HWRF  trunk@4391
File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Configures input sources for the hwrf.input module

This is one of the core configuration files, read in by all HWRF configurations. This file sets options in the following sections:

Section [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]

Old (2012) GFS HPSS directories and archive names

Options in this section:

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] gfsloop

GFS and loop current data

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 gfsloop = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/hurpara/GFS-PROD-2012/gfs-loop-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] gdasenkf

GDAS and ENKF data

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 gdasenkf = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/hurpara/GFS-PROD-2012/gdasr-gdas1-enkf-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] gfs

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 gfs = {gfsloop}/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] gdas1

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 gdas1 = {gdasenkf}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] gdasr

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 gdasr = {gdasenkf}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] enkf

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 enkf = {gdasenkf}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hpss_gfs_PROD2012] loopdata

1 [hpss_gfs_PROD2012]
2 loopdata = {gfsloop}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [com_env]

WCOSS com file paths, relative to the $COMINGFS and $mesagdir environment variables.

Options in this section:

[com_env] gfs

GFS directory

1 [com_env]
2 gfs = {ENV[COMINGFS]}/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_env] gdas1

GEFS directory

1 [com_env]
2 gdas1 = {ENV[COMINGFS]}/gfs/gdas.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_env] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [com_env]
2 enkf = {ENV[COMINGFS]}/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_env] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [com_env]
2 messages = {ENV[mesagdir]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_env] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [com_env]
2 syndatdir = {ENV[COMINARCH]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_env] loopdata

loop current data directory

1 [com_env]
2 loopdata = /nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [nco_com_env]

NCO COM areas on WCOSS, configured by environment variable.

WCOSS: NCO locations selected by environment variables. No GEFS and no GDASR:

Options in this section:

[nco_com_env] comroot

COM location

1 [nco_com_env]
2 comroot = /com

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] envir

run environment (para, prod or test)

1 [nco_com_env]
2 envir = {ENV[envir|-prod]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] gfs

GFS directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 gfs = {comroot}/gfs/{envir}/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 gdas1 = {comroot}/gfs/{envir}/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 gefs = {comroot}/gens/{envir}/gefs.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 enkf = {comroot}/gfs/{envir}/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 messages = {comroot}/hur/{envir}/inpdata/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 syndatdir = {ENV[COMINARCH|-/com/arch/prod/syndat]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 loopdata = /nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] hd_obs

hdobs directory

1 [nco_com_env]
2 hd_obs = {WORKhwrf}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[nco_com_env] tdr

TDR location

1 [nco_com_env]
2 tdr = {WORKhwrf}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [ncep_prod_archives]

Production NCEP archive directories. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[ncep_prod_archives] input2yr

1 [ncep_prod_archives]
2 input2yr = /NCEPPROD/2year/hpssprod/runhistory/rh{aYYYY}/{aYYYY}{aMM}/{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ncep_prod_archives] input1yr

1 [ncep_prod_archives]
2 input1yr = /NCEPPROD/1year/hpssprod/runhistory/rh{aYYYY}/{aYYYY}{aMM}/{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs12_new]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon summer 2012 reforecasts (re-runs). See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs12_new] inputroot

1 [prhs12_new]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/emc.glopara/WCOSS/prhs12

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_new] gfs

1 [prhs12_new]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_new] gdas1

1 [prhs12_new]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_new] enkf

1 [prhs12_new]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2016hpss]

GFS 2016 retrospective and parallel tape input sources

Options in this section:

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_sp%location

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_sp%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_sp%histprio

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_sp%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_sp%dates

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_sp%dates = 2012100100-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_grib%location

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_grib%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_grib%histprio

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_grib%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_grib%dates

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_grib%dates = 2012100100-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_tm00%location

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_tm00%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_tm00%histprio

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_tm00%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2016hpss] pr4devbs_ALL_tm00dates

1 [gfs2016hpss]
2 pr4devbs_ALL_tm00dates = 2012100100-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhw14_wx20rt]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon winter 2014 parallel. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhw14_wx20rt] inputroot

1 [prhw14_wx20rt]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/wx20rt/WCOSS/prhw14

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_wx20rt] gfs

1 [prhw14_wx20rt]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_wx20rt] gdas1

1 [prhw14_wx20rt]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_wx20rt] enkf

1 [prhw14_wx20rt]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [theia_hist_PROD2014]

Theia datasets that contain historical data. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[theia_hist_PROD2014] inputroot2014

Input root location

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 inputroot2014 = /scratch3/NCEPDEV/hwrf/noscrub/input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] inputroot

Input root location

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /scratch3/NCEPDEV/hwrf/noscrub/input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot2014}/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot2014}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 gdasr = {inputroot2014}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 enkf = {inputroot2014}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] hd_obs

hdobs directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_hist_PROD2014] tdr

Tail doppler radar (TDR) bufr file directory

1 [theia_hist_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2014hpss]

GFS 2014 retrospective and parallel tape input sources

Options in this section:

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_sp%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_sp%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_sp%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_sp%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_sp%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_sp%dates = 2015011218-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_grib%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_grib%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_grib%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_grib%histprio = 58

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prod15_data_grib%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prod15_data_grib%dates = 2015011218-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_renew%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_renew%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_renew%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_renew%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_renew%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_renew%dates = 2014010100-2014123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year%dates = 2014100900-2014123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year_rerun%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year_rerun%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year_rerun%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year_rerun%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_5year_rerun%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_5year_rerun%dates = 2014100900-2014123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_glopara%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_glopara%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_glopara%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_glopara%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_glopara%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_glopara%dates = 2014071500-2014100900

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_wx20rt%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_wx20rt%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_wx20rt%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_wx20rt%histprio = 58

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhw14_wx20rt%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhw14_wx20rt%dates = 2014010100-2014071418

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_novdec%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_novdec%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_novdec%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_novdec%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs14_novdec%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs14_novdec%dates = 2014111412-2015011218

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_renew%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_renew%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_renew%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_renew%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_renew%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_renew%dates = 2013010100-2013123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_new%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_new%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_new%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_new%histprio = 51

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_new%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_new%dates = 2013010100-2013123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13%histprio = 51

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13%dates = 2013010100-2013123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_grib1%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_grib1%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_grib1%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_grib1%histprio = 57

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs13_grib1%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs13_grib1%dates = 2013010100-2013123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_renew%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_renew%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_renew%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_renew%histprio = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_renew%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_renew%dates = 2012010100-2012123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_new%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_new%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_new%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_new%histprio = 56

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_new%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_new%dates = 2012010100-2012123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_wx20rt%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_wx20rt%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_wx20rt%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_wx20rt%histprio = 56

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_wx20rt%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_wx20rt%dates = 2012010100-2012070100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_glopara%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_glopara%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_glopara%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_glopara%histprio = 55

