HWRF  trunk@4391
File parm/hwrf.conf

This is a UNIX conf file that contains all information relating to the HWRF configuration. UNIX conf is used because of how easy it is to parse (even GrADS can do it). The syntax:

 var = value

For generation of namelists for WRF, WPS and other Fortran programs, we use this syntax:

namelist.nlvar = value

to set the value of namelist &namelist's nlvar variable. Also, the special variable "namelist" lists additional conf sections to recurse into to get more namelist variables after the current conf section is parsed. Any variable will only be set once: the first time it is seen.

This is one of the core configuration files, read in by all HWRF configurations. This file sets options in the following sections:

Section [hwrf_da_ens]

Configures the hwrf.ensda.DAEnsemble

Options in this section:

[hwrf_da_ens] fcsttask

Section for configuring the 6hr forecast task

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 fcsttask = ensda_runwrf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] realinit

Section for configuring the real_nmm program

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 realinit = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] prep_hybrid

Section for configuring prep_hybrid

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 prep_hybrid = ensda_prep_hybrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] ensda_size

number of ensemble members (from 30 to 80)

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 ensda_size = 40

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] post

section to configure the post for the ensemble

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 post = ensda_post

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] regribber

section to configure the regribber for finding the vortex of the ensemble

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 regribber = regribber

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] tracker

section to configure the tracker for finding the vortex of the ensemble

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 tracker = tracker

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hwrf_da_ens] relocate

section to configure the relocation for the ensemble

1 [hwrf_da_ens]
2 relocate = ensda_relocate

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [hycomstrings]

This section contains variables and string values which will be set as environment variables in the shell programs.

The hycomstrings section is filled with ENV_VAR=value entries. The ENV_VAR will be set to the value, unmodified. All environment variables must be valid shell and Python variable names. The strings must be single line strings (no end-of-line characters) that are expressable in both shell and Python.

The special RTOFSDIR variable is set independently based on the hwrf.hycom.HYCOMInit.find_rtofs_data() function.

Options in this section:

[hycomstrings] NPROCS_o

1 [hycomstrings]
2 NPROCS_o = 90

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] out_prefix

1 [hycomstrings]
2 out_prefix = {config/out_prefix}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] FORECAST_DIR

1 [hycomstrings]
2 FORECAST_DIR = {dir/WORKhwrf}/runwrf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] OCEAN_MODEL

1 [hycomstrings]
2 OCEAN_MODEL = {ocean_model}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] WAVE_MODEL

1 [hycomstrings]
2 WAVE_MODEL = {wave_model}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] YMDH

1 [hycomstrings]
2 YMDH = {config/YMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] stormlabel

1 [hycomstrings]
2 stormlabel = {config/stormlabel}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] STORM

1 [hycomstrings]
2 STORM = {vit[stormname]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] STID

1 [hycomstrings]
2 STID = {vit[stormid3]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] basin2

1 [hycomstrings]
2 basin2 = {vit[pubbasin2]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] USHhwrf

1 [hycomstrings]
2 USHhwrf = {dir/USHhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] FIXhwrf

1 [hycomstrings]
2 FIXhwrf = {dir/FIXhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] EXEChwrf

1 [hycomstrings]
2 EXEChwrf = {dir/EXEChwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] COMhwrf

1 [hycomstrings]
2 COMhwrf = {config/com}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] WORKhwrf

1 [hycomstrings]
2 WORKhwrf = {dir/WORKhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycomstrings] CASE_ROOT

1 [hycomstrings]
2 CASE_ROOT = {config/case_root}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [storm1ghost]

Configure the innermost ghost domains in WRF used for FGAT.

Options in this section:

[storm1ghost] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1ghost]
2 nx = 435

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1ghost]
2 ny = 868

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1ghost]
2 start = centered

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1ghost]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] istart


1 [storm1ghost]
2 istart = 28

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] jstart


1 [storm1ghost]
2 jstart = 54

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost] namelist

List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1ghost]
2 namelist = namelist_inner,namelist_ghost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [bufrprep]

Configure the hwrf.bufrprep

Options in this section:

[bufrprep] catalog

The catalog for hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [bufrprep]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] obstypes

Section for defining the observation types

1 [bufrprep]
2 obstypes = tdr_new_obstype

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] bufr_item

item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [bufrprep]
2 bufr_item = gfs_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] bufr_dataset

dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [bufrprep]
2 bufr_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] prepbufr_item

item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [bufrprep]
2 prepbufr_item = gfs_prepbufr_nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] prepbufrprep

parameter used to preprocess prepbufr file

1 [bufrprep]
2 prepbufrprep = 3

0: make no change 1: remove some inner-core data 2: flag/unflag mass and dropsonde u, v data 3: unflag HS3 dropsonde data

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] RRADC

parameter used to define an area where inner-core data are removed/(un)flagged

1 [bufrprep]
2 RRADC = 50.

radius of a circle centered at TC center

0. remove conventional data, when prepbufrprep=1

flag dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2 < 0. unflag dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2 = 0. no change for dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[bufrprep] RBLDC

parameter used to define a square area to flag pressure data

1 [bufrprep]
2 RBLDC = -200.

half side length of a squre centered at TC center

0. flag pressure data, when prepbufrprep=2

<= 0. no change, when prepbufrprep=2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [nothermo]

Tracker namelist overrides to disable thermodynamic parameters.

Sent to hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the tracker namelist for the experimental domain 1 and domain 1/2 trackers. This section disables the tracker thermodynamic parameters, which are too slow for the larger domain size.

Section [moad]

Configure the outermost WRF domain

Mother Of All Domains (MOAD) in WRF terminology is the fixed, outermost domain in the simulation. For all HWRF simulations (anl, ghost, forecast, ensda, etc.) the MOAD is the same, and this section sets all settings for that domain. The hwrf.wrf.WRFNamelist class copies the MOAD settings to the child domain unless the child overrides them (with a few exceptions like parent_grid_ratio), so these sections affect all domains in all WRF simulations.

Options in this section:

[moad] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [moad]
2 nx = 288

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [moad]
2 ny = 576

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] parent_grid_ratio

Must be 1 (ratio of self to self)

1 [moad]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] dx

X resolution, must be a multiple of 0.09 and same as dy

1 [moad]
2 dx = 0.135

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] dy

Y resolution, must be a multiple of 0.09 and same as dx

1 [moad]
2 dy = 0.135

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] start

Domain start location. Must be moad

1 [moad]
2 start = moad

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[moad] namelist

Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [moad]
2 namelist = moad_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [hycompost]

Configuration for the ocean_post job

Options in this section:

[hycompost] bools

Section with YES/NO variables for shell programs

1 [hycompost]
2 bools = hycombools

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycompost] strings

Section with string variables for shell programs

1 [hycompost]
2 strings = hycomstrings

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ungrib]

Configures hwrf.wps.Ungrib for the hwrf_expt.gfs_init (not FGAT)

Options in this section:

[ungrib] redirect

Redirect output to per-program log files?

1 [ungrib]
2 redirect = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] catalog

Data catalog for hwrf.input to find files

1 [ungrib]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] dataset

Dataset for hwrf.input to find files

1 [ungrib]
2 dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] tbl

The Vtable file for Geogrid

1 [ungrib]
2 tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_Vtable_gfs2014

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] item2_optional

Is the second GRIB file type optional?

