxwait-now-1))
1158  if sleepnow<1e-3:
1159  logger.info('Waited too long. Giving up.')
1160  return False
1161  if logger is not None:
1162  logger.info('Still need files: have %d of %d, '
1163  'but need %g%% of them (%g file%s).'
1164  %(len(self._found),len(self._fset),
1165  self.min_fraction*100.0,needfiles,
1166  's' if (needfiles>1) else ''))
1167  logfun=logger.info if (sleepnow>=5) else logger.debug
1168  logfun('Sleeping %g seconds...'%(float(sleepnow),))
1169  time.sleep(sleepnow)
1170  if logger is not None:
1171  logfun('Done sleeping.')
1173  first=False
1175  for filename in self._flist:
1176  if filename in self._found: continue
1177  if self.check(filename,logger=flogger):
1178  self._found.add(filename)
1179  if flogger is not None:
1180  flogger.info('%s: found this one (%d of %d found).'
1181  %(filename,len(self._found),
1182  len(self._fset)))
1184  return len(self._found)>=len(self._fset)
1186 def wait_for_files(flist,logger=None,maxwait=1800,sleeptime=20,
1187  min_size=1,min_mtime_age=30,min_atime_age=None,
1188  min_ctime_age=None,min_fraction=1.0,
1189  log_each_file=True):
1190  """!Waits for files to meet requirements. This is a simple
1191  wrapper around the FileWaiter class for convenience. It is
1192  equivalent to creating a FileWaiter with the provided arguments,
1193  and calling its checkfiles routine.
1194  @param flist the file or list of files to wait for. This is simply
1195  sent into self.add.
1196  @param logger a logging.Logger for messages
1197  @param maxwait maximum seconds to wait
1198  @param sleeptime sleep time in seconds between checks
1199  @param min_size minimum file size
1200  @param min_mtime_age minimum modification time age,
1201  @param min_atime_age minimum access time age.
1202  @param min_ctime_age time since last file status change (see stat(2))
1203  @param min_fraction the minimum fraction of the provided files
1204  that must match the above requirements in order for
1205  FileWaiter.wait to return True. Default is 1.0, which
1206  means all of them.
1207  @param log_each_file log messages about each file checked """
1208  waiter=FileWaiter(flist,min_size,min_mtime_age,min_atime_age,
1209  min_ctime_age,min_fraction)
1210  return waiter.checkfiles(maxwait,sleeptime,logger,log_each_file)
This exception is raised when the caller tries to create multiple symlinks in a single target...
Definition: fileop.py:63
def deliver_file
This moves or copies the file "infile" to "outfile" in a unit operation; outfile will never be seen i...
Definition: fileop.py:359
def norm_abs_path
Return relative path.
Definition: fileop.py:934
def netcdfver(filename)
What is the NetCDF version of this file?
Definition: fileop.py:177
The minimum fraction of files that must meet the requirements.
Definition: fileop.py:1062
def call_fcntrl
Internal function that implements unblock()
Definition: fileop.py:804
The file to verify.
Definition: fileop.py:126
def __init__
Constructor for the FileWaiter.
Definition: fileop.py:1042
def lstat_stat
Runs lstat and stat on a file as efficiently as possible.
Definition: fileop.py:307
This is the superclass of several exceptions relating to multi-file operations in produtil...
Definition: fileop.py:27
def touch
Open the file for append and set mtime and atime.
Definition: fileop.py:164
def remove_file
Deletes the specified file.
Definition: fileop.py:251
def unblock
Attempts to modify the given stream to be non-blocking.
Definition: fileop.py:789
def check_file
Determines whether the specified file exists, and meets additional requirements.
Definition: fileop.py:982
Thrown when find_exe is given an executable name that contains a directory path.
Definition: fileop.py:72
This exception indicates that the renamer function sent to make_symlinks_in returned an absolute path...
Definition: fileop.py:67
def symlink_read_test
Opens the specified file for reading and attempts to read data to it.
Definition: fileop.py:604
def fortcopy(forts, basedir=None, logger=None, only_log_errors=False, kwargs)
A convenience function for copying files to local fort.N files for various integers N using deliver_f...
Definition: fileop.py:868
def replace_symlink
Do not call this routine directly: you want make_symlink instead.
Definition: fileop.py:723
This exception is raised when an operation that processes multiple files catches more than one except...
