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hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains Class Reference

abstract base class of WRFSimulation More...

Detailed Description

abstract base class of WRFSimulation

This is the abstract base class of WRFSimulation. You should not instantiate it directly. Its purpose is to combine information about multiple WRFDomainBase objects (or WRFDomain objects) to make a single namelist. It also has the ability to make aggregate changes to those objects, or obtain aggregate information about them. This class exists only to avoid cyclic dependencies.

Definition at line 340 of file wrfbase.py.

Inheritance diagram for hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains:

Public Member Functions

def copy (self)
 duplicates this object More...
def __init__
 WRFDomains constructor. More...
def fill_auto_starts
 sets i_parent_start and j_parent_start if needed More...
def fill_auto_starts_multistorm
def simstart (self)
 Returns the simulation start time as a datetime.datetime. More...
def simend (self)
 Returns the simulation end time as a datetime.datetime. More...
def timestep (self)
 Returns the simulation timestep as a datetime.time_delta. More...
def nocolons (self)
 Should colons be omitted from filenames? More...
def get_nocolons (self)
 Force a recheck of whether colons be omitted from filenames. More...
def get_io_form (self)
 Gets the default io_form. More...
def set_io_form (self, i)
 Sets the default io_form. More...
def io_form_for (self, stream)
 Returns the io_form for the specified stream. More...
def get_moad (self)
 returns the MOAD as a WRFDomain. More...
def get_last (self)
 returns the last domain added to this WRF. More...
def add_output
 request output from one or more streams More...
def make_restart_time_scalar (self)
 Ensure that only one restart frequency is set. More...
def set_outname (self, stream, outname)
 Set the wrf output filename for a stream. More...
def set_io_form (self, stream, io_form)
 Sets the io_form for the specified stream. More...
def get_io_suffix
 Return the suggested output suffix for filenames. More...
def get (self, what)
 return the specified domain More...
def maxdom (self)
 returns the highest domain number, which is also the number of domains. More...
def can_add (self)
 Can we still add domains to this simulation? More...
def add
 Add a WRFDomain to this simulation. More...
def __getitem__ (self, what)
 Same as self.get(what) More...
def __len__ (self)
 Same as self.maxdom(). More...
def __contains__ (self, what)
 does this simulation contain this domain? More...
def __iter__ (self)
 Iterates over all WRFDomain objects in this WRFDomains. More...

Public Attributes

 the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist with domain-independent namelist information like eta_levels and debug=2. More...


 the default io_form if none is specified More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__init__ (   self,
  timestep = None,
  dup = None 

WRFDomains constructor.

Creates a new WRFDomains object.

confthe HWRFConfig to provide configuration information
sectionthe section to use in that config object
moadthe Mother of All Domains, as a WRFDomain
simstart,simend- simulation start and end times
timestepthe simulation timestep
dupdo not use. This is used by the self.copy() do do a deep copy of a WRFDomains.

Definition at line 392 of file wrfbase.py.

Member Function Documentation

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__contains__ (   self,

does this simulation contain this domain?

Returns True if self.get(what) succeeds, and False if it raises KeyError. Any other exceptions are passed to the caller.

whatthe grid_id or name of the WRFDomain to search for, or another WRFDomain whose name we should search for.

Definition at line 827 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__getitem__ (   self,

Same as self.get(what)

Calls self.get(what)

whatthe grid_id, domain name or WRFDomain to search for.
the WRFDomain

Definition at line 817 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__iter__ (   self)

Iterates over all WRFDomain objects in this WRFDomains.

Definition at line 840 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__len__ (   self)

Same as self.maxdom().

Definition at line 824 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add (   self,
  parent = None 

Add a WRFDomain to this simulation.

Adds the child WRFDomain to this WRF, with the specified parent. If the parent is not specified, the last added domain is used as the parent. If specified, the parent may be anything accepted by self.get. The return value is the new WRFDomain.

childthe domain to add
parentthe WRFDomain of the parent
a new WRFDomain object with the same name as child

Definition at line 767 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by produtil.fileop.FileWaiter.add().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output (   self,
  stream = 'history',
  domain = None,
  io_form = None,
  start = None,
  end = None,
  step = None,
  frames_per_outfile = None,
  outname = None 

request output from one or more streams

Requests that one or all WRF domains output the specified stream. The stream should be "history" or "auxhistN" for an integer N>0. Optional "domain" specifies the domain that should output this stream, otherwise all domains will output it.

streamthe stream: "history" or "auxhistN" for an integer N>0
domainthe domain (optional)
io_formWRF IO form. Simply calls self.set_io_form(stream,io_form)
startoutput start time (anything accepted by to_datetime) Default: simulation start time.
endoutput end time (anything accepted by to_datetime. Default: simulation end time.
stepoutput interval, sent into to_out_interval(). Default: trait stream+"_interval" or 6hrs
frames_per_outfilehow many output times per output file
outnameoutput name or array of output names (one per domain). Can only specify for all domains, not for only one. Default: leave unspecified, and let WRF use its defaults.

NOTE: You cannot add any more domains after calling this routine.

Definition at line 633 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_last().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.can_add (   self)

Can we still add domains to this simulation?

Returns true if this WRF can accept new domains. Certain operations, such as requesting output files, end the ability to add domains.

Definition at line 760 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.copy (   self)

duplicates this object

Returns a deep copy of this object, providing new data structures so modifying the copy will not modify the original. The underlying WRFDomain objects and their data structures are also duplicated.