1 [ungrib]
2 item2_optional = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] item

item (grib file type) for the hwrf.input

1 [ungrib]
2 item = gfs_gribA

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] item2

second GRIB file item for hwrf.input

1 [ungrib]
2 item2 = gfs_gribB

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] namelist

Section that defines the WPS namelist

1 [ungrib]
2 namelist = wps_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] subset_grib1

Subset file for subsetting the GRIB1 data (not used for GRIB2)

1 [ungrib]
2 subset_grib1 = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_global_1x1_paramlist.f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ungrib] tbl2011

Ungrib Vtable for 2011 data

1 [ungrib]
2 tbl2011 = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_Vtable_gfs2012

The hwrf.prelaunch will replace the tbl value automatically in the launcher job with the tbl2011 field, if the cycle is in 2011.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [pom]

Configures the MPIPOMTC ocean model

Options in this section:

[pom] catalog

catalog for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [pom]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] sfc_dataset

Dataset for hwrf.input to find GFS surface data

1 [pom]
2 sfc_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] sanl_item

Item for hwrf.input to find GFS sanl files

1 [pom]
2 sanl_item = gfs_sanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] sfcanl_item

Item for hwrf.input to find GFS sfcanl files

1 [pom]
2 sfcanl_item = gfs_sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] loop_dataset

Loop current dataset for hwrf.input

1 [pom]
2 loop_dataset = loopdata

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] loop_item

Item for finding GFDL loop current files

1 [pom]
2 loop_item = gfdl_loop

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[pom] wc_ring_item

Item for finding GFDL loop wc_ring files

1 [pom]
2 wc_ring_item = gfdl_wc_ring

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsipost]

Configures the GSI post-processor run of the hwrf.post

Options in this section:

[gsipost] control

Post control file

1 [gsipost]
2 control = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsipost] needcrtm

no=do not link CRTM fix files

1 [gsipost]
2 needcrtm = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [trackernml]

Default tracker namelist settings.

Sent into hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the tracker namelist. See the GFDL Vortex Tracker documentation for details.

The domain 1 and domain 1/2 trackers also send nothermo to disable the thermodynamic parameters.

Section [gsi_d03]

Configures the GSI for the innermost resolution domains

Options in this section:

[gsi_d03] redirect

Redirect output to per-program log files?

1 [gsi_d03]
2 redirect = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] catalog

section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [gsi_d03]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] use_hwrf_ensemble

Is the ENSDA in use?

1 [gsi_d03]
2 use_hwrf_ensemble = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] sat_wnd_da

Enable assimiation of satellite wind?

1 [gsi_d03]
2 sat_wnd_da = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] sat_radiance_da

Enable satellite radiance data assimilation?

1 [gsi_d03]
2 sat_radiance_da = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] use_newradbc

Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later?

1 [gsi_d03]
2 use_newradbc = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] obstypes

List of obstype sections

1 [gsi_d03]
2 obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] bufr_item

item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d03]
2 bufr_item = gfs_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] bufr_dataset

dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d03]
2 bufr_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] prepbufr_item

item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d03]
2 prepbufr_item = gfs_prepbufr_nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] nml_file

GSI namelist input file

1 [gsi_d03]
2 nml_file = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] nml_section

Section used to configure the GSI namelist file

1 [gsi_d03]
2 nml_section = gsi_d03_nml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03] diagpre

Filename prefix for GSI output

1 [gsi_d03]
2 diagpre = {com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_d03

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsi_d02]

Configures the GSI for the intermediate resolution domains

Options in this section:

[gsi_d02] redirect

Redirect output to per-program log files?

1 [gsi_d02]
2 redirect = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] catalog

section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [gsi_d02]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] use_newradbc

Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later?

1 [gsi_d02]
2 use_newradbc = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] obstypes

List of obstype sections

1 [gsi_d02]
2 obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] bufr_item

item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d02]
2 bufr_item = gfs_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] bufr_dataset

dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d02]
2 bufr_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] prepbufr_item

item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them

1 [gsi_d02]
2 prepbufr_item = gfs_prepbufr_nr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] nml_file

GSI namelist input file

1 [gsi_d02]
2 nml_file = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] nml_section

Section used to configure the GSI namelist file

1 [gsi_d02]
2 nml_section = gsi_d02_nml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02] diagpre

Filename prefix for GSI output

1 [gsi_d02]
2 diagpre = {com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_d02

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [runwrf]

This section is read by the script that runs the WRF forecast job at 2km. It is not used by other executions of wrf. See runwrf3km for the 3km configuration.

Options in this section:

[runwrf] sleeptime

sleep time between checks of child processes

1 [runwrf]
2 sleeptime = 60

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf] wm3c_ranks

Number of coupler ranks

1 [runwrf]
2 wm3c_ranks = 4

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf] ww3_ranks

number of wavewatch3 ranks

1 [runwrf]
2 ww3_ranks = 120

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf] ocean_ranks

number of POM ranks (must be 9)

1 [runwrf]
2 ocean_ranks = 9

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf] coupled_log

coupled forecast stdout location

1 [runwrf]
2 coupled_log = {WORKhwrf}/cpl.out

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [metgrid]

Configures the hwrf.wps.Metgrid

Options in this section:

[metgrid] redirect

Use per-program log files

1 [metgrid]
2 redirect = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[metgrid] tbl


1 [metgrid]
2 tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_METGRID.TBL

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[metgrid] namelist

The section that defines the WPS namelist

1 [metgrid]
2 namelist = wps_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[metgrid] scrub

Scrub temporary files?

1 [metgrid]
2 scrub = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [storm1ghost_parent_big]

Options in this section:

[storm1ghost_parent_big] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 nx = 280

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 ny = 546

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 start = auto

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] istart


1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 istart = 101

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] jstart


1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 jstart = 206

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent_big] namelist

List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1ghost_parent_big]
2 namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [wrf]

Set a few variables that the Python code must be aware of to communicate correctly between HWRF components. These will also be used to calculate or set the appropriate WPS and WRF namelist values:

Options in this section:

[wrf] dt

Timestep (seconds, a rational number)

1 [wrf]
2 dt = 30

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] bdystep

Boundary input timestep (integer)

1 [wrf]
2 bdystep = 21600

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] ptsgm

Pressure-sigma transition level (real >0)

1 [wrf]
2 ptsgm = 15000

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] ptop

Model top pressure (real >0)

1 [wrf]
2 ptop = 200

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] prep_hybrid

Should prep_hybrid be used? (Fortran logical)

1 [wrf]
2 prep_hybrid = .true.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] io_form

The default WRF io_form, which can be overridden.

1 [wrf]
2 io_form = 11

This is the default IO form for most files, and is copied to the WRF namelist automatically.

The auxinput1/2 streams are set in [wrf_namelist]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf] namelist

Set the WRF namelist values that are NOT per domain:

1 [wrf]
2 namelist = wrf_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [wrf_namelist]

This section sets WRF namelist variables that are NOT on a per-domain basis.

Sent to hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the WRF namelist settings for options that are NOT set on a per-domain basis. See the WRF documentation for details.

