Saturday, July 27, 2024
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>>>>   Working Drafts  


Working Drafts
  • LDAS forcing validation
  • Warm season evaluation
  • Evaluation of the North American Land Data Assimulation System over the Southern Great Plains during the Warm Seaon
    Alan Robock, Lifeng Luo, Eric F. Wood, Fenghua Wen, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, John C. Schaake, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, J. Dan Tarpley, Jeffery B. Basara, and Kenneth C. Crawford


    List of Figures

    • Removed in final submission. Figure 1. Eta 24hr precipitation forecast verification. This is compared with LDAS precipitation at LDAS grid. POD is defined as the ratio between number of matching pixels with precipitation and number of pixels with precipitation in LDAS forcing.
      GIF | EPS
    • Figure 1. Map of the stations
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    • Figure 2. Example of OKMESO soil moisture observations at station BIXB.
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    • Figure 3. Example of fluxes observations from ARM/CART sites.
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    • Figure 4. Different ways to use solar radiation by different models
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    • Figure 5. The energy partition at monthly time scale over SGP region. Black is for observation, red is for Mosaic, Blue is for NOAH and green is for VIC. The gray bars are the standard deviation of the observations over ARM/CART sites. The solid lines are the spatial mean of ARM/CART sites only when observations are also available (clean comparesion with observations). The dash lines are the spatial mean of ALL ARM/CART and OKlahoma Mesonet sites. The dash lines are plotted to see if several ARM/CART sites are representative for the region (72 OK mesonet + 24 ARM)
      GIF | EPS | version 2 GIF | version 2 EPS
      Version 2 has the net radiation in observations during May 99 removed since the obs look strange.
    • Figure 6. The monthly mean diurnal cycle of surface energy balance (spatial average of all available ARM/CART EBBR sites). Black is for observation, red is for Mosaic, Blue is for NOAH and green is for VIC. The gray bars are the standard deviation of the observations over ARM/CART sites. The solid lines are the spatial mean of ARM/CART sites only when observations are also available (clean comparesion with observations)
      MAY 98
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      JUN 98
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      JUL 98
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      AUG 98
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      SEP 98
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      MAY 99
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      JUN 99
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      JUL 99
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      AUG 99
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      SEP 99
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    • Figure 7. Skin temperature comparison. The monthly mean diurnal skin temperature from 3 models are compared with ARM/CART skin temperature derived from upward longwave radiation. Only when observations are available, the respective model values are used in the averaging.
      GIF | EPS | new mosaic output GIF | new mosaic output EPS
    • Figure 8. The time sereis of 5cm and 25cm soil temperature from observations and NOAH and VIC. The monthly mean diurnal cycle fo the soil temperature gradient (K/cm) from the observations and the two models are also plotted.
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    • Figure 9. The time series of top 40-cm soil moisture. (spatial average of all OKMESO sites) from all 3 models for the 21-month period.
      GIF | EPS | GIF without SAC | EPS without SAC
    • Figure 10. The comparison between LDAS soil texture with the station local soil texture. This is a placeholder now. I will change it to a 2-d histgram.
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    • Figure 11. Different in two simulations (EXP111 and EXP111-2) (will improve the plot later)
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    • Figure 12. Improvement of VIC's ground heat flux due to the change in surface energy balance calculation.
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    • Figure 13. Difference in aerodynamic conductance from three models and improvement of NOAH's skin temperature by tuning the Zilintikevich parameter.
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    Maintained by Kenneth Mitchell and Youlong Xia
    Last updated: Tue Jul 8 20:45:14 2008 UTC
    Constructed and Developed by Lifeng Luo