HWRF  trunk@4391
Bug List
Page All Configuration Options
This no longer exists; the area now contains 2015 GFS. Also, it is specified wrong. It should be wcoss_fcstlocation.
Page File parm/hwrf_input.conf
This no longer exists; the area now contains 2015 GFS. Also, it is specified wrong. It should be wcoss_fcstlocation.
Page HWRF Experiment Configuration
It should be possible to run GSI when config.spectral_bdy=no, but it is not. This is because we have no way of tricking real_nmm into using the GDAS 9hr forecast metgrid file for hour 9 and 12. That prevents the scripts.exhwrf_init job from running from GDAS GRIB files.
Member hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.storm_for_stormnum (self)
The hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher.storm_for_stormnum() is not implemented and should probably be removed.
Member hwrf.multistorm.FakeInit.geodat
this only works for nesting ratios that are a power of 3
Member hwrf.post.PostOneWRF.make_control (self, stream)
this function should use deliver_file with logging
Member hwrf.wrf.WRFSimulation.set_wrfanl_outname (self, pattern)
this function ignores the pattern argument. It always sets the pattern to "wrfanl_d<domain>_<date>"
Member hwrf::regrib.action_grib1merge (op, regrib, in1, in2, kwargs)
This function calls pwd and ls -l if things go wrong. It needs to use produtil.listing instead.
Member hwrf_expt.entest
the hwrf_expt.entest is no longer needed and should be removed
Member produtil.mpi_impl.mpi_impl_base.CMDFGen.__init__ (self, base, lines, cmd_envar='SCR_CMDFILE', model_envar=None, filename_arg=False, kwargs)
The base_suffix keyword is used for both the suffix and prefix
Member produtil::run.runbg (arg, capture=False, kwargs)
produtil.run.runbg() is not implemented
Member produtil::run.waitprocs
produtil.run.waitprocs() is untested