Any settings specific to timesteps or output files are generally ignored, and should be set in [forecast_products] or the hwrf_expt module instead.

Options in this section:

[wrf_namelist] auxhist1_outname

1 [wrf_namelist]
2 auxhist1_outname = "wrfdiag_d<domain>"

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf_namelist] auxhist2_outname

1 [wrf_namelist]
2 auxhist2_outname = "wrfout_d<domain>_<date>"

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf_namelist] auxhist3_outname

1 [wrf_namelist]
2 auxhist3_outname = "wrfout_d<domain>_<date>"

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrf_namelist] namelist_quilt%poll_servers

1 [wrf_namelist]
2 namelist_quilt%poll_servers = .false.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [tdr_new_obstype]

Defines the new TDR obstype

Tells where to get TDR observations, and what to name them in the directory when running GSI. See hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details.

Options in this section:

[tdr_new_obstype] type

Name for this type of observation

1 [tdr_new_obstype]
2 type = tdr_new

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_new_obstype] dataset

dataset name for the hwrf.input

1 [tdr_new_obstype]
2 dataset = tdr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_new_obstype] item

item name for the hwrf.input

1 [tdr_new_obstype]
2 item = gdas1_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_new_obstype] tldplrbufr

1 [tdr_new_obstype]
2 tldplrbufr = tldplr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [moad_namelist]

Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests.

Sent into the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the WRF namelist. This section sets per-domain settings for the Mother Of All Domains (moad), which is the outermost domain. The settings in this section will be copied to all domains unless the namelist_outer or namelist_inner override them. See the WRF documentation for details.

Section [ensdadom]

Configures the domain used for ENSDA, about 30x30 degrees.

Options in this section:

[ensdadom] ny

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [ensdadom]
2 ny = 702

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensdadom] nx

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [ensdadom]
2 nx = 350

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensdadom] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [ensdadom]
2 start = auto

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensdadom] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [ensdadom]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensdadom] namelist

List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [ensdadom]
2 namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [trackerd01]

Configures the tracker run on only domain 1

Options in this section:

[trackerd01] namelist

name of the sections for generating the tracker namelist

1 [trackerd01]
2 namelist = trackernml,nothermo

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gfsinit]

Configures the hwrf_expt.gfs_init

Options in this section:

[gfsinit] geogrid

section to configure hwrf.wps.Geogrid

1 [gfsinit]
2 geogrid = geogrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] metgrid

section to configure hwrf.wps.Metgrid

1 [gfsinit]
2 metgrid = metgrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] realinit

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for init-length runs

1 [gfsinit]
2 realinit = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] realfcst

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for forecast-length runs

1 [gfsinit]
2 realfcst = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] wrfanl

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl4Trak

1 [gfsinit]
2 wrfanl = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] wrfghost

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhost or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhostForPost

1 [gfsinit]
2 wrfghost = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] post

section to configure the post for finding the parent model vortex

1 [gfsinit]
2 post = nonsatpost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] regribber

section to configure the regribber for finding the parent model vortex

1 [gfsinit]
2 regribber = regribber

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gfsinit] tracker

section to configure the tracker for finding the parent model vortex

1 [gfsinit]
2 tracker = tracker

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [relocation]

Configure the relocation.

Options in this section:

[relocation] tbl

eta_micro_lookup data file

1 [relocation]
2 tbl = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf_eta_micro_lookup.dat

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[relocation] redirect

Redirect each program to its own log file?

1 [relocation]
2 redirect = true

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [fgat_ungrib]

Configures hwrf.wps.Ungrib for the FGAT case.

Options in this section:

[fgat_ungrib] item2_optional

Is the second GRIB file type optional?

1 [fgat_ungrib]
2 item2_optional = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_ungrib] item

item (grib file type) for the hwrf.input

1 [fgat_ungrib]
2 item = gdas1_gribA

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_ungrib] item2

There is no "B" file for GDAS:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_ungrib] namelist

Section that defines the WPS namelist

1 [fgat_ungrib]
2 namelist = wps_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_ungrib] dataset

Dataset for hwrf.input to find files

1 [fgat_ungrib]
2 dataset = gdas1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [trackerd02]

Configures the tracker run on only domain 1 & 2

Options in this section:

[trackerd02] namelist

name of the sections for generating the tracker namelist

1 [trackerd02]
2 namelist = trackernml,nothermo

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [tdrcheck]

Configures the hwrf.ensda.enada_pre_object_for() which decides whether to run the ENSDA.

Options in this section:

[tdrcheck] catalog

The section for configuring hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [tdrcheck]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] dataset

The dataset for hwrf.input to find TDR data

1 [tdrcheck]
2 dataset = tdr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] item

The item for hwrf.input to find TDR data

1 [tdrcheck]
2 item = gdas1_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] obstype

The obstype for hwrf.input to find TDR data

1 [tdrcheck]
2 obstype = tldplr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] tdr_flag_file

The path to the ENSDA flag file

1 [tdrcheck]
2 tdr_flag_file = {com}/{stormlabel}.run_ensda

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] numofcheck

Number of times to check for the TDR trigger file

1 [tdrcheck]
2 numofcheck = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdrcheck] checksecinv

Time between checks of the TDR trigger file

1 [tdrcheck]
2 checksecinv = 600

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [tracker]

Configures the main forecast job tracker

Options in this section:

[tracker] namelist

name of the section that generates the tracker namelist

1 [tracker]
2 namelist = trackernml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [enswrf]

Configures the execution of the 6 hour ENSDA forecast

Options in this section:

[enswrf] namelist

The section for setting up the WRF namelist

1 [enswrf]
2 namelist = wrf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsi_products]

Configures the GSI post processor (hwrf.gsipost) output products

Options in this section:

[gsi_products] d3_grid

Domain 3 grid

1 [gsi_products]
2 d3_grid = 0.02,0.02,12.,12.,136,600,600

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] d2_grid

Domain 2 grid

1 [gsi_products]
2 d2_grid = 0.06,0.06,30.,30.,136,500,500

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] grib2_compression

GRIB2 compression method

1 [gsi_products]
2 grib2_compression = 32

Settings for cnvgrib to convert to GRIB2. Supported options:

These are sent to the -p option to cnvgrib.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrforg_n%com

Inner domain original data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrforg_n%com = {out_prefix}.hwrforg_n.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrforg_i%com

Intermediate domain original data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrforg_i%com = {out_prefix}.hwrforg_i.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrfges_n%com

Inner domain first guess data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrfges_n%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfges_n.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrfges_i%com

Intermediate domain first guess data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrfges_i%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfges_i.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrfanl_n%com

Inner domain analysis data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrfanl_n%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfanl_n.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_products] hwrfanl_i%com

Intermediate domain analysis data in com

1 [gsi_products]
2 hwrfanl_i%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfanl_i.grb2f00

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [wrfexe]

This section is read by all scripts that run the wrf or nmm_real.

