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produtil.workpool.WorkPool Class Reference

A pool of threads that perform some list of tasks. More...

Detailed Description

A pool of threads that perform some list of tasks.

There is a function add_work() that adds a task to be performed.

Example: print the numbers from 1 to 10 in no particular order, in three threads:

1 def printit(num):
2  print str(num)
3 with WorkPool(3) as w:
4  print "three threads are waiting for work"
5  for x in xrange(10):
6  w.add_work(printit,[x+1])
7  print "all threads have work, but the work may not be complete"
8  w.barrier()
9  print "all work is now complete."
10 print "once you get here, all workpool threads exited"

Definition at line 84 of file workpool.py.

Inheritance diagram for produtil.workpool.WorkPool:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Create a WorkPool with the specified number of worker threads. More...
def __enter__ (self)
 Does nothing. More...
def __exit__ (self, etype, value, traceback)
 Called at the bottom of a "with" block. More...
def nthreads (self)
 The number of worker threads. More...
def add_work
 Adds a piece of work to be done. More...
def start_threads (self, n)
 Starts n new threads. More...
def kill_threads (self)
 Kills all worker threads. More...
def barrier (self)
 Waits for all threads to reach the barrier function. More...

Public Attributes

 a logging.Logger for log messages
 If True, all threads should exit immediately. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.__init__ (   self,
  logger = None 

Create a WorkPool with the specified number of worker threads.

The nthreads must be at least 1.

Definition at line 103 of file workpool.py.

Member Function Documentation

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.__enter__ (   self)

Does nothing.

Called from atop a "with" block.

Definition at line 124 of file workpool.py.

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.__exit__ (   self,

Called at the bottom of a "with" block.

If no exception was raised, and no "break" encountered, then waits for work to complete, and then kills threads. Upon a fatal signal or break, kills threads as quickly as possible.

etype,value,tracebackexception information

Definition at line 127 of file workpool.py.

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.add_work (   self,
  args = None 

Adds a piece of work to be done.

It must be a callable object. If there are no worker threads, the work() is called immediately. The args are passed, if present.

worka callable object
argsa list of arguments to the work function

Definition at line 191 of file workpool.py.

Referenced by produtil.workpool.WorkPool.barrier().

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.barrier (   self)

Waits for all threads to reach the barrier function.

This can only be called by the master thread.

Upon calling, the master thread adds a WorkTask for each thread, telling the thread to call self.barrier(). Once all threads have reached that point, the barrier returns in all threads.

Definition at line 329 of file workpool.py.

Referenced by produtil.workpool.WorkPool.__exit__(), and produtil.workpool.WorkPool.barrier().

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.kill_threads (   self)

Kills all worker threads.

Can only be called from the thread that made this object.

Definition at line 300 of file workpool.py.

Referenced by produtil.workpool.WorkPool.__exit__().

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.nthreads (   self)

The number of worker threads.

Definition at line 187 of file workpool.py.

Referenced by produtil.workpool.WorkPool.add_work(), and produtil.workpool.WorkPool.barrier().

def produtil.workpool.WorkPool.start_threads (   self,

Starts n new threads.

Can only be called from the thread that made this object.

nnumber of threads to start, an integer greater than 0

Definition at line 266 of file workpool.py.

Member Data Documentation


If True, all threads should exit immediately.

Definition at line 278 of file workpool.py.

Referenced by produtil.workpool.WorkPool.add_work(), and produtil.workpool.WorkPool.kill_threads().

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