HWRF  trunk@4391
Namespaces | Variables
produtil.mpi_impl Namespace Reference

Converts a group of MPI ranks to a runnable command. More...

Detailed Description

Converts a group of MPI ranks to a runnable command.

Produtil MPI Implementation

This package and its submodules implement execution of externals MPI programs. This package is not intended to be used directly, instead one should use produtil.run. This package appears to the outside to be a module that implements a common interface to various local MPI implementations. This is done by automatically detecting which MPI implementation is in use, and then importing the entire contents of the corresponding sub-module of produtil.mpi_impl. See the submodules for details on each implementation:

Subroutines Imported from Implementation Modules

The following subroutines are imported from one of those modules. They are added to the mpi_impl package level to make the mpi_impl look identical to the underlying implementation module:

These are the detection routines imported from each submodule, except for no_mpi. The name of the routine is "detect()" in its module, and is renamed during import to the package-level namespace:

New MPI Implementations

To implement a new MPI implementation, one must create a new submodule of mpi_impl. It is best to examine the existing modules and mimic them when doing this. Most architectures are similar to either the mpirun_lsf (which uses command files) or mpiexec (which provides arguments to mpiexec on the command line). In addition, the external program "mpiserial" provides a means by which to execute a list of serial programs via an MPI invocation for MPI implementations that do not natively support that (such as the problematic SGI MPT). Furthermore, some MPI implementations may have bugs or limitations that one must work around via setting environment variables (such as SGI MPT with its numerous hard-coded limits). The mpirunner and openmp functions should work around those problems.

Note that there are two utilities designed to simplify the implementation of a new MPI module:

Once you have a new MPI implementation module, you must edit produtil/mpi_impl/__init__.py to detect your MPI implementation and correctly import the module. The produtil/mpi_impl/__init__.py must import that module's detect() function, and detect whether the MPI implementation should be used. If it should be, then init.py must import the relevant symbols from your module into the package-level namespace. There are instructions in the code in init.py on how to modify it to achieve these steps.


 Adds Intel MPI support to produtil.run.
 Adds support for running serial programs when one is inside an aprun execution.
 Adds support for LSF+aprun with the Intel OpenMP to produtil.run.
 Utilities like CMDFGen to simplify adding new MPI implementations to the produtil.run suite of modules.
 Adds MPICH or MVAPICH2 support to produtil.run.
 Adds SGI MPT support to produtil.run.
 Adds LSF+IBMPE support to produtil.run.
 Stub funcitons to allow produtil.mpi_impl to run when MPI is unavailable.
 Adds SLURM srun support to produtil.run.


list __all__
 List of symbols to export by "from produtil.mpi_impl import *". More...

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
1 = ['mpirunner','can_run_mpi','bigexe_prepend',
2  'guess_maxmpi','guess_nthreads']

List of symbols to export by "from produtil.mpi_impl import *".

Definition at line 188 of file __init__.py.