Options in this section:

[wrfexe] cpl_nml

coupler namelist file

1 [wrfexe]
2 cpl_nml = cpl_nml

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrfexe] dt_c

coupler timestep in seconds

1 [wrfexe]
2 dt_c = 540

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wrfexe] sleeptime

sleep time between checks of child process

1 [wrfexe]
2 sleeptime = 30

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [relocate]

Configure the relocation jobs

Options in this section:

[relocate] initopt

0: full vortex initialization, 1: relocation only

1 [relocate]
2 initopt = 0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[relocate] tdrconditionalvinit

if yes, relocation only when TDR data available

1 [relocate]
2 tdrconditionalvinit = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [config]

Sets basic configuration options used by all components.

This section sets basic configuration options used by all components. Several special variables in this section are set by the HWRFConfig object itself, which will overwrite them if they're set in this file: YMDHM = analysis time (201304261830 = April 26, 2013, 18:30 UTC) YMDH = analysis time excluding minute (2013042618) YMD = analysis time, excluding hour and minute year, YYYY = analysis time's year (ie.: 2013) YY = last two digits of year century, CC = first two digits of year month, MM = analysis time's month (ie.: 04) day, DD = analysis time's day (ie.: 26) hour, cyc, HH = analysis time's hour (ie.: 18) minute, min = analysis time's minute (ie.: 30)

There may be additional variables depending on what subclass (if any) of the HWRFConfig is used. You must specify the mandatory EXPT value, which is the name of the experiment to run.

Options in this section:

[config] EXPT

Experiment name, used for finding installation locations

1 [config]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] forecast_section

Section that specifies the configuration for the forecast job.

1 [config]
2 forecast_section = runwrf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] stormlabel

The storm label: storm1, storm2, etc.

1 [config]
2 stormlabel = storm{storm_num}

This string is always "storm" followed by a single-digit number. It is used by NCO to decide where certain files and directories are located. It also gives automation systems a way of determining storm filenames without having to know the storm name or ID.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] datastore

Where to put the HWRF database file

1 [config]
2 datastore = {WORKhwrf}/hwrf_state.sqlite3

Location for the HWRF database file. Note that there must be only one of these per workflow (storm, cycle). The HWRFConfig class will also set the dsetfile variable if it is not already set:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] CONFhwrf

The main configuration file.

1 [config]
2 CONFhwrf = {com}/{stormlabel}.conf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] ENS

The ensemble number; do not change. The laucher sets it.

1 [config]
2 ENS = 99

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] ensize

Ensemble size; do not change. The parm/hwrf_ensemble_2014.conf overrides it.

1 [config]
2 ensize = 0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[config] GFSVER

GFS version: PROD2012 or PROD2014

1 [config]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ensda_runwrf]

Configures the WRF execution for the 6hr forecast

Options in this section:

[ensda_runwrf] simlen

Simulation length in seconds

1 [ensda_runwrf]
2 simlen = 21600

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_runwrf] nproc_x

Number of processors in the X direction (-1 means auto)

1 [ensda_runwrf]
2 nproc_x = -1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_runwrf] nproc_y

Number of processors in the Y direction (-1 means auto)

1 [ensda_runwrf]
2 nproc_y = -1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_runwrf] nio_groups

Number of IO server groups

1 [ensda_runwrf]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_runwrf] nio_tasks_per_group

Number of ranks per IO server group (0=disable)

1 [ensda_runwrf]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [prep_hybrid_namelist]

Sent through hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist for generating the prep_hybrid namelist. See the prep_hybrid documentation for details.

Section [ensda_post]

Options in this section:

[ensda_post] control

Post control file

1 [ensda_post]
2 control = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [sat_radiance_obstypes]

Defines the satellite radiance obstypes

Tells where to get satellite observations, and what to name them in the directory when running GSI. See hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details.

Options in this section:

[sat_radiance_obstypes] type

Name of this group of obstypes. MUST be satellite

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 type = satellite

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] dataset

Dataset for the hwrf.input to find data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] item

Item for hwrf.input to find data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 item = gfs_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] gpsrobufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for gpsrobufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 gpsrobufr = gpsro

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] gsnd1bufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for gsnd1bufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 gsnd1bufr = goesfv

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] amsuabufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for amsuabufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 amsuabufr = 1bamua

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] hirs4bufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for hirs4bufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 hirs4bufr = 1bhrs4

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] mhsbufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for mhsbufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 mhsbufr = 1bmhs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] airsbufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for airsbufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 airsbufr = airsev

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] seviribufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for seviribufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 seviribufr = sevcsr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] iasibufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for iasibufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 iasibufr = mtiasi

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] amsuabufrears

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for amsuabufrears data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 amsuabufrears = esamua

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] amsubbufrears

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for amsubbufrears data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 amsubbufrears = esamub

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] hirs3bufrears

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for hirs3bufrears data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 hirs3bufrears = eshrs3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] atmsbufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for atmsbufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 atmsbufr = atms

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_radiance_obstypes] crisbufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for crisbufr data

1 [sat_radiance_obstypes]
2 crisbufr = cris

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ww3init]

Configures the wavewatch3 initialization

Options in this section:

[ww3init] scrub

scrub temporary files?

1 [ww3init]
2 scrub = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] catalog

where to get input data

1 [ww3init]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] usegfswind

Time-updated GFS forcing outside HWRF domain?

1 [ww3init]
2 usegfswind = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] input_step

Timestep between forcing updates

1 [ww3init]
2 input_step = 10800

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] gfs_dataset

Dataset for GFS forcing

1 [ww3init]
2 gfs_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] gfs_item

Data item for GFS forcing

1 [ww3init]
2 gfs_item = gfs_gribA

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] grid_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 grid_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.inp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] grid_bot

1 [ww3init]
2 grid_bot = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.bot

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] grid_msk

1 [ww3init]
2 grid_msk = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.msk

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] grid_obr

1 [ww3init]
2 grid_obr = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.obr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] wind_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 wind_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_prep_WNDDummy.inp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] prnc_inp_gfswind

1 [ww3init]
2 prnc_inp_gfswind = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_prnc_gfswind.inp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] curr_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 curr_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_prep_CURDummy.inp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] strt_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 strt_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_strt.inp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] shel_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 shel_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_shel.inp_tmpl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] ounf_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 ounf_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_ounf.inp_tmpl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ww3init] grib_inp

1 [ww3init]
2 grib_inp = {PARMhwrf}/ww3_grib.inp_tmpl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [copywrf]

Configures the WRF copier (hwrf.copywrf)

Section [nonsatpost]

Configures the non-satellite post-processor run on the forecast

Options in this section:

[nonsatpost] auxhist2_control

Post control file for auxhist2 files (hours 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)

1 [nonsatpost]
2 auxhist2_control = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_cntrl.tracker

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nonsatpost] control

Post control file for all other files

1 [nonsatpost]
2 control = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [hdob_obstype]

Defines the hdob obstype

Tells where to get hdob observations, and what to name them in the directory when running GSI. See hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details.