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs12_glopara%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs12_glopara%dates = 2012070100-2012123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs11%location

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs11%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs11%histprio

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs11%histprio = 54

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014hpss] prhs11%dates

1 [gfs2014hpss]
2 prhs11%dates = 2011010100-2011123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016]

Options in this section:

[wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016] gfs

1 [wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016]
2 gfs = /gpfs/hps/nco/storage/gfs_retro/com2/gfs/para/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016] gfs_prepbufr_rst

prepbufr.nr filename

1 [wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = gfs.{aYMD}/gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_hist_PROD2012]

Old (2012) GFS jet datasets that contain historical data. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_hist_PROD2012] inputroot

Input data root directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 inputroot = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/PROD2012/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 gdasr = {inputroot}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] hd_obs

hdobs data directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2012] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2012]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_hist_PROD2014]

Jet datasets that contain historical data. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_hist_PROD2014] inputroot2014

Input root location

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 inputroot2014 = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] inputroot

Input root location

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot2014}/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot2014}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 gdasr = {inputroot2014}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 enkf = {inputroot2014}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current data directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] hd_obs

hdobs directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_PROD2014] tdr

TDR directory

1 [jet_hist_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_fcst_nco]

WCOSS: Input locations for the production HWRF

Options in this section:

[wcoss_fcst_nco] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 gfs = {ENV[COMINGFS|-/com/gfs/prod]}/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 gdas1 = {ENV[COMINGDAS|-/com/gfs/prod]}/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 enkf = {ENV[COMINGFS|-/com/gfs/prod]}/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] messages

Hurricane message file directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 messages = {ENV[mesagdir|-/com2/hur/prod/inphwrf]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] syndatdir

TCVitals directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 syndatdir = {ENV[COMINARCH|-/com/arch/prod/syndat/]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] loopdata

Loop current data directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 loopdata = {ENV[COMTPC|-/nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] hd_obs

hdobs directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 hd_obs = /deliberately/invalid/path

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_nco] dcom

dcom "us007003" directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_nco]
2 dcom = {ENV[DCOMROOT|-/dcom]}/us007003/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [comm_hist]

User-specified datasets that contain historical data.

Options in this section:

[comm_hist] inputroot

User data directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 inputroot = {HOMEhwrf}/datasets

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] gfs

GFS directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/DATA/WINDS/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/DATA/WINDS/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 gdasr = {inputroot}/DATA/WINDS/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/enkf_files/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals direcory

1 [comm_hist]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/DATA/WINDS/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/DATA/OCEAN/gfs.{aYMDH}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[comm_hist] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [comm_hist]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]

An hwrf.input.DataCatalog for prepbufr.nr files on WCOSS. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]
2 gfs = /hwrf/noscrub/input/PROD2014/prepbufr.nr/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014] gfs_prepbufr_nr

prepbufr.nr filename

1 [wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = {aYYYY}/{aYMDH}.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [syndat_naming]

Naming convention for syndat tcvitals data. See hwrf.input.InputSource and hwrf.input.DataCatalog for details.

Options in this section:

[syndat_naming] syndat

Name of the tcvitals file

1 [syndat_naming]
2 syndat = syndat_tcvitals.sf{fYYYY}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_grib2_master]

Options in this section:

[emc_para_grib2_master] gfs_gribA

GFS 0.25 grib2 files

1 [emc_para_grib2_master]
2 gfs_gribA = gfs.t{aHH}z.master.grb2f{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_grib2_master] gdas1_gribA

1 [emc_para_grib2_master]
2 gdas1_gribA = gdas1.t{aHH}z.master.grb2f{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhw14_5year_rerun]

2014 GFS glopara fall/winter 2014 parallel in /5year area, more rerun. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhw14_5year_rerun] inputroot

1 [prhw14_5year_rerun]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/emc.glopara/WCOSS/prhw14/RERUN

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year_rerun] gfs

1 [prhw14_5year_rerun]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year_rerun] gdas1

1 [prhw14_5year_rerun]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year_rerun] enkf

1 [prhw14_5year_rerun]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [com_canned]

Options in this section:

[com_canned] gfs

GFS directory

1 [com_canned]
2 gfs = /com_canned/hur/{ENV[envir]}/inpdata_{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_canned] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [com_canned]
2 gdas1 = /com_canned/hur/{ENV[envir]}/inpdata_{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_canned] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [com_canned]
2 enkf = /com_canned/hur/{ENV[envir]}/inpdata_{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_canned] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [com_canned]
2 messages = /com_canned/hur/{ENV[envir]}/inpdata_a{YMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_canned] syndat

syndat directory

1 [com_canned]
2 syndat = {ENV[COMINARCH]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[com_canned] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [com_canned]
2 loopdata = /nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [para_loop_naming]

Loop current naming in long-term storage

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the naming convention for loop current files on disk in non-operational areas. These files should be used instead of the production files if possible since these files have the date in their names, preventing accidental use of the wrong day or year. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[para_loop_naming] gfdl_loop

Loop current filename

1 [para_loop_naming]
2 gfdl_loop = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[para_loop_naming] gfdl_wc_ring

wc_ring look current file

1 [para_loop_naming]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_prod_naming_grib]

2014 retrospective GFS files, including GRIB

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the 2015 production naming convention of of various files within the GFS, GDAS or ENKF, including the GRIB1 and GRIB2 files:

Options in this section:

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_sfcanl = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_sanl

GFS analysis spectral files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_sanl = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.sanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_bufr = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_abias

GFS bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_abias = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_satang

GFS satellite angle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_satang = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] tcvitals_tm00

GFS time 0 tcvitals files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.syndata.tcvitals.tm00

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_prepbufr_rst

GFS prepbufr restricted files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_prepbufr_nr

GFS prepbufr non-restricted files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#./sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr{fahr:02d}s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF spectral analysis files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 enkf_siganl = {enkf_anl_tar}#./siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdasr_abias

Relocated GDAS bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdasr_abias = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdasr_satang

Relocated GDAS satellite angle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdasr_satang = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdasr_sf

Relocated GDAS spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdasr_sf = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_biascr

Relocated GDAS bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_biascr = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_biascr_pc

Relocated GDAS bias correction pc files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias_pc

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_bufr = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_abias

GDAS abias bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_abias = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_satang

GDAS satellite angle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_satang = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_sf = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_gribA

GFS standard level GRIB file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_gribA = {pgbma_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gfs_gribB

GFS "in-between" level GRIB file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gfs_gribB = {pgbma_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_gribA

GDAS standard level GRIB file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_gribA = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_grib] gdas1_gribB

GDAS "in-between" level GRIB file

1 [emc_prod_naming_grib]
2 gdas1_gribB = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]

Options in this section:

