HWRF  trunk@4391
Classes | Variables
pom.init Namespace Reference

POM preprocessing and spinup scripts. More...

Detailed Description

POM preprocessing and spinup scripts.

This module contains classes and methods for ocean prepossessing, ocean spin up: Phase1 and Phase2 (also known as Phase3 and Phase4). The prognostic ocean spin up uses wind stress forcing that is based on NHC vitals. I use a simple "get_vitals" function to extract vitals from NHC vital file (syndat_tcvitals.${yyyy}).

Please report bugs/questions/comments to bijuthomas(at)mail(dot)uri(dot)edu.
Biju Thomas, GSO, University of Rhode Island.
June 13, 2014


class  fbtr
 Runs the FBTR (feature-based) initialization of the MPIPOMTC. More...
class  g3
 Runs the G3 initialization for POM. More...
class  Hwrf
 Abstract base class that stores data relating to the HWRF workflow in which the POM initialization resides. More...
class  na
 Runs the na (NCODA) initialization of POM. More...
class  Oceanini
 Parent class of POM initialization classes. More...
class  pget
 Utility class for obtaining input data. More...
class  phase
 Runs a later phase of the ocean init to add additional features such as cold wakes. More...
class  prun
 Utility class for executing ocean initialization setrun functions. More...
class  psend
 Utility class for delivering Oceanini output. More...


list __all__ = [ 'Hwrf', 'Oceanini', 'fbtr', 'g3', 'na', 'phase', 'pget', 'prun', 'psend' ]
 List of symbols exported by "from pom.init import *".