Options in this section:

[hdob_obstype] type

Name for this type of observation

1 [hdob_obstype]
2 type = hd_ob

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hdob_obstype] dataset

dataset name for the hwrf.input

1 [hdob_obstype]
2 dataset = hd_obs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hdob_obstype] item

item name for the hwrf.input

1 [hdob_obstype]
2 item = gdas1_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hdob_obstype] hdobbufr

1 [hdob_obstype]
2 hdobbufr = hdob

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsi_d03_nml]

Used to configure the GSI namelist

Options in this section:

[gsi_d03_nml] HZSCL

background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing

1 [gsi_d03_nml]
2 HZSCL = 0.2,0.4,0.8

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] DELTIM

model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates

1 [gsi_d03_nml]
2 DELTIM = 1200

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] twind

maximum half time window (hours) for observations

1 [gsi_d03_nml]
2 twind = 3.0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] HYBENS_REGIONAL

logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


ensemble size

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL

if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] BETA1_INV_REGIONAL

value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


horizontal localization correlation length (km)

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp)

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, then read in localization information from external file

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B.

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application.

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

=1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] PSEUDO_HYBENS

if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] GRID_RATIO_ENS

ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM)

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] PWGTFLG

if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] BETAFLG

if T, use vertical weighting on beta1_inv and beta2_inv, for regional

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d03_nml] WRITE_ENS_SPRD

if T, write out ensemble spread

1 [gsi_d03_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ensda_relocate]

Options in this section:

[ensda_relocate] initopt

1: relocation only (this is the only option for the ensemble)

1 [ensda_relocate]
2 initopt = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [namelist_ghost]

Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for ghost domains, sent to hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when geherating the WRF namelist.

Section [ensda_prep_hybrid]

Configures the prep_hybrid run for ENSDA

Options in this section:

[ensda_prep_hybrid] namelist

Name of the section used to make the prep_hybrid namelist

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_prep_hybrid] dataset

Dataset for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF files

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 dataset = enkf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_prep_hybrid] item

Item for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF forecast files

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 item = enkf_sfg

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_prep_hybrid] anl_item

Item for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF analysis files

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 anl_item = enkf_siganl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_prep_hybrid] catalog

Catalog section for hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ensda_prep_hybrid] threads

Number of threads when running hwrf_prep

1 [ensda_prep_hybrid]
2 threads = 8

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [wvstatus]

Options in this section:

[wvstatus] wvstatus

The name of the wave status file in the com directory:

1 [wvstatus]
2 wvstatus = {com}/{stormlabel}.wave_status

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[wvstatus] wvstatus2

Second wave file name that mimmics the old operational ocean status file.

1 [wvstatus]
2 wvstatus2 = {com}/wave_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle}

This second wave file uses a filename that cannot be predicted in advanced. That breaks ecFlow and Rocoto. The file is still created for backward compatibility.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsigribber]

Configure the hwrf.gribtask run by the GSI post

Section [storm1inner]

Configure the innermost analysis domains in WRF.

Options in this section:

[storm1inner] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1inner]
2 nx = 265

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1inner]
2 ny = 472

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1inner]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1inner]
2 start = centered

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] istart


1 [storm1inner]
2 istart = 27

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] jstart


1 [storm1inner]
2 jstart = 58

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1inner] namelist

Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1inner]
2 namelist = namelist_inner

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [geogrid]

Configures hwrf.wps.Geogrid geographical data processor.

Options in this section:

[geogrid] redirect

Redirect output to per-program log files?

1 [geogrid]
2 redirect = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[geogrid] tbl

Geogrid table file (GEOGRID.TBL)

1 [geogrid]
2 tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_GEOGRID.TBL

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[geogrid] namelist

Section with the WPS namelist

1 [geogrid]
2 namelist = wps_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [forecast_products]

Configure forecast output products

Configures output of the forecast, post, tracker, and other forecast and post-processing tasks. This configures both delivery to COM and the direct output of the programs. See the hwrf.hwrfsystem for details on most of these options.

Options in this section:

[forecast_products] ww3_output_step

Seconds between WW3 main output file times

1 [forecast_products]
2 ww3_output_step = 10800

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] ww3_restart_step

Seconds between WW3 restart file times

1 [forecast_products]
2 ww3_restart_step = 21600

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] wrf_output_step

WRF forecast output frequency in seconds

1 [forecast_products]
2 wrf_output_step = 10800

Output frequency of the main WRF output stream, in integer seconds greater than 0. Valid values are 10800, 3600 or anything that integer divides 3600. In the special case of 10800, the output will still be hourly from hours 0-9. Examples:

Value Output Hours 0-9 Output After Hour 9
10800 Every 3600 Seconds (1hr) 10800 seconds (3hrs)
3600 Every 3600 Seconds (1hr) 3600 seconds (1hr)
1800 Every 1800 Seconds (30min) 1800 seconds (30 min)
900 Every 900 Seconds (15 min) 900 seconds (15 min)

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] pom_output_step

POM forecast output frequency in seconds

1 [forecast_products]
2 pom_output_step = 86400

Output frequency of the POM model in seconds. Must be a multiple of 5400 (1.5 hours), and must integer divide a day (86400). Typical values:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] tracker_step

Times between tracker inputs (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 tracker_step = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] nonsatpost_step

Times between non-satellite post inputs (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 nonsatpost_step = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] satpost_step

Times between satellite post inputs (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 satpost_step = 6

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] wrfcopier_start

First time to copy WRF output to COM (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 wrfcopier_start = 0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] wrfcopier_end

Last time to copy WRF output to COM (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 wrfcopier_end = 9

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] wrfcopier_step

Step between times WRF output is copied to COM (hours)

1 [forecast_products]
2 wrfcopier_step = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] combinetrack_fhr

Length of the relocation-length track file

1 [forecast_products]
2 combinetrack_fhr = 12

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d23_grid

combined domain 2/3 grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d23_grid = 0.02,0.02,12.,15.,136,751,601

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d123low_grid

low-res domain 1/2/3 grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d123low_grid = 0.20,0.20,90.,110.,136,551,451

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d123high_grid

high-res domain 1/2/3 grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d123high_grid = 0.06,0.06,90.,110.,136,1834,1500

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d2_grid

domain 2 only grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d2_grid = 0.06,0.06,12.,14.,136,234,201

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d3_grid

domain 3 only grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d3_grid = 0.02,0.02,7.5,9.0,136,450,375

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d2t_grid

domain 1/2 tracker grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d2t_grid = 0.06,0.06,30.,30.,128,500,500

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] d1t_grid

domain 1 tracker grid

1 [forecast_products]
2 d1t_grid = 0.10,0.10,30.,30.,128,301,301

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] trk_expand

Tracker grid expansion settings

1 [forecast_products]
2 trk_expand = 2.5,2.5,4.0,4.0,1000,1000,128,0.02,0.02

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] grib2_compression

GRIB2 compression method

1 [forecast_products]
2 grib2_compression = 32

Settings for cnvgrib to convert to GRIB2. Supported options:

These are sent to the -p option to cnvgrib.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrftrk%com

track input filename in COM

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrftrk%com = {out_prefix}.hwrftrk.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrftrk%intercom

track input filename in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrftrk%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrftrk.grbf{fahr:02d}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] anl_outer

wrfanl d02 file

1 [forecast_products]
2 anl_outer = {out_prefix}.wrfanl_d02

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] anl_inner

wrfanl d03 file

1 [forecast_products]
2 anl_inner = {out_prefix}.wrfanl_d03

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_m%intercom

domain 2/3 pres GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_m%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_n%intercom

domain 3 pres GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_n%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_i%intercom

domain 2 pres GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_i%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_p%intercom

domain 1 pres GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_p%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_c%intercom

domain 1/2/3 hires pres GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_c%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfprs_g%intercom

global GRIB1 pres file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfprs_g%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_m%intercom

domain 2/3 sat GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_m%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_n%intercom

domain 3 sat GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_n%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_i%intercom

domain 2 sat GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_i%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_p%intercom

domain 1 sat GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_p%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_c%intercom

domain 1/2 sat GRIB1 file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_c%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d12.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrfsat_g%intercom

global GRIB1 sat file in intercom

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrfsat_g%intercom = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_m%com

Domain 2/3 pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_m%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_n%com

Domain 3 pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_n%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_i%com

Domain 2 pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_i%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_p%com

Domain 1 pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_p%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_c%com

Domain 1/2/3 pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_c%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2prs_g%com

Global pres GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2prs_g%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfprs.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_m%com

Domain 2/3 sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_m%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d23.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_n%com

Domain 3 sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_n%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d3.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_i%com

Domain 2 sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_i%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d2.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_p%com

Domain 1 sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_p%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d1.0p20.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_c%com

Domain 1/2 sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_c%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d12.0p06.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[forecast_products] hwrf2sat_g%com

Global sat GRIB2 file in com

1 [forecast_products]
2 hwrf2sat_g%com = {out_prefix}.hwrfsat.d123.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [sat_wnd_obstype]

Defines the satellite wind obstype

Options in this section:

[sat_wnd_obstype] type

Name of this group of obstypes.

1 [sat_wnd_obstype]
2 type = satwnd

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_wnd_obstype] dataset

Dataset for the hwrf.input to find data

1 [sat_wnd_obstype]
2 dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_wnd_obstype] item

Item for hwrf.input to find data

1 [sat_wnd_obstype]
2 item = gfs_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[sat_wnd_obstype] satwndbufr

GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for satwndbufr data

1 [sat_wnd_obstype]
2 satwndbufr = satwnd

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [regribber]

Configures the hwrf.gribtask

Options in this section:

[regribber] griblockdir

Regribber lock directory

1 [regribber]
2 griblockdir = {lockdir}/griblocks

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[regribber] hgt_levs

Tracker height level list file

1 [regribber]
2 hgt_levs = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_hgt_levs.txt

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[regribber] tmp_levs

Tracker temperature level list file

1 [regribber]
2 tmp_levs = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_tmp_levs.txt

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [namelist_inner]

Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests.

Sent into the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the WRF namelist. This section sets per-domain settings for the innermost domains. It overrides settings from namelist_outer and namelist_moad.See the WRF documentation for details.

Section [satpost]

Configures the satellite post-processor run on the forecast

Options in this section:

[satpost] control

Post control file

1 [satpost]
2 control = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_cntrl.sat{basin1}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [wps_namelist]

Defines the WPS namelist

This section is sent through hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the WPS namelist for all WPS components. See the WPS documentation for details on the option meanings.

Section [nhc_products]

Configuration for hwrf_nhc_products program, which produces the swath, the HTCF, the AFOS, and various other NHC products.

Options in this section:

[nhc_products] TierI_model

model name in Tier I file

1 [nhc_products]
2 TierI_model = HWRF

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nhc_products] TierI_submodel

submodel name in Tier I file

1 [nhc_products]
2 TierI_submodel = PYHW

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nhc_products] TierI_realtime

realtime/non-realtime for Tier I purposes

1 [nhc_products]
2 TierI_realtime = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nhc_products] grads_byteswap

should the grads ctl file say the swath is byteswapped?

1 [nhc_products]
2 grads_byteswap = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nhc_products] swathres

resolution of storm swath in degrees

1 [nhc_products]
2 swathres = 0.05

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[nhc_products] swathpad

padding in degrees around storm swath

1 [nhc_products]
2 swathpad = 0.3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [fgat_prep_hybrid]

Configures the prep_hybrid program for the FGAT case.

Options in this section:

[fgat_prep_hybrid] dataset

The dataset name for hwrf.input

1 [fgat_prep_hybrid]
2 dataset = gdas

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_prep_hybrid] item

The item name for hwrf.input

1 [fgat_prep_hybrid]
2 item = gdas1_sf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat_prep_hybrid] namelist

Use this section for generating the namelist

1 [fgat_prep_hybrid]
2 namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [storm1outer]

Configure the intermediate forecast and analysis domains in WRF.

Options in this section:

[storm1outer] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1outer]
2 nx = 142

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1outer] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1outer]
2 ny = 274

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1outer] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1outer]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1outer] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1outer]
2 start = auto

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1outer] namelist

Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1outer]
2 namelist = namelist_outer

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [exe]

Executable program locations

Options in this section:

[exe] wgrib2

wgrib2 GRIB2 indexing and manipulation program

1 [exe]
2 wgrib2 = {utilexec}/wgrib2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] wgrib

wgrib GRIB1 indexing and manipulation program

1 [exe]
2 wgrib = {utilexec}/wgrib

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] cnvgrib

cnvgrib GRIB1/2 conversion program

1 [exe]
2 cnvgrib = {utilexec}/cnvgrib

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] grbindex

GRIB1 binary index generation program

1 [exe]
2 grbindex = {utilexec}/grbindex

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] mpiserial

Executes serial programs via MPI

1 [exe]
2 mpiserial = {utilexec}/mpiserial

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] tar


1 [exe]
2 tar = tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] htar

HTAR tape archiving program

1 [exe]
2 htar = htar

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hsi

hsi tape manipulation program

1 [exe]
2 hsi = hsi

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_get_rtofs

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_get_rtofs = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_get_rtofs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_grid

1 [exe]
2 ww3_grid = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_grid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_strt

1 [exe]
2 ww3_strt = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_strt

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_prep

1 [exe]
2 ww3_prep = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_prep

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_outf

1 [exe]
2 ww3_outf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_outf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_outp

1 [exe]
2 ww3_outp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_outp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_trck

1 [exe]
2 ww3_trck = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_trck

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_grib

1 [exe]
2 ww3_grib = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_grib

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_gspl

1 [exe]
2 ww3_gspl = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_gspl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_gint

1 [exe]
2 ww3_gint = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_gint

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] gx_outf

1 [exe]
2 gx_outf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gx_outf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] gx_outp

1 [exe]
2 gx_outp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gx_outp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_systrk

1 [exe]
2 ww3_systrk = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_systrk

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_bound

1 [exe]
2 ww3_bound = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_bound

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_shel

1 [exe]
2 ww3_shel = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_shel

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_multi

1 [exe]
2 ww3_multi = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_multi

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_sbs1

1 [exe]
2 ww3_sbs1 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_sbs1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_prnc

1 [exe]
2 ww3_prnc = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_prnc

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_ounf

1 [exe]
2 ww3_ounf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_ounf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_ounp

1 [exe]
2 ww3_ounp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_ounp

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] ww3_bounc

1 [exe]
2 ww3_bounc = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_bounc

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] gsi

GSI data assimilation

1 [exe]
2 gsi = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gsi

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] post

Unified Post Processor

1 [exe]
2 post = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_post

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] copygb

Copygb with bug fixes for E grid

1 [exe]
2 copygb = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_egrid2latlon