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] enkf_fcs06_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 enkf_fcs06_tar = dummy_com_gfs_prod_enkf.{aYMD}_{aHH}.fcs.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] enkf_anl_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 enkf_anl_tar = com_gfs_prod_enkf.{aYMD}_{aHH}.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] pgbma_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 pgbma_tar = dummy_com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.pgrb2_0p25.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] sigfa_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 sigfa_tar = dummy_com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.sigma.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] gfs_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 gfs_tar = dummy_com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00] gdas_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL_tm00]
2 gdas_tar = dummy_com_gfs_prod_gdas.{aYMDH}.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_naming_2016_online]

Options in this section:

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfs_sf

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfs_sf = gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfs_sfcanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfs_sanl

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfs_sanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] tcvitals_tm00

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = gfs.t{aHH}z.tcvitals.relocate.tm00

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfs_prepbufr_rst

GFS restricted prepbufr file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF forecast file enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr06s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 enkf_sfg = sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr06s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 enkf_siganl = siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gdas1_abias

GDAS abias bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gdas1_abias = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gdas1_sf = gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gdas1_biascr

GDAS bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gdas1_biascr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gdas1_biascr_pc

GDAS bias correction pc file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias_pc

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfdl_loop

Loop current

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfdl_loop = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gfdl_wc_ring

Loop current wc_ring file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016_online] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr data

1 [emc_para_naming_2016_online]
2 gdas1_bufr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs12_glopara]

2014 GFS glopara summer 2012 reforecasts. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs12_glopara] inputroot

1 [prhs12_glopara]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/glopara/WCOSS/prhs12

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_glopara] gfs

1 [prhs12_glopara]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_glopara] gdas1

1 [prhs12_glopara]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_glopara] enkf

1 [prhs12_glopara]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs13_renew]

2014 GFS Re-run from Jiande Wang (re-runs). See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs13_renew] inputroot

1 [prhs13_renew]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/Jiande.Wang/HWRF_makeup

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_renew] gfs

1 [prhs13_renew]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_renew] gdas1

1 [prhs13_renew]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_renew] enkf

1 [prhs13_renew]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs13_grib1]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon summer 2013 reforecasts, second pass just for GRIB1 GFS/GDAS forecast files. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs13_grib1] inputroot

1 [prhs13_grib1]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/wx20rt/WCOSS/prhs13

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_grib1] gfs

1 [prhs13_grib1]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_grib1] gdas1

1 [prhs13_grib1]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_grib1_2dig]

File naming for GRIB files in some 2014 GFS parallel archives, where the GRIB data was in GRIB2, with a "q" added to the name.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_grib1_2dig] gfs_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib1_2dig]
2 gfs_gribA = {pgbma_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_grib1_2dig] gdas1_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib1_2dig]
2 gdas1_gribA = {gdas_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_fcst_PROD2012]

Obsolete Jet GFS real-time locations for old (2012) GFS. Will fail if you try it now since the 2012 GFS is no longer running. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] inputroot

Input data root directory.

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 inputroot = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/FORECAST/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gdasr = {inputroot}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] loopdata

loop current data directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2012] rt_updated

yes = is okay to symlink to missing files

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2012]
2 rt_updated = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_fcst_PROD2014]

Jet datasets updated in real-time, plus historical areas when no real-time update is available.

Options in this section:

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] inputroot2014

Input root location

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 inputroot2014 = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input/PROD2014

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] inputroot

Input root location

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot2014}/FORECAST/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot2014}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gdasr = {inputroot2014}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 enkf = {inputroot2014}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_fcst_PROD2014] tdr

Tail doppler radar (TDR) bufr file directory

1 [jet_fcst_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]

Options in this section:

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] enkf_fcs06_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 enkf_fcs06_tar = {ap6YMDH}gdas_hwrf_ens06.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] enkf_anl_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 enkf_anl_tar = {aYMDH}gdas.enkf.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] pgbma_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 pgbma_tar = {aYMDH}gfs.pgbma.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] sigfa_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 sigfa_tar = {aYMDH}gfs_hwrf_spectral.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] gfs_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 gfs_tar = {aYMDH}gfs.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL] gdas_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2016_pr4devbsALL]
2 gdas_tar = {aYMDH}gdas.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prod_loop_naming]

Production naming for loop current files.

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the production naming convention for loop current files. Note that it is dangerous to use this naming because the filename does not include any date information. Retrospectives should use the parallel naming, if possible.

Options in this section:

[prod_loop_naming] gfdl_loop

1 [prod_loop_naming]
2 gfdl_loop = gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_loop_naming] gfdl_wc_ring

1 [prod_loop_naming]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]

WCOSS Cray data sources on Luna.

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS Cray Luna. Presently, that machine can only access Jet and non-Cray WCOSS. This differs from WCOSS Cray Surge, which cannot access anything.

Options in this section:

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%location

NCO forecast

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%histprio

NCO forecast area history priority should be highest

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%location

Jet history area

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%location = sftp://{jet_user}@jetscp.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using the jet history area

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio = 88

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%location

Jet forecast area

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%location = sftp://{jet_user}@jetscp.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using the jet forecast area

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio = 89

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%location

WCOSS 2012 data for 2014 cases

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%location = file://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS 2012 data

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio = 93

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%location

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%histprio

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%histprio = 79

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%dates

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%dates = 2015070100-2015113018

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%location

HPSS locations

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%histprio

Priority for using HPSS data for history cases

1 [wcossluna_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_naming]

File naming for a small subset of files found in some 2014 GFS parallel archives. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_naming] gfs_sf

GFS spectral forecast file.

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gfs_sf = {sigfa_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gfs_sfcanl = {gfs_tar}#sfcanl.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gfs_sanl

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gfs_sanl = {gfs_tar}#siganl.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] tcvitals_tm00

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = {pgbma_tar}#tcvitals_relocate.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gfs_prepbufr_rst

GFS restricted prepbufr file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = {gfs_tar}#prepqc.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF forecast file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr06s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 enkf_siganl = {enkf_anl_tar}#siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gdas1_abias

GDAS abias bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gdas1_abias = {gdas_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gdas1_sf = {gdas_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gdas1_biascr

GDAS bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr = {gdas_tar}#biascr.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming] gdas1_biascr_pc

GDAS bias correction pc file

1 [emc_para_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = {gdas_tar}#biascr_pc.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs11]

2014 GFS Fanglin Yang summer 2011 reforecasts. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs11] inputroot

1 [prhs11]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/wx24fy/WCOSS/prhs11

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs11] gfs

1 [prhs11]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs11] gdas1

1 [prhs11]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs11] enkf

1 [prhs11]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs13]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon summer 2013 reforecasts. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs13] inputroot

1 [prhs13]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/wx20rt/WCOSS/prhs13

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13] gfs

1 [prhs13]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13] gdas1

1 [prhs13]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13] enkf

1 [prhs13]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]