Definition at line 349 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by produtil.mpiprog.MPIRanksSPMD.__add__(), produtil.mpiprog.MPIRank.__add__(), produtil.mpiprog.MPIRank.__getitem__(), and produtil.prog.ImmutableRunner.runner().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.fill_auto_starts (   self,
  jvalue = None,
  fillthis = '**AUTO**',
  centerthis = '**CENTERED**' 

sets i_parent_start and j_parent_start if needed

For domains whose i_parent_start or j_parent_start are set automatically (start=centered or start=auto), this fills those domains starts with the provided values. Domains that should be centered in their parent (start=centerthis) are centered relative to their parent if they have one.

ivaluethe i value to set if an external fortran program has to be run to determine the i_parent_start and j_parent_start.
jvaluethe j value to set. Defaults to the ivalue
fillthisdo not change - the string to locate for start=auto
centerthisdo not change - the string to locate for start=centered

Definition at line 449 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.swcorner_dynamic().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.fill_auto_starts_multistorm (   self,
  jvalues = None 
For domains whose i_parent_start or j_parent_start are set
automatically, this fills those domains starts with the
provided values, for the fakestorm of a multistorm run.
    ivalue = a list of i start values for N storms
    jvalue = a list of j start values for N storms

Definition at line 513 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.swcorner_dynamic_multistorm().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get (   self,

return the specified domain

Returns a domain with the given name or grid_id. This method may raise IndexError or KeyError if the domain does not exist. If passed a WRFDomainBase, then this simulation's copy of the domain with the same name is returned.

the specified domain.
whatIf this is a string or WRFDomain, then the domain with that name is returned. If "what" is an integer, the domain with that ID is returned. If it is a WRFDomainBase, then the name stored in that object is used instead.

Definition at line 737 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__contains__(), hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__getitem__(), hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add(), hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.analysis_name(), produtil.datastore.UpstreamFile.check(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB1Product.getgrib1grbindex(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB1Product.getgrib1grid(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB1Product.getgrib1index(), hwrf.regrib.GRIB2Product.getgrib2grid(), and hwrf.regrib.GRIB2Product.getgrib2index().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_io_form (   self)

Gets the default io_form.

Definition at line 603 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_io_suffix (   self,
  stream = 'history' 

Return the suggested output suffix for filenames.

Gets the suggested output suffix for the specified stream. Returns "int" for 1 and "nc" for 2 or 11.

streamthe stream. Default: "history"

Definition at line 723 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_last (   self)

returns the last domain added to this WRF.

Definition at line 628 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_moad (   self)

returns the MOAD as a WRFDomain.

Definition at line 625 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add(), and hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.analysis_in().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_nocolons (   self)

Force a recheck of whether colons be omitted from filenames.

Should colons be omitted from filenames? This is determined from the configuration files, if it is specified there, or from the I/O forms selected (some don't support colons). This method guesses the nocolons setting from the WRF/WPS/Real namelist. The result of this calculation is never cached: all namelist options are re-scanned and the flag is recomputed each time. To get the cached value, use the nocolons property instead.

Definition at line 574 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add(), hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output(), hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.analysis_name(), and hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.nocolons().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.io_form_for (   self,

Returns the io_form for the specified stream.

the io_form for the given stream. If none is specified, the default io_form is returned.
streamthe stream, a lower-case string

Definition at line 616 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output(), hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.get_io_suffix(), and hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.set_io_form().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.make_restart_time_scalar (   self)

Ensure that only one restart frequency is set.

Unlike most output frequencies, the restart frequency has to be the same for all domains, and is specified as a scalar value, not an array. This function removes per-domain restart frequencies, moving the restart frequency up to the domain-independent namelist values. The frequency used is the one for the last domain listed by self.__iter__.

Definition at line 683 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.maxdom (   self)

returns the highest domain number, which is also the number of domains.

Definition at line 756 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.__len__(), hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add(), and hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.fill_auto_starts_multistorm().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.nocolons (   self)

Should colons be omitted from filenames?

Should colons be omitted from filenames? This is determined from the configuration files, if it is specified there, or from the I/O forms selected (some don't support colons). The return value may be cached. To ensure the value is recomputed instead, you can call get_nocolons.

Definition at line 562 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.set_io_form (   self,

Sets the default io_form.

Definition at line 606 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output(), and hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.set_io_form().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.set_io_form (   self,

Sets the io_form for the specified stream.

Set the io_form for the specified stream. The "history" and "output" streams are synonyms.

streamthe stream
io_formthe io_form

Definition at line 713 of file wrfbase.py.

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.set_outname (   self,

Set the wrf output filename for a stream.

Sets the WRF output filename format for the specified stream to the given name. The name should contain <domain> and <date> if appropriate.

streamthe stream to change
outnamethe new output filename format

Definition at line 702 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.add_output().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.simend (   self)

Returns the simulation end time as a datetime.datetime.

Definition at line 554 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.bdytimes().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.simstart (   self)

Returns the simulation start time as a datetime.datetime.

Definition at line 551 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.analysis_name(), and hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.bdytimes().

def hwrf.wrfbase.WRFDomains.timestep (   self)

Returns the simulation timestep as a datetime.time_delta.

Definition at line 557 of file wrfbase.py.

Member Data Documentation


the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist with domain-independent namelist information like eta_levels and debug=2.

The per-domain information is in each WRFDomain contained within this WRFSimulation

Definition at line 405 of file wrfbase.py.

Property Documentation

Initial value:
1 = property(get_io_form,set_io_form,None,
2  "The default I/O form for this WRF")

the default io_form if none is specified

Definition at line 613 of file wrfbase.py.

Referenced by hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.__init__().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: