HWRF  trunk@4391
Functions | Variables
pom.master Namespace Reference

Main script to for running ocean spin up: Phase1 and Phase2 (also known as Phase3 and Phase4). More...

Detailed Description

Main script to for running ocean spin up: Phase1 and Phase2 (also known as Phase3 and Phase4).

It assumes that all parent HWRF directory tree (CSTREAM, COMIN), exists and the necessary inputs sets are available in PARMhwrf, FIXhwrf, VITDIR , GFSDIR, LCDIR directories. I assume that python based HWRF directory structure is same as in the unix/linux based one. Otherwise, it can be changed based on the python version.

Please report bugs/questions/comments to bijuthomas(at)mail(dot)uri(dot)edu.
Biju Thomas, GSO, University of Rhode Island on June 12, 2014.
Richard Yablonsky, GSO, University of Rhode Island on 10/1/14 to allow for domains in additional basins.
Richard Yablonsky, GSO, University of Rhode Island on 12/1/14 to allow for NCODA initialization as an alternative to the GDEM/F-B initialization.


def run_init (STORMNAME, STORMID, STARTDATE, EXEChwrf, PARMhwrf, FIXhwrf, VITDIR, GFSDIR, LCDIR, CSTREAM, COMIN, init_method=None, logger=None, fcstlen=None, outstep=None, sync_frequently=False, kwargs)
 Run the ocean initialization. More...
def main
 Main program for testing the POM initialization outside of the HWRF workflow. More...


dictionary oinit_d
 Mapping from basin name to initialization method for that basin. More...
dictionary odata_d
 Mapping from basin letter to the list of available initializations for the basin. More...
dictionary domain_d
 Mapping from basin letter to long basin name. More...

Function Documentation

def pom.master.main (   STORMNAME,
  fcstlen = None 

Main program for testing the POM initialization outside of the HWRF workflow.

Has many hard-coded paths that will need to be changed.
STORMNAMEUpper-case storm name for filenames (KATRINA)
STORMIDThree character storm number and basin, upper-case (12L)
STARTDATESimulation analysis time as a string, YYYYMMDDHH (2005082918)
fcstlenforecast length in hours

Definition at line 254 of file master.py.

def pom.master.run_init (   STORMNAME,
  init_method = None,
  logger = None,
  fcstlen = None,
  outstep = None,
  sync_frequently = False,

Run the ocean initialization.

This is a wrapper around the pom.init module that selects the right ocean initialization for the chosen basin and delivers the output to the specified location.

STORMNAMEUpper-case storm name for filenames (KATRINA)
STORMIDThree character storm number and basin, upper-case (12L)
STARTDATESimulation analysis time as a string, YYYYMMDDHH (2005082918)
EXEChwrfDirectory with HWRF executables.
PARMhwrfDirectory with HWRF parameter files.
FIXhwrfDirectory with HWRF fixed files.
GFSDIRDirectory with input files from GFS.
LCDIRDirectory with loop current files
CSTREAMDirectory to place files for the POM forecast to read.
COMINHWRF final output directory.
sync_frequentlyIf True, "sync" is run frequently
init_methodThe string name of the initialization method to use. If this is unspecified, a suitable default is chosen. Allowed values: GDEM, NCODA.
loggera logging.Logger for log messages
fcstlenforecast length in hours
outstepoutput frequency in seconds (an integer)
kwargsAdditional keyword arguments are passed to Oceanini subclass constructors.

Definition at line 60 of file master.py.

Referenced by pom.master.main(), and hwrf.mpipomtc.POMInit.run_init().

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
1 = {"L":"transatl", "E":"eastpac", "W":"westpac",
2  "A":"northind", "S":"southind", "P":"swpac",
3  "X":"sepac", "C":"eastpac", "O":"westpac",
4  "B":"northind", "U":"swpac", "T":"westpac",
5  "Q":"southatl"}

Mapping from basin letter to long basin name.

Definition at line 50 of file master.py.

Initial value:
1 = {"L":("fbtr","natr","idtr"), "E":("g3ep","naep","idep"),
2  "W":("g3wp","nawp","idwp"), "A":("g3ni","nani","idni"),
3  "S":("g3si","nasi","idsi"), "P":("g3sw","nasw","idsw"),
4  "X":("g3se","nase","idse"), "C":("g3ep","naep","idep"),
5  "O":("g3wp","nawp","idwp"), "B":("g3ni","nani","idni"),
6  "U":("g3sw","nasw","idsw"), "T":("g3wp","nawp","idwp"),
7  "Q":("g3sa","nasa","idsa")}

Mapping from basin letter to the list of available initializations for the basin.

Definition at line 40 of file master.py.

Initial value:
1 = {"transatl":"GDEM", "eastpac":"GDEM", "westpac":"GDEM",
2  "northind":"GDEM", "southind":"GDEM", "swpac":"GDEM",
3  "sepac":"GDEM", "southatl":"GDEM"}

Mapping from basin name to initialization method for that basin.

Definition at line 34 of file master.py.