NCO forecast locations on Cray Luna, excluding loop current which comes from noscrub

Options in this section:

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] inputroot

Input data root

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /gpfs/gd2/emc/hwrf/noscrub/input/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 gfs = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/gfs/prod/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/gfs/prod/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 gefs = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/gens/prod/gefs.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 enkf = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/gfs/prod/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 messages = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/hur/prod/inpdata/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = /gpfs/gp1/nco/ops/com/arch/prod/syndat/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [wcossluna_fcsthist_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2014_grib]

GFS GRIB2 filenames for most of the retrospectives done in 2014. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[gfs2014_grib] gfs_gribA

GFS data at standard levels

1 [gfs2014_grib]
2 gfs_gribA = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_grib] gfs_gribB

GFS data at "in-between" levels

1 [gfs2014_grib]
2 gfs_gribB = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_grib] gdas1_gribA

GDAS data at standard levels

1 [gfs2014_grib]
2 gdas1_gribA = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_grib] gdas1_gribB

GDAS data at "in-beween" levels

1 [gfs2014_grib]
2 gdas1_gribB = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]

WCOSS data sources.

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS. Forbids FTP access, and restricts real-time cases to using local data. Retrospectives will pull data from Zeus first, Jet second. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location

WCOSS prepbufr.nr area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS prepbufr.nr for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%location

WCOSS forecast data

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio

Priority for using WCOSS forecast data for forecast cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS forecast data for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_fcst_PROD2014%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] zhan_gyre%location

Zhan personal data on Gyre

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 zhan_gyre%location = file://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] zhan_gyre%histprio

Priority for using Zhan personal data

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 zhan_gyre%histprio = 97

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] zhan_gyre%dates

Range of times for which Zhan data is available

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 zhan_gyre%dates = 2011060718-2011111200,2013051800-2013091018

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%location

Jet history area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%location = sftp://{jet_user}@jetscp.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using the jet history area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio = 88

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%location

Jet forecast area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%location = sftp://{jet_user}@jetscp.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using the jet forecast area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio = 89

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%location

WCOSS 2012 data for 2014 cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%location = file://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS 2012 data

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio = 93

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%location

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%histprio

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%histprio = 79

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%dates

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%dates = 2015070100-2015113018

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%location

HPSS locations

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%histprio

Priority for using HPSS data for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2012_naming]

Naming convention for the old 2012 GFS data.

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the 2012 production naming convention of of various files within the GFS, GDAS or ENKF, minus the GRIB1 and GRIB2 files. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_sf

GFS spectral forecast

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_sf = gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_sfcanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_sanl

GFS spectral analysis

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_sanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_abias

GFS bias correction

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_abias = gfs.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_satang

GFS satellite angle correction

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_satang = gfs.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] tcvitals_tm00

time 0 tcvitals

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = gfs.t{aHH}z.syndata.tcvitals.tm00

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_prepbufr_rst

prepbufr data, restricted

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gfs_prepbufr_nr

prepbufr data, non-restricted

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF forecast

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 enkf_sfg = sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr{fahr:02d}s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 enkf_siganl = siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdasr_abias

Relocated GDAS bias correction

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdasr_abias = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdasr_satang

Relocated GDAS satellite angle file

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdasr_satang = gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdasr_sf

Relocated GDAS spectral forecast

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdasr_sf = gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_biascr

Relocated GDAS new bias correction

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_biascr_pc

Relocated GDAS new bias correction pc file

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias_pc

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr data

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_bufr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_abias

GDAS bias correction file

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_abias = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_satang

GDAS satellite angle file

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_satang = gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_naming] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast file

1 [gfs2012_naming]
2 gdas1_sf = gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [ftpsources]

Data sources available outside the NCEP network via ftp, for hwrf.input.InputSource

Options in this section:

[ftpsources] ftpprd%location

NCEP FTP location

1 [ftpsources]
2 ftpprd%location = ftp://anonymous@ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpsources] ftpprd%fcstprio

NCEP FTP priority for hwrf.input.InputSource

1 [ftpsources]
2 ftpprd%fcstprio = 40

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]

Jet history areas with old (2012) GFS data. This removes all file types that were changed since the January 2015 upgrade, allowing this section to be used for 2015 tests. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] inputroot

Input root directory

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 inputroot = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] loopdata

Loop current directory

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] gfdl_loop

Loop current file

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfdl_loop = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] gfdl_wc_ring

Loop current wc_ring file

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/BUFR/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_hist_2012_for_2014] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr file

1 [jet_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2012_for2014]

An hwrf.input.DataCatalog for GFS and loop current data in old 2012 GFS archives, for use in runs that want new (2014/15) GFS. This removes all file types that changed during the January 2015 upgrade.

Options in this section:

[gfs2012_for2014] gfsloop

GFS and loop current archive

1 [gfs2012_for2014]
2 gfsloop = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/hurpara/GFS-PROD-2012/gfs-loop-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_for2014] gdasenkf

GDAS and GFS ENKF archive

1 [gfs2012_for2014]
2 gdasenkf = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/hurpara/GFS-PROD-2012/gdasr-gdas1-enkf-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_for2014] gfs

Directory within the GFS+loop archive that contains GFS

1 [gfs2012_for2014]
2 gfs = {gfsloop}HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_for2014] loopdata

Loop current subdirectory

1 [gfs2012_for2014]
2 loopdata = {gfsloop}LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_for2014] gfs_bufr

Bufr filename

1 [gfs2012_for2014]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhw14_glopara]

2014 GFS re-runs glopara summer/fall 2014 parallel. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhw14_glopara] inputroot

1 [prhw14_glopara]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/glopara/WCOSS/prhw14

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_glopara] gfs

1 [prhw14_glopara]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_glopara] gdas1

1 [prhw14_glopara]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_glopara] enkf

1 [prhw14_glopara]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhw14_5year]

2014 GFS glopara fall/winter 2014 parallel in /5year area. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhw14_5year] inputroot

1 [prhw14_5year]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/emc.glopara/WCOSS/prhw14

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year] gfs

1 [prhw14_5year]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year] gdas1

1 [prhw14_5year]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhw14_5year] enkf

1 [prhw14_5year]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_gefs_naming]

GEFS Jet file naming conventions

Options in this section:

[jet_gefs_naming] gep_2b

GEFS perturbed member (ENS) B file path

1 [jet_gefs_naming]
2 gep_2b = gep{ENS}.t{aHH}z.pgrb2bf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_gefs_naming] gep_2a

GEFS perturbed member (ENS) A file path

1 [jet_gefs_naming]
2 gep_2a = gep{ENS}.t{aHH}z.pgrb2af{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_gefs_naming] gec_2b

GEFS control B file path

1 [jet_gefs_naming]
2 gec_2b = gec00.t{aHH}z.pgrb2bf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_gefs_naming] gec_2a

GEFS control A file path

1 [jet_gefs_naming]
2 gec_2a = gec00.t{aHH}z.pgrb2af{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]

WCOSS areas for old (2012 GFS)

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS. Forbids FTP access, and restricts real-time cases to using local data. Retrospectives will pull data from Zeus first, Jet second. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] wcoss_fcst

WCOSS Forecast area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 wcoss_fcst = ftp:///

WCOSS forecast area.

