Saturday, July 27, 2024
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This page provides downloadable datasets used in NLDAS validation.
Since Oklahoma Mesonet soil moisture data are password protected, please e-mail Prof. Alan Robock to obtain a valid user ID and password before you try to download the data. Other datasets are available without a password. Please check the variables you want to download, fill the simple form, then click on submit at the bottom of the page.

Oklahoma Mesonet Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Data (hourly) (Version 3 coefficient)
Period Data Type
2003(6 months)ASCII
Example GrADS control file
ARM/CART Observations (1997-1999)
Period Data GrADS control file
SIRS (downward shortwave, downward longwave, upward shortwave, upward longwave) SIRS in GrADS Binary sirs.ctl
SWATS (Soil moisture and soil temperature) SWATS in GrADS Binary swats.ctl'
SMOS (Meteorological data) SMOS in GrADS Binary smos.ctl
BAEBBR BAEBBR in GrADS Binary baebbr.ctl
Eddy Correlation Eddy Correlation in GrADS Binary ecorpr.ctl
Combination of SIRS, SMOS, SWATS and BAEBBR (this includes air temperature, precipitation, downward shortwave, downward longwave, upward shortwave, upward longwave, latent heat, sensible heat, surface soil heat flux, net radiation, soil temperatureand soil moisture from different instruments at ARM/CART 24 extended facilities Combination in GrADS format arm_allstations.ctl
ARM/CART sitelist and site information. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT since the order that stations are combined is listed in the file. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THIS ORDER, YOU MIGHT MISMATCH THE STATIONS.
LDAS Local Forcing Data (1998-1999)
Period Data Type
User Information
*We need this information to notify people who use the dataset when more data become available or any error is found in the dataset.
Your name:
Your E-mail:
Your affiliation:
Would you like to tell us what you are going to use this data for? If yes, go ahead and write us something.
Maintained by Kenneth Mitchell and Youlong Xia
Last updated: Tue Jul 8 13:50:20 2008 UTC
Constructed and Developed by Lifeng Luo