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] tave

Tracker TAVE pre-processor

1 [exe]
2 tave = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_tave

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] vint

Tracker VINT pre-processor

1 [exe]
2 vint = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_vint

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] gettrk

GFDL Vortex Tracker

1 [exe]
2 gettrk = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_unified_tracker

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_nhc_products

hwrf_nhc_products special product generator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_nhc_products = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_nhc_products

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_prep

HWRF spectral to grid transformation program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_prep = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_prep

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] real_nmm

WRF-NMM real case preparation program

1 [exe]
2 real_nmm = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_real_nmm

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] swcorner_dynamic

sets i and j parent start in WRF namelists

1 [exe]
2 swcorner_dynamic = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_swcorner_dynamic

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] wrf

WRF-NMM with HWRF mode

1 [exe]
2 wrf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wrf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] wrfout_newtime

Modifies WRF NetCDF file times

1 [exe]
2 wrfout_newtime = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wrfout_newtime

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_metgrid_levels

Get the metgrid level info from a NetCDF metgrid file

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_metgrid_levels = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_metgrid_levels

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_fcst

POM 3D forecast program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_fcst = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_fcst

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_init

POM 3D init program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_init = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_init

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb

POM FB prep

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3

POM G3 prep

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id

POM ID prep

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na

POM NA prep

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep

pom trans-atlantic prep

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_getsst

Obtains GFS SST for POM

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_getsst = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_getsst

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5

POM loop current feature initialization

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_wm3c

NCEP Coupler

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_wm3c = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wm3c

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_geogrid

WPS Geogrid program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_geogrid = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_geogrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_ungrib

WPS Ungrib program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_ungrib = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ungrib

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_metgrid

WPS metgrid program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_metgrid = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_metgrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_3dvar

Vortex get/paste program for NetCDF files

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_3dvar = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_diffwrf_3dvar

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_final_merge

Final Merge program for hwrf multistorm

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_final_merge = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_final_merge

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_bin_io

Vortex get/paste program for WRF binary files

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_bin_io = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_bin_io

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_merge_nest

Vortex relocation hwrf_merge_nest program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_merge_nest = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_3n

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_merge_enkf

Ensemble domain merge_enkf program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_merge_enkf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_enkf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_trk_guess

Vortex relocation trak_guess program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_trk_guess = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_trak_guess

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_wrf_split

Vortex relocation hwrf_split program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_wrf_split = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_split1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_pert_ct

Vortex relocation pert_ct program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_pert_ct = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_pert_ct1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_create_nest

Vortex relocation create_nest_1x_10m program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_create_nest = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_nest_1x_10m

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_create_trak_fnl

Vortex relocation create_trak_fnl program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_create_trak_fnl = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_trak_fnl

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_anl_4x

Vortex relocation anl_4x program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_anl_4x = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_4x_step2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_anl_cs

Vortex relocation anl_cs program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_anl_cs = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_cs_10m

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_anl_bogus

Vortex relocation anl_bogus program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_anl_bogus = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_bogus_10m

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_inter_2to1

Vortex relocation 2to1 interpolator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_inter_2to1 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_inter_2to6

Vortex relocation 2to6 interpolator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_inter_2to6 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to6

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_inter_2to2

Vortex relocation 2to2 interpolator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_inter_2to2 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_inter_4to2

Vortex relocation 4to2 interpolator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_inter_4to2 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_4to2

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_inter_4to6

Vortex relocation 4to6 interpolator

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_inter_4to6 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_4to6

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_blend_gsi

Vortex merge hwrf_blend_gsi program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_blend_gsi = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_blend_gsi

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_readtdrstmid

TDR storm ID reader

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_readtdrstmid = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrstmid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_readtdrtime

TDR time reader

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_readtdrtime = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrtime

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_readtdrtrigger

TDR trigger processor

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_readtdrtrigger = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrtrigger

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle

hwrf.bufrprep rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle

hwrf.bufrprep change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[exe] hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_typ

hwrf.bufrprep change_prepbufr_qm_typ program

1 [exe]
2 hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_typ = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_typ

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ocstatus]

Ocean status file specification.

Options in this section:

[ocstatus] ocstatus

The name of the ocean status file in the com directory:

1 [ocstatus]
2 ocstatus = {com}/{stormlabel}.ocean_status

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[ocstatus] ocstatus2

Operational name of the ocean status file

1 [ocstatus]
2 ocstatus2 = {com}/ocean_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle}

Alternative name of the ocean status file, used by the downstream GFDL hurricane model. That name is not presently used by the HWRF Rocoto workflow because it cannot be predicted in advance.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [gsi_d02_nml]

Used to configure the GSI namelist

Options in this section:

[gsi_d02_nml] HZSCL

background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing

1 [gsi_d02_nml]
2 HZSCL = 0.25,0.5,1.0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] DELTIM

model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates

1 [gsi_d02_nml]
2 DELTIM = 1200

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] twind

maximum half time window (hours) for observations

1 [gsi_d02_nml]
2 twind = 3.0

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] HYBENS_REGIONAL

logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


ensemble size

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL

if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] BETA1_INV_REGIONAL

value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


horizontal localization correlation length (km)

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp)

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, then read in localization information from external file

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B.

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application.

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

=1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format.

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] PSEUDO_HYBENS

if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] GRID_RATIO_ENS

ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM)

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] PWGTFLG

if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] BETAFLG

if T, use vertical weighting on beta1_inv and beta2_inv, for regional

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[gsi_d02_nml] WRITE_ENS_SPRD

if T, write out ensemble spread

1 [gsi_d02_nml]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [ww3post]

Wavewatch3 post-processing configuration.

Section [fgat]

Configures the hwrf_expt.fgat_init.

Options in this section:

[fgat] ibdystep

Boundary conditon step:

1 [fgat]
2 ibdystep = 10800

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] FGATSTR

FGAT starting hour

1 [fgat]
2 FGATSTR = -3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] FGATINV

Step in hours between the FGAT hours

1 [fgat]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] FGATEND

FGAT end hour

1 [fgat]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] geogrid

section to configure hwrf.wps.Geogrid

1 [fgat]
2 geogrid = geogrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] metgrid

section to configure hwrf.wps.Metgrid

1 [fgat]
2 metgrid = metgrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] realinit

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for init-length runs

1 [fgat]
2 realinit = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] realfcst

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for forecast-length runs

1 [fgat]
2 realfcst = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] wrfanl

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl4Trak

1 [fgat]
2 wrfanl = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] wrfghost

section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhost or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhostForPost

1 [fgat]
2 wrfghost = wrfexe

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] post

section to configure the post for finding the parent model vortex

1 [fgat]
2 post = nonsatpost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] regribber

section to configure the regribber for finding the parent model vortex

1 [fgat]
2 regribber = regribber

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] tracker

section to configure the tracker for finding the parent model vortex

1 [fgat]
2 tracker = tracker

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] ungrib

section to configure hwrf.wps.Ungrib

1 [fgat]
2 ungrib = fgat_ungrib

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[fgat] prep_hybrid

section to configure hwrf.prep.PrepHybrid

1 [fgat]
2 prep_hybrid = fgat_prep_hybrid

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [prep_hybrid]

Configures the prep_hybrid program for the non-FGAT case.