This no longer exists; the area now contains 2015 GFS. Also, it is specified wrong. It should be wcoss_fcstlocation.

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] jet_hist_PROD2012%location

Jet history area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_hist_PROD2012%location = sftp://{jet_user}@jetscp.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] prod2012_PROD2012%location

HPSS archive area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 prod2012_PROD2012%location = htar:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] prod2012_PROD2012%histprio

Priority for using HPSS for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 prod2012_PROD2012%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] wcoss_fcst_PROD2012%fcstprio

Priority for using WCOSS for forecast cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 wcoss_fcst_PROD2012%fcstprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] wcoss_fcst_PROD2012%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 wcoss_fcst_PROD2012%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2012] jet_fcst_PROD2012%histprio

Priority for using Jet for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2012%histprio = 70

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]

WCOSS data sources for 2016 version of GFS retrospective runs.

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS. Forbids FTP access, and restricts real-time cases to using local data.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%location

WCOSS prepbufr.nr area

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS prepbufr.nr for history cases

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%location

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%histprio

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%dates

1 [wcoss_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%dates = 2012101500-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prod_backup_2015]

EMC backup of prod GFS HPSS directories in 2015

For a while in July-August 2015, NCO archiving jobs were not working, so the EMC hurricane group made a second archive of the GFS data off of the data that was pushed to Jet.

Options in this section:

[prod_backup_2015] gfstar

GFS and loop current data

1 [prod_backup_2015]
2 gfstar = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/5year/jet-hurdata/GFS-PROD2015/gfs-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_backup_2015] gdasenkftar

GDAS and ENKF data

1 [prod_backup_2015]
2 gdasenkftar = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/5year/jet-hurdata/GFS-PROD2015/gdas-enkf-{aYMDH}.tar#

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_backup_2015] gfs

GFS location within gfs archive:

1 [prod_backup_2015]
2 gfs = {gfstar}FORECAST/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_backup_2015] gdas1

GDAS location within gdas-enkf*.tar archive

1 [prod_backup_2015]
2 gdas1 = {gdasenkftar}GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_backup_2015] enkf

ENKF location within gdas-enkf*.tar archive

1 [prod_backup_2015]
2 enkf = {gdasenkftar}ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prod15_data_grib]

operational new GFS from 2015011218 and onwards, grib data. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prod15_data_grib] inputroot

1 [prod15_data_grib]
2 inputroot = /NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory/rh{aYYYY}/{aYYYY}{aMM}/{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_grib] gfs

1 [prod15_data_grib]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_grib] gdas1

1 [prod15_data_grib]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_grib] enkf

1 [prod15_data_grib]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [tape_names_PROD2015]

Tape naming conventions for the January 2015 GFS. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[tape_names_PROD2015] enkf_fcs06_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 enkf_fcs06_tar = com_gfs_prod_enkf.{aYMD}_{aHH}.fcs.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2015] enkf_anl_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 enkf_anl_tar = com_gfs_prod_enkf.{aYMD}_{aHH}.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2015] pgbma_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 pgbma_tar = com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.pgrb2_0p25.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2015] sigfa_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 sigfa_tar = com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.sigma.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2015] gfs_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 gfs_tar = com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2015] gdas_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2015]
2 gdas_tar = com_gfs_prod_gdas.{aYMDH}.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [tape_names_PROD2014]

Tape naming convention for most 2014 retrospectives

Options in this section:

[tape_names_PROD2014] enkf_fcs06_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 enkf_fcs06_tar = {aYMDH}gdas.enkf.fcs06.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2014] enkf_anl_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 enkf_anl_tar = {aYMDH}gdas.enkf.anl.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2014] pgbma_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 pgbma_tar = {aYMDH}gfs.pgbma.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2014] sigfa_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 sigfa_tar = {aYMDH}gfs.sigfa.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2014] gfs_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 gfs_tar = {aYMDH}gfs.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[tape_names_PROD2014] gdas_tar

1 [tape_names_PROD2014]
2 gdas_tar = {aYMDH}gdas.tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [zhan_gyre]

An hwrf.input.DataCatalog for Zhan Zhang's personal data on WCOSS Gyre. This data is from the 2014 GFS retrospectives, but uses the 2012 GFS naming.

Options in this section:

[zhan_gyre] inputroot

Zhan root directory

1 [zhan_gyre]
2 inputroot = /hwrf/noscrub/emc.hurpara/new_GFS

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[zhan_gyre] gfs

GFS directory

1 [zhan_gyre]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[zhan_gyre] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [zhan_gyre]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[zhan_gyre] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [zhan_gyre]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[zhan_gyre] gfs_gribA

GFS GRIB files

1 [zhan_gyre]
2 gfs_gribA = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrbf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[zhan_gyre] gdas_gribA


1 [zhan_gyre]
2 gdas_gribA = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrbh{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]

WCOSS history areas with old (2012) GFS data. This removes all file types that were changed since the January 2015 upgrade, allowing this section to be used for 2015 tests. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] inputroot

Input root directory

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 inputroot = /hwrf/noscrub/input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] loopdata

Loop current directory

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] gfdl_loop

Loop current

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfdl_loop = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] gfdl_wc_ring

Loop current wc_ring file

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] gfs

GFS data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/BUFR/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] tdr

Tail doppler radar (TDR) bufr file directory

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr files

1 [wcoss_hist_2012_for_2014]
2 gdas1_bufr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]

Options in this section:

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] inputroot

Input data root directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 inputroot = /gpfs/hps/nco/storage/gfs_retro/com2/gfs/para

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] inputrootfix

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 inputrootfix = /gpfs/hps/emc/hwrf/noscrub/input/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 gdasr = {inputrootfix}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 syndatdir = {inputrootfix}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 loopdata = {inputrootfix}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] hd_obs

hdobs data directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 hd_obs = {inputrootfix}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL]
2 tdr = {inputrootfix}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs14_renew]

2014 GFS re-runs from Jiande Wang (re-runs). See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs14_renew] inputroot

1 [prhs14_renew]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/Jiande.Wang/HWRF_makeup

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_renew] gfs

1 [prhs14_renew]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_renew] gdas1

1 [prhs14_renew]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_renew] enkf

1 [prhs14_renew]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [pr4devbs_ALL_tm00]

Options in this section:

[pr4devbs_ALL_tm00] inputroot

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_tm00]
2 inputroot = /NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory/rh{aYYYY}/{aYYYY}{aMM}/{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_tm00] gfs

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_tm00]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_tm00] gdas1

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_tm00]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_tm00] enkf

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_tm00]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2014_naming]

Configures the naming convention for 2015 GFS production and retrospectives in 2014.