Definition: fileop.py:60
The error message.
Definition: fileop.py:37
def use_acl_for_rstdata()
Synonym for here.use_acl_for_rstdata.
Definition: cluster.py:134
def reset(self)
Resets internal information about which files have been seen.
Definition: fileop.py:1103
def gribver(filename)
What is the GRIB version of this file?
Definition: fileop.py:201
def make_symlinks_in
Creates symbolic links from a set of source files to a target directory.
Definition: fileop.py:620
String description of the problem.
Definition: fileop.py:95
def isnonempty(filename)
Returns True if the filename refers to an existent file that is non-empty, and False otherwise...
Definition: fileop.py:333
Thrown when find_exe cannot find an executable in the path or directory list.
Definition: fileop.py:75
def makedirs
Make a directory tree, working around filesystem bugs.
Definition: fileop.py:224
def __init__
FileOpError constructor.
Definition: fileop.py:30
def __init__(self, message, fromfile, tofile, verifyfile)
VerificationFailed constructor.
Definition: fileop.py:119
Provides information about the cluster on which this job is running.
Definition: cluster.py:1
def norm_expand_path
Normalizes path and expand home directories.
Definition: fileop.py:910
The target file.
Definition: fileop.py:97
def fortlink
This is a convenience routine that makes many symbolic links to fort.N files for various integers N u...
Definition: fileop.py:834
This exception is raised when a copy of a file has different content than the original.
Definition: fileop.py:116
def __init__(self, message, fromfile, tofile)
DeliveryFailed constructor.
Definition: fileop.py:90
def countmissing(self)
Returns the number of files that were NOT found.
Definition: fileop.py:1115
def __repr__(self)
Pythonic representation of this error.
Definition: fileop.py:134
This exception is raised when a file cannot be delivered.
Definition: fileop.py:88
A list of tuples, (from,to,message) where from is the source file, to is the destination file and mes...
Definition: fileop.py:39
Thrown when a find_exe fails.
Definition: fileop.py:70
def __str__(self)
Human-readable description of this error.
Definition: fileop.py:130
def __str__(self)
A string description of the problem.
Definition: fileop.py:51
Raised when a relative path is given, but an absolute path is expected.
Definition: fileop.py:78
def wait_for_files
Waits for files to meet requirements.
Definition: fileop.py:1189
def check
Checks to see if one file meets the requirements set in the constructor.
Definition: fileop.py:1092
def __iter__(self)
Iterates over a list of tuples, (from,to,message) where from is the source file, to is the destinatio...
Definition: fileop.py:54
def countfound(self)
Returns the number of files that were found.
Definition: fileop.py:1112
The minimum file size.
Definition: fileop.py:1058
def check_last_lines
Checks the last few bytes of a file to see if the specified search string is present.
Definition: fileop.py:948
def group_quotas()
Synonym for here.group_quotas.
Definition: cluster.py:115
The source file.
Definition: fileop.py:96
Minimum age of the access time.
Definition: fileop.py:1060
The name of the problematic file.
Definition: fileop.py:38
def checkfiles
Looks for the requested files.
Definition: fileop.py:1120
def realcwd()
Returns the current working directory, expanding any symbolic links.
Definition: fileop.py:140
def chdir
Changes to the specified directory.
Definition: fileop.py:145
def find_exe
Searches the $PATH or a specified iterable of directory names to find an executable file with the giv...
Definition: fileop.py:573
def rmall(args, kwargs)
Deletes the specified list of files.
Definition: fileop.py:276
A class that waits for files to meet some requirements.
Definition: fileop.py:1037
Internal module that launches and monitors processes.
Definition: pipeline.py:1
def __str__(self)
Human-readable description of this error.
Definition: fileop.py:107
def add(self, flist)
Adds a file, or iterable that iterates over files, to the list of files to wait for.
Definition: fileop.py:1079
def __repr__(self)
Pythonic representation of this error.
Definition: fileop.py:111
def iterfound(self)
Iterates over all files that were found.
Definition: fileop.py:1108
Minimum age of the modification time.
Definition: fileop.py:1059
Minimum age of the creation and/or inode access time.
Definition: fileop.py:1061
def make_symlink
Creates a symbolic link "target" that points to "source".
Definition: fileop.py:677