HWRF  trunk@4391
Classes | Functions | Variables
produtil.datastore Namespace Reference

Stores products and tasks in an sqlite3 database file. More...

Detailed Description

Stores products and tasks in an sqlite3 database file.

This module maintains an sqlite3 database file that stores information about Products and Tasks. A Product is a file or group of files created by some Task. Both Product and Task classes derive from Datum, which is the base class of anything that can be stored in the Datastore.


class  CallbackExceptions
 Exception raised when a Product class encounters exceptions while calling its callback functions in Product.call_callbacks. More...
class  Datastore
 Stores information about Datum objects in a database. More...
class  Datum
 Superclass of anything that can be stored in a Datastore. More...
class  DatumException
 Superclass of all exceptions local to produtil.datastore. More...
class  DatumLockHeld
 Raised when a LockDatum is held by another Worker. More...
class  FakeException
 This is a fake exception used to get a stack trace. More...
class  FileProduct
 A subclass of Product that represents file delivery. More...
class  InvalidID
 Raised when a Datum or subclass receives a prodname or category name that is invalid. More...
class  InvalidOperation
 Raised when an invalid Datum operation is requested, such as delivering an UpstreamProduct. More...
class  Product
 A piece of data produced by a Task. More...
class  Task
 Represents a process or actor that makes a Product. More...
class  Transaction
 Datastore transaction support. More...
class  UnknownLocation
 Raised when delivering data, but no location is provided. More...
class  UpstreamFile
 Represents a Product created by an external workflow. More...


def wait_for_products
 Waits for products to be available and performs an action on them. More...


list __all__
 Symbols exported by "from produtil.datastore import *". More...
tuple _has_dcolon = re.compile('\A.*::.*\Z')
 Regular expression to detect a database ID with a double colon in it. More...
tuple _has_dstar = re.compile('\A.*\*\*.*\Z')
 Regular expression to detect a database ID with a double asterisk in it. More...
string TASK_CATEGORY = '**task**'
 Special product category used for Tasks. More...
int FAILED = -10
 Constant used for Task.state to indicate a run was attempted but failed. More...
 Constant used for Task.state to indicate no attempt was made to run. More...
int RUNNING = 10
 Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task is presently running. More...
int PARTIAL = 20
 Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task was attempted but exited prematurely. More...
int COMPLETED = 30
 Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task completed successfully. More...

Function Documentation

def produtil.datastore.wait_for_products (   plist,
  renamer = None,
  action = None,
  renamer_args = None,
  action_args = None,
  sleeptime = 20,
  maxtime = 1800 

Waits for products to be available and performs an action on them.

Waits for a specified list of products to be available, and performs some action on each product when it becomes available. Sleeps sleeptime seconds between checks. Returns the number of products that were found before the maxtime was reached.

plistA Product or a list of Product objects.
loggerA logging.Logger object in which to log messages.
renamerOptional: a function or callable object that provides a new name for each product. This is passed the product, the logger and the contents of *renamer_args. Default: os.path.basename(p.location)
actionOptional: an action to perform on each product. This is passed the product, the output of renamer, the logger and the contents of *action_args. Default: perform no action.
renamer_argsOptional: arguments to renamer.
action_argsOptional: arguments to action.
sleeptime- after checking availability of all products, if at least one is unavailable, the code will sleep for this much time before rechecking. Will be overridden by 0.01 if it is set to something lower than that. Default: 20
maxtime- maximum amount of time to spend in this routine before giving up.
the number of products that became available before the maximum wait time was hit.

Definition at line 979 of file datastore.py.

Referenced by hwrf.finalmergetask.FinalMergeTask.copy_inputs(), hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask.copy_inputs(), hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.copy_wrf_inout(), hwrf.gsi.FGATGSI.copy_wrf_inout(), hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask.create_atcf(), produtil.datastore.UpstreamFile.deliver(), and hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_wrf_enkf().

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
1 = ['DatumException','DatumLockHeld','InvalidID','InvalidOperation',
2  'UnknownLocation','FAILED','UNSTARTED','RUNNING','PARTIAL',
3  'COMPLETED','Datastore','Transaction','Datum','CallbackExceptions',
4  'Product','Task']

Symbols exported by "from produtil.datastore import *".

Definition at line 15 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore._has_dcolon = re.compile('\A.*::.*\Z')

Regular expression to detect a database ID with a double colon in it.

Definition at line 87 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore._has_dstar = re.compile('\A.*\*\*.*\Z')

Regular expression to detect a database ID with a double asterisk in it.

Definition at line 91 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.COMPLETED = 30

Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task completed successfully.

Definition at line 130 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.FAILED = -10

Constant used for Task.state to indicate a run was attempted but failed.

Definition at line 101 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.PARTIAL = 20

Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task was attempted but exited prematurely.

Practically speaking, there is no way to tell the difference between RUNNING and PARTIAL since the job cannot ensure that it resets the state before unexpectedly exiting.

Definition at line 122 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.RUNNING = 10

Constant used for Task.state to indicate the task is presently running.

Definition at line 113 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.TASK_CATEGORY = '**task**'

Special product category used for Tasks.

Definition at line 95 of file datastore.py.

produtil.datastore.UNSTARTED = 0

Constant used for Task.state to indicate no attempt was made to run.

Definition at line 107 of file datastore.py.