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the 2014 parallel and 2015 production naming convention of of various files within the GFS, GDAS or ENKF, including GRIB2 files.

See this link for 2012 vs. 2014 differences: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/notification/tin14-46gfs.htm

Options in this section:

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_sf

GFS spectral forecast

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_sf = gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_sfcanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_sanl

GFS spectral analysis

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_sanl = gfs.t{aHH}z.sanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_bufr = gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_abias

bias correction

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_abias = gfs.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] tcvitals_tm00

time 0 tcvitals

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = gfs.t{aHH}z.syndata.tcvitals.tm00

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_prepbufr_rst

prepbufr data, restricted

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_prepbufr_nr

prepbufr data, non-restricted

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF forecast

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 enkf_sfg = sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr{fahr:02d}s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 enkf_siganl = siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr data

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_bufr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_biascr

GDAS bias correction abias file

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_biascr_pc

GDAS bias correction abias_pc file

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias_pc

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_sf = gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_gribA

GFS GRIB on standard levels

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_gribA = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gfs_gribB

GFS GRIB on "in-between" levels

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gfs_gribB = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_gribA

GDAS GRIB on standard levels

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_gribA = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2014_naming] gdas1_gribB

GDAS GRIB on "in-between" levels

1 [gfs2014_naming]
2 gdas1_gribB = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrb2b.0p25.f{fahr:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [ftpprd]

Locations in the NCEP production FTP server. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[ftpprd] inputroot

Input data root directory

1 [ftpprd]
2 inputroot = /pub/data/nccf/com

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpprd] gfs

GFS directory

1 [ftpprd]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/gfs/prod/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpprd] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [ftpprd]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/gfs/prod/gdas.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpprd] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [ftpprd]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/gfs/prod/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpprd] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [ftpprd]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/arch/prod/syndat/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[ftpprd] rt_updated

has no effect here- just for future purposes

1 [ftpprd]
2 rt_updated = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]

Obsolete locations for old (2012) GFS forecast data. These areas either no longer exist, or contain newer versions of GFS. This will fail if you try to use it. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] inputroot

Input data root directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 inputroot = /hwrf/noscrub/input/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] gfs

GFS data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/PROD2012/HISTORY/GFS.{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] gdas1

GDAS data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 gdasr = {inputroot}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] syndatdir

syndat data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] loopdata

loop current data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_hist_PROD2012] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [wcoss_hist_PROD2012]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [commsources]

Data sources for WCOSS COM for hwrf.input.InputSource

Options in this section:

[commsources] comm_hist%location

com file location

1 [commsources]
2 comm_hist%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[commsources] comm_hist%histprio

com priority for hwrf.input.InputSource

1 [commsources]
2 comm_hist%histprio = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prod_gefs_naming]

GEFS production file naming conventions, relative the the GEFS root

Options in this section:

[prod_gefs_naming] gep_2b

GEFS perturbed member (ENS) B file path

1 [prod_gefs_naming]
2 gep_2b = pgrb2b/gep{ENS}.t{aHH}z.pgrb2bf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_gefs_naming] gep_2a

GEFS perturbed member (ENS) A file path

1 [prod_gefs_naming]
2 gep_2a = pgrb2a/gep{ENS}.t{aHH}z.pgrb2af{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_gefs_naming] gec_2b

GEFS control B file path

1 [prod_gefs_naming]
2 gec_2b = pgrb2b/gec00.t{aHH}z.pgrb2bf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod_gefs_naming] gec_2a

GEFS control A file path

1 [prod_gefs_naming]
2 gec_2a = pgrb2a/gec00.t{aHH}z.pgrb2af{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs12_renew]

2014 GFS re-run from Jiande Wang (re-runs). See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs12_renew] inputroot

1 [prhs12_renew]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/Jiande.Wang/HWRF_makeup

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_renew] gfs

1 [prhs12_renew]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_renew] gdas1

1 [prhs12_renew]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_renew] enkf

1 [prhs12_renew]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_naming_2016]

File naming for GRIB files seen in some 2014 GFS parallel archvies. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfs_sf

GFS spectral forecast file.

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfs_sf = {sigfa_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfs_sfcanl = {gfs_tar}#sfcanl.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfs_sanl

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfs_sanl = {gfs_tar}#siganl.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] tcvitals_tm00

GFS time 0 analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = {pgbma_tar}#tcvitals_relocate.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfs_prepbufr_rst

prepbufr data, restricted, WCOSS only

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = {gfs_tar}#prepqc.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfs_bufr

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfs_bufr = com_gfs_prod_gfs.{aYMDH}.anl.tar#./gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF forecast file enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr06s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr06s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 enkf_siganl = {enkf_anl_tar}#siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gdas1_abias

GDAS abias bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gdas1_abias = {gdas_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gdas1_sf = {gdas_tar}#sigf{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gdas1_biascr

GDAS bias correction file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gdas1_biascr = {gdas_tar}#biascr.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gdas1_biascr_pc

GDAS bias correction pc file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = {gdas_tar}#biascr_pc.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfdl_loop

Loop current

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfdl_loop = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gfdl_wc_ring

Loop current wc_ring file

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gfdl_wc_ring = hwrf_gfdl_loop_current_wc_ring_rmy5.dat.{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_naming_2016] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr data

1 [emc_para_naming_2016]
2 gdas1_bufr = gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prod15_data_sp]

Operational new GFS from 2015011218 and onwards, spectral data. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prod15_data_sp] inputroot

1 [prod15_data_sp]
2 inputroot = /NCEPPROD/2year/hpssprod/runhistory/rh{aYYYY}/{aYYYY}{aMM}/{aYMD}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_sp] gfs

1 [prod15_data_sp]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_sp] gdas1

1 [prod15_data_sp]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prod15_data_sp] enkf

1 [prod15_data_sp]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs12_wx20rt]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon summer 2012 reforecasts. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs12_wx20rt] inputroot

1 [prhs12_wx20rt]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/hpssuser/g01/wx20rt/WCOSS/prhs12

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_wx20rt] gfs

1 [prhs12_wx20rt]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_wx20rt] gdas1

1 [prhs12_wx20rt]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs12_wx20rt] enkf

1 [prhs12_wx20rt]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs13_new]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon summer 2013 reforecasts. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs13_new] inputroot

1 [prhs13_new]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/emc.glopara/WCOSS/prhs13

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_new] gfs

1 [prhs13_new]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_new] gdas1

1 [prhs13_new]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs13_new] enkf

1 [prhs13_new]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [pr4devbs_ALL_sp]

Options in this section:

[pr4devbs_ALL_sp] inputroot

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_sp]
2 inputroot = /2year/NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/emc.hurpara/HWRF-PR4devb-COMBINE

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_sp] gfs

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_sp]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_sp] gdas1

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_sp]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_sp] enkf

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_sp]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [theia_fcst_PROD2014]

Theia datasets updated in real-time, plus historical areas when no real-time update is available.

