HWRF  trunk@4391
scripts.exhwrf_input Namespace Reference

Pulls input data from tape or over the network. More...

Detailed Description

Pulls input data from tape or over the network.

This script will examine the selected HWRF configuration to figure out what data is needed to run it. This is done by calling hwrf_expt.inputiter(). The result is sent to an hwrf.input.InputSource for processing. The InputSource object will pull data from multiple sources in priority order, as defined in the hwrf configuration files (typically parm/hwrf_input.conf)


def main (args)
 Uses an hwrf.input.InputSource to get data requested by the HWRF configuration (hwrf_expt.inputiter()). More...

Function Documentation

def scripts.exhwrf_input.main (   args)

Uses an hwrf.input.InputSource to get data requested by the HWRF configuration (hwrf_expt.inputiter()).

Will exit with status 1 if any mandatory data is missing.

Definition at line 19 of file exhwrf_input.py.