HWRF  trunk@4391
File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

This is the system-specific configuration file for the NCAR Yellowstone cluster. It should not be used directly. Users should copy it to parm/system.conf and edit the values manually.

This is a configuration override file. This file sets options in the following sections:

Section [runwrf]

This section is read by the script that runs the WRF forecast job at 2km. It is not used by other executions of wrf. See runwrf3km for the 3km configuration.

See the main documentation for [runwrf] for details.

Options in this section:

[runwrf] nio_groups

Number of WRF I/O server groups per domain

1 [runwrf]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[runwrf] nio_tasks_per_group

Number of I/O servers per group

1 [runwrf]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 4,4,4

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[runwrf] poll_servers

Turn on server polling if quilt servers are used (They are not.)

1 [runwrf]
2 poll_servers = yes

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[runwrf] nproc_x

WRF processor count in X direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [runwrf]
2 nproc_x = 16

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[runwrf] nproc_y

WRF processor count in Y direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [runwrf]
2 nproc_y = 28

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[runwrf] wrf_ranks

Number of WRF ranks, including I/O servers

1 [runwrf]
2 wrf_ranks = 460

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

Section [config]

Sets basic configuration options used by all components.

See the main documentation for [config] for details.

Options in this section:

[config] input_sources

Specify input sources for HISTORY mode.

1 [config]
2 input_sources = yellowstone_sources_{GFSVER}

Specifies input sources for use by hwrf.input.InputSources. In a HISTORY mode run, this will be used in the scripts.exhwrf_input job to pull data.

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[config] fcst_catalog

Specify the hwrf.input.DataCatalog for FORECAST mode runs.

1 [config]
2 fcst_catalog = comm_hist

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[config] archive

Archive path

1 [config]
2 archive = hpss:{SUBEXPT}/{out_prefix}.tar

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

Section [holdvars]

Holdvars variable generation section. This sets variables that are only used to create the holdvars file for ksh. Nothing in this section is ever used by the Python code. That vestigial file is just for compatibility with legacy external workflows, and it will be removed eventually. The external workflows that need it are: HHS - to decide whether things failed graphics scripts - for data paths Note that you must also edit parm/hwrf_holdvars.txt in order for the values in this section to be sent to the holdvars.txt file.

See the main documentation for [holdvars] for details.

Options in this section:

[holdvars] WHERE_AM_I

Which cluster? (For setting up environment.)

1 [holdvars]
2 WHERE_AM_I = yellowstone

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[holdvars] NPROCS_A_NOIO


1 [holdvars]

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[holdvars] NPROCS_C


1 [holdvars]
2 NPROCS_C = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[holdvars] NPROCS_O


1 [holdvars]
2 NPROCS_O = 9

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

Section [dir]

Configure directory paths.

See the main documentation for [dir] for details.

Options in this section:


Non-scrubbed directory for track files, etc. Make sure you edit this.

1 [dir]
2 CDNOSCRUB = /glade/p/work/{ENV[USER]}/noscrub

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone


Scrubbed directory for large work files. Make sure you edit this.

1 [dir]
2 CDSCRUB = /glade/scratch/{ENV[USER]}/pytmp

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[dir] CDSAVE

Save directory. Make sure you edit this.

1 [dir]
2 CDSAVE = /glade/p/work/{ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[dir] syndat

Syndat directory for finding which cycles to run

1 [dir]
2 syndat = /glade/p/work/strahan/SYNDAT-PLUS

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

Section [wrfexe]

This section is read by all scripts that run the wrf or nmm_real.

See the main documentation for [wrfexe] for details.

Options in this section:

[wrfexe] nio_groups

Number of WRF I/O server groups per domain in init jobs

1 [wrfexe]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[wrfexe] nio_tasks_per_group

Number of I/O servers per group in init jobs

1 [wrfexe]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 6,6,6

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[wrfexe] poll_servers

Turn on server polling in init jobs if quilt servers are used (They are not.)

1 [wrfexe]
2 poll_servers = yes

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[wrfexe] nproc_x

Init job WRF processor count in X direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [wrfexe]
2 nproc_x = -1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone

[wrfexe] nproc_y

Init job WRF processor count in Y direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [wrfexe]
2 nproc_y = -1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.yellowstone