Options in this section:

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] inputroot2014

Input root location

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 inputroot2014 = /scratch3/NCEPDEV/hwrf/noscrub/input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] inputroot

Input root location

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /scratch3/NCEPDEV/hwrf/noscrub/input

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gfs = {inputroot2014}/FORECAST/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot2014}/GDAS1/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gdasr = {inputroot2014}/GDAS/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 enkf = {inputroot2014}/ENKF/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/GEFS/{aYMDH}/{ENS}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/SYNDAT-PLUS/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/LOOP-CURRENT/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_fcst_PROD2014] tdr

Tail doppler radar (TDR) bufr file directory

1 [theia_fcst_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [pr4devbs_ALL_grib]

Options in this section:

[pr4devbs_ALL_grib] inputroot

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_grib]
2 inputroot = /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/emc.hurpara/GFS-PR4devb-COMBINE

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_grib] gfs

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_grib]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_grib] gdas1

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_grib]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[pr4devbs_ALL_grib] enkf

1 [pr4devbs_ALL_grib]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [config]

Options in this section:

[config] jet_user

User account for pulling data from Jet

1 [config]
2 jet_user = {ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[config] theia_user

User accound for pulling data from Theia

1 [config]
2 theia_user = {ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [theia_sources_PROD2014]

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on Theia. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location

Theia prepbufr.nr history areas

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using prepbufr.nr for history cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_hist_PROD2014%location

Theia history areas

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_hist_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_hist_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using Theia history areas for history cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_hist_PROD2014%histprio = 97

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_hist_PROD2014%fcstprio

Priority for using Theia history areas for forecast cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_hist_PROD2014%fcstprio = 96

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_fcst_PROD2014%location

Theia forecast areas

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_fcst_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_fcst_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using Theia forecast areas for history cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_fcst_PROD2014%histprio = 96

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio

Priority for using Theia forecast areas for forecast cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio = 97

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%location

GFS 2012 data for 2014 cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%histprio

Priority for using 2012 GFS data for history cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_hist_2012_for_2014%location

Theia 2012 data for 2014 cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_hist_2012_for_2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] theia_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio

Priority for using Theia 2012 data for history cases

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 theia_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio = 85

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%location

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%histprio

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%histprio = 79

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[theia_sources_PROD2014] prod_backup_2015%dates

1 [theia_sources_PROD2014]
2 prod_backup_2015%dates = 2015070100-2015113018

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_grib2]

File naming for GRIB files seen in some 2014 GFS parallel archvies. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_grib2] gfs_gribA

GFS GRiB file

1 [emc_para_grib2]
2 gfs_gribA = {pgbma_tar}#pgrbq{fahr:03d}.gfs.{aYMDH}.grib2

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_grib2] gdas1_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib2]
2 gdas1_gribA = {gdas_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}.grib2

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_grib1]

File naming for GRIB files in some 2014 GFS parallel archives, where the GRIB data was in GRIB1, with a "q" added to the name.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_grib1] gfs_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib1]
2 gfs_gribA = {pgbma_tar}#pgbq{fahr:03d}.gfs.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_grib1] gdas1_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib1]
2 gdas1_gribA = {gdas_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_sources_PROD2012]

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on Jet for the old (2012) GFS. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_hist_PROD2012%location

Local disk history location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_hist_PROD2012%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_fcst_PROD2012%location

Local disk forecast location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2012%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] hpss_PROD2012%location

HPSS history location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 hpss_PROD2012%location = htar:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] hpss_PROD2012%histprio

HPSS history location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 hpss_PROD2012%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_fcst_PROD2012%histprio

Priority for using the jet disk forecast data for history cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2012%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_hist_PROD2012%histprio

Priority for using the jet disk history data for history cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_hist_PROD2012%histprio = 90

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_fcst_PROD2012%fcstprio

Priority for using the jet disk forecast data for forecast cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2012%fcstprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] jet_hist_PROD2012%fcstprio

Priority for using the jet disk history data for forecast cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 jet_hist_PROD2012%fcstprio = 90

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] prod_backup_2015%location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 prod_backup_2015%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] prod_backup_2015%histprio

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 prod_backup_2015%histprio = 79

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2012] prod_backup_2015%dates

1 [jet_sources_PROD2012]
2 prod_backup_2015%dates = 2015070100-2015113018

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_prod_naming_sp]

2014 GFS retrospective file naming.

This section is @inc included by later sections. It contains the 2015 production naming convention of of various files within the GFS, GDAS or ENKF, minus the GRIB1 and GRIB2 files. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_sf

GFS spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_sf = {sigfa_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_sfcanl

GFS surface analysis file

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_sfcanl = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_bufr

GFS bufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_bufr = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_abias

GFS abias bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_abias = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_satang

GFS satellite angle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_satang = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] tcvitals_tm00

GFS time 0 tcvitals files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 tcvitals_tm00 = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.syndata.tcvitals.tm00

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_prepbufr_rst

GFS restricted prepbufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_prepbufr_rst = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gfs_prepbufr_nr

GFS non-restricted prepbufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = {gfs_tar}#./gfs.t{aHH}z.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] enkf_sfg

GFS ENKF spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 enkf_sfg = {enkf_fcs06_tar}#./sfg_{aYMDH}_fhr{fahr:02d}s_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] enkf_siganl

GFS ENKF analysis files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 enkf_siganl = {enkf_anl_tar}#./siganl_{aYMDH}_mem{enkfmem:03d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdasr_abias

GDAS abias bias correction files.

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdasr_abias = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdasr_satang

GDAS satellite angle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdasr_satang = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdasr_sf

GDAS spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdasr_sf = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_biascr

GDAS bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_biascr = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_biascr_pc

GDAS bias correction pc files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_biascr_pc = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias_pc

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_bufr

GDAS bufr files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_bufr = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.{obstype}.tm00.bufr_d

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_abias

GDAS bias correction files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_abias = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.abias

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_satang

GDAS satellit eangle files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_satang = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.satang

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_prod_naming_sp] gdas1_sf

GDAS spectral forecast files

1 [emc_prod_naming_sp]
2 gdas1_sf = {gdas_tar}#./gdas1.t{aHH}z.sf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_sources_PROD2014]

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on Jet, when using the current (2015) GFS.

