Sunday, September 01, 2024
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>>>>   Working Drafts  


Working Drafts
  • LDAS forcing validation
  • Warm season evaluation
  • Validation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System Retrospective Forcing Over the Southern Great Plains
    Lifeng Luo, Alan Robock, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Fenghua Wen, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley

    Draft (All the odd number versions are after my modification and even number versions are after Alan's modification.)

    List of Figures

    • Figure 1. Station map. This might end up in the validation paper.
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    • Figure 2. Scatter plot of 6 meteorological variables at one ARM/CART station.
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    • Figure 3. Monthly mean diurnal cycle of solar radiation and total solar radiation difference.
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    • Figure 4. Scatter plot of the precipitation difference at one station at different timescale.
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    • Figure 5. Precipitation comparisons. a) Score skills b) Monthly mean precipitation rate c) Spatial distribution of the difference.
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    • Figure 6. Top 40 cm soil moisture from two simulations and their differnece
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    • Figure 7. Difference in model simulations.
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    • Figure 8. Difference in model simulations in a short period where the two simulations are very different because of a rain event. The difference gradually decreases as evapotranspiration goes on.
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    Maintained by Kenneth Mitchell and Youlong Xia
    Last updated: Tue Jul 8 20:45:14 2008 UTC
    Constructed and Developed by Lifeng Luo