Options in this section:

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%location

Jet history area

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%location

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location

Jet prepbufr.nr area

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio

Jet prepbufr.nr priority for history cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_2012_for_2014%location

Jet 2012 GFS data for 2014 case

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_2012_for_2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio

Priority for using Jet 2012 GFS data for 2014 cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_2012_for_2014%histprio = 85

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio

Priority for using Jet history data for history cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%histprio = 90

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio

Priority for using Jet forecast data for forecast cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_fcst_PROD2014%fcstprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] jet_hist_PROD2014%fcstprio

Priority for using Jet history data for forecast cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 jet_hist_PROD2014%fcstprio = 90

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%location

GFS 2012 HPSS data for 2014 cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%location = htar://

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_sources_PROD2014] gfs2012_for2014%histprio

Priority for using GFS 2012 HPSS data for history cases

1 [jet_sources_PROD2014]
2 gfs2012_for2014%histprio = 50

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]

Old 2012 GFS WCOSS forecast locations, now invalid.

Options in this section:

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] inputroot

HWRF group data storage directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 inputroot = /hwrf/noscrub/input/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gfs = /com/gfs/prod/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gdas1 = /com/gfs/prod/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 gefs = /com/gens/prod/gefs.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] enkf

ENKF directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 enkf = /com/gfs/prod/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 messages = /com/hur/prod/inpdata/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] syndatdir

tcvitals directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 syndatdir = /com/arch/prod/syndat/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 loopdata = /nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] hd_obs

hdobs data directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2012] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2012]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]

NCO GFS locations

Options in this section:

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] inputroot

Input data root

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 inputroot = /hwrf/noscrub/input/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gfs = /com/gfs/prod/gfs.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gdas1 = /com/gfs/prod/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 gefs = /com/gens/prod/gefs.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 enkf = /com/gfs/prod/enkf.{aYMD}/{aHH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 messages = /com/hur/prod/inpdata/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 syndatdir = /com/arch/prod/syndat/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] loopdata

loop current directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 loopdata = /nhc/save/guidance/storm-data/ncep/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] hd_obs

hd obs directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/RECON/gdas.{aYMD}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcoss_fcst_PROD2014] tdr

TDR data directory

1 [wcoss_fcst_PROD2014]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/TDR/{aYYYY}/{aYMDH}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [hwrfdata]

HWRF staging area paths. See hwrf.input.DataCatalog for details.

This section defines the locations to store parent model data and obs within the HWRF run areas, and the local names of files:

Options in this section:

[hwrfdata] inputroot

Staging area root directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 inputroot = {WORKhwrf}/hwrfdata

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] gfs

GFS directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/gfs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] gdas1

GDAS directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/gdas1.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] gdasr

Relocated GDAS directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 gdasr = {inputroot}/gdasr.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] gefs

GEFS directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 gefs = {inputroot}/gefs.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] enkf

GFS ENKF directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/enkf.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] messages

hurricane message file directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 messages = {inputroot}/messages/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] syndatdir

syndat tcvitals directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 syndatdir = {inputroot}/syndat/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] loopdata

loop current data directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 loopdata = {inputroot}/loop/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] hd_obs

hdobs data directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 hd_obs = {inputroot}/recon.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[hwrfdata] tdr

tcvitals directory

1 [hwrfdata]
2 tdr = {inputroot}/tdr.{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{aYMDH}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]

WCOSS data sources for 2016 version of GFS retrospective runs on Surge

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS. Forbids FTP access, and restricts real-time cases to using local data.

Options in this section:

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%location

WCOSS prepbufr.nr area

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%histprio

Priority for using WCOSS prepbufr.nr for history cases

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_prepbufrrst_PROD2016%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%location

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%histprio

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%histprio = 98

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016] wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%dates

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2016]
2 wcoss_pr4devbs_ALL%dates = 2012101500-2015123118

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2014]

WCOSS Cray data sources on Surge.

This is the list of transfer mechanisms available to jobs running on WCOSS Cray Surge. Surge's network is not fully working right now, so it cannot access anything outside of the Surge/Gyre filesystems.

Options in this section:

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2014] wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%location

NCO forecast

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%location = file:///

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[wcosssurge_sources_PROD2014] wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%histprio

NCO forecast area history priority should be highest

1 [wcosssurge_sources_PROD2014]
2 wcosscray_fcsthist_PROD2014%histprio = 100

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [prhs14_novdec]

2014 GFS Russ Treadon winter 2014 parallel, new GFS parallel period before oper. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[prhs14_novdec] inputroot

1 [prhs14_novdec]
2 inputroot = /5year/NCEPDEV/emc-global/emc.glopara/WCOSS/prhw14n

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_novdec] gfs

1 [prhs14_novdec]
2 gfs = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_novdec] gdas1

1 [prhs14_novdec]
2 gdas1 = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[prhs14_novdec] enkf

1 [prhs14_novdec]
2 enkf = {inputroot}/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]

An hwrf.input.DataCatalog for prepbufr.nr files on Jet. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014] gfs

GFS directory

1 [jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]
2 gfs = /lfs3/projects/hwrf-data/hwrf-input/PROD2014/prepbufr.nr/

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014] gfs_prepbufr_nr

prepbufr.nr filename

1 [jet_prepbufrnr_PROD2014]
2 gfs_prepbufr_nr = {aYYYY}/{aYMDH}.prepbufr.nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [emc_para_grib2_pgbq]

File naming for GRIB files in some 2014 GFS parallel archives, where the GRIB data was in GRIB2, with a "q" added to the name.

Options in this section:

[emc_para_grib2_pgbq] gfs_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib2_pgbq]
2 gfs_gribA = {pgbma_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gfs.{aYMDH}.grib2

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[emc_para_grib2_pgbq] gdas1_gribA


1 [emc_para_grib2_pgbq]
2 gdas1_gribA = {gdas_tar}#pgbq{fahr:02d}.gdas.{aYMDH}.grib2

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2012_grib2]

Old (2012) GFS GRIB2 file name

This section is included for data sources that also contain the old (2012) GFS GRIB2 outputs. It contains the production naming convention for the GRIB2 files. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[gfs2012_grib2] gfs_pgrb2

1 [gfs2012_grib2]
2 gfs_pgrb2 = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrb2f{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

Section [gfs2012_grib1]

Old (2012) GFS/GDAS GRIB1 filename

This section is included for data sources that also contain old (2012) GFS GRIB1 outputs. It contains the production naming convention for the GRIB1 files. See hwrf.input.InputSource for details.

Options in this section:

[gfs2012_grib1] gfs_pgrb

1 [gfs2012_grib1]
2 gfs_pgrb = gfs.t{aHH}z.pgrbf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_grib1] gdasr_pgrb

1 [gfs2012_grib1]
2 gdasr_pgrb = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrbh{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf

[gfs2012_grib1] gdas1_pgrb

1 [gfs2012_grib1]
2 gdas1_pgrb = gdas1.t{aHH}z.pgrbh{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_input.conf