Options in this section:

[prep_hybrid] dataset

The dataset name for hwrf.input

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] item

The item name for hwrf.input

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 item = gfs_sf

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] catalog

The catalog name for hwrf.input.DataCatalog

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 catalog = {input_catalog}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] namelist

The section to use to generate the prep_hybrid namelist

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] threads

Number of threads for running prep_hybrid

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 threads = 8

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] imax

The intermediate grid size in the longitude direction.

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 imax = 1440

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[prep_hybrid] jmax

The intermediate grid size in the latitude direction.

1 [prep_hybrid]
2 jmax = 721

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [storm1ghost_big]

Configure the innermost ghost domains in WRF used for non-FGAT.

Options in this section:

[storm1ghost_big] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 nx = 529

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 ny = 998

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 start = centered

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] istart


1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 istart = 36

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] jstart


1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 jstart = 59

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_big] namelist

List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1ghost_big]
2 namelist = namelist_inner,namelist_ghost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [runwrf3km]

Configures the forecast job at 3km.

Change the processor counts for 3km. Force 184 WRF compute processors on all platforms. This ensures we do not go past the 7x7 minimum tile size requirement. The defaults for all platforms violate that requirement in the forecast job when run at 3km. These values are from the 2013-2014 operational HWRF.

Options in this section:

[runwrf3km] nio_groups

Number of I/O server groups in the forecast job

1 [runwrf3km]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf3km] nio_tasks_per_group

Number of servers per group in the forecast job

1 [runwrf3km]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 4,4,4

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf3km] nproc_x

WRF processor count in X direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [runwrf3km]
2 nproc_x = 8

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf3km] nproc_y

WRF processor count in Y direction (-1 = automatic)

1 [runwrf3km]
2 nproc_y = 23

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf3km] wrf_ranks

Total number of WRF processors

1 [runwrf3km]
2 wrf_ranks = 196

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[runwrf3km] wm3c_ranks

Number of coupler processors

1 [runwrf3km]
2 wm3c_ranks = 1

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [merge]

Configure the merge job.

Section [namelist_outer]

Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests.

This section sets the namelist for the intermediate and innermost domains. It only needs to set values that differ from the MOAD. The innermost domains can override these values in namelist_inner. See the WRF documentation for details.

Section [hycombools]

This section contains YES/NO variables and values which will be set as environment variables in the shell programs.

The hycombools section is filled with ENV_VAR=value entries. Each ENV_VAR will be set to the boolean version of the value. Values are converted to Python booleans and then to the strings YES or NO. All environment variables must be valid shell and Python variable names.

Options in this section:

[hycombools] RUN_OCEAN

1 [hycombools]
2 RUN_OCEAN = {run_ocean}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycombools] RUN_WAVE

1 [hycombools]
2 RUN_WAVE = {run_wave}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [cpl_nml]

Configures the coupler namelist

Read by hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the coupler namelist. See the NCEP Coupler documentation for details.

Section [tdr_old_obstype]

Defines the old TDR obstype

Tells where to get old TDR observations, and what to name them in the directory when running GSI. See hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details.

Options in this section:

[tdr_old_obstype] type

Name for this type of observation

1 [tdr_old_obstype]
2 type = tdr_old

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_old_obstype] dataset

dataset name for the hwrf.input

1 [tdr_old_obstype]
2 dataset = tdr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_old_obstype] item

item name for the hwrf.input

1 [tdr_old_obstype]
2 item = gdas1_bufr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[tdr_old_obstype] tldplrso

1 [tdr_old_obstype]
2 tldplrso = tldplr

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [storm1ghost_parent]

Configure the intermediate ghost domains in WRF used for FGAT.

Options in this section:

[storm1ghost_parent] nx

Domain X (rotated East) extent

1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 nx = 290

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] ny

Domain Y (rotated North) extent

1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 ny = 580

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] parent_grid_ratio

Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3

1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 parent_grid_ratio = 3

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] start

Domain initial location decision method

1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 start = auto

How to decide the domain initial location:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] istart


1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 istart = 38

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] jstart


1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 jstart = 81

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[storm1ghost_parent] namelist

List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain.

1 [storm1ghost_parent]
2 namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [dir]

Configure file and directory paths

Options in this section:

[dir] statusfile

cycle status file

1 [dir]
2 statusfile = {WORKhwrf}/{stormlabel}.{YMDH}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] intercom

dir for communicating data files between jobs

1 [dir]
2 intercom = {WORKhwrf}/intercom

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] lockdir

lock files for post-processing

1 [dir]
2 lockdir = {WORKhwrf}/lock

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] INPUThwrf

1 [dir]
2 INPUThwrf = ./

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


Ocean spin-up data directory

1 [dir]

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] geog_data

Geographic input data

1 [dir]
2 geog_data = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf_wps_geo/

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] FIXgsi

GSI input data for everything except CRTM

1 [dir]
2 FIXgsi = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf-gsi/

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] FIXcrtm

GSI CRTM input data

1 [dir]
2 FIXcrtm = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf-crtm-2.2.1/

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] FIXww3

wavewatch3 fix files

1 [dir]
2 FIXww3 = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf-ww3/

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] domlocfile

Domain center location file in COM.

1 [dir]
2 domlocfile = {com}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{vit[YMDH]}.domain.center

This is the full path to the domain center location file, which MUST be in com. It is used to determine whether a cycle has a com directory:

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] gsistatus

The name of the gsi status file in the com directory

1 [dir]
2 gsistatus = {stormlabel}.gsi_status

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[dir] gsistatus2

Operational name of the gsi status file

1 [dir]
2 gsistatus2 = gsi_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf


File to check in a prior cycle's com, to see if the cycle exists.

1 [dir]
2 HISTCHECK = {oldcom}/{oldvit[stnum]:02d}{oldvit[basin1lc]}.{oldvit[YMDH]}.domain.center

File to use to check if a prior cycle exists for a given storm. This only applies to the single storm HWRF. It should not use the vit[] variable; instead, use oldvit[].

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

Section [hycominit]

hycom_init job configuration:

Options in this section:

[hycominit] RTOFS_HIST

RTOFS .a and .b file locations of historical RTOFS

1 [hycominit]
2 RTOFS_HIST = /dev/null

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] RTOFS_FCST

RTOFS .a and .b file locations of real-time RTOFS

1 [hycominit]
2 RTOFS_FCST = /dev/null

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] RTOFS_TAR

RTOFS .a.tgz and .b file locations

1 [hycominit]
2 RTOFS_TAR = /dev/null

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] RTOFS_STAGE

RTOFS staging/linking area

1 [hycominit]
2 RTOFS_STAGE = {WORKhwrf}/hycominit/RTOFSDIR

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] scrub

Override global scrubbing option for hycom init

1 [hycominit]
2 scrub = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] bools

Section with YES/NO variables for shell programs

1 [hycominit]
2 bools = hycombools

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] strings

Section with string variables for shell programs

1 [hycominit]
2 strings = hycomstrings

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] forecast_exe

hycom forecast program for the coupled forecast job

1 [hycominit]
2 forecast_exe = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_{RUNmodIDout}_forecast

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] restart_outR

Output restart files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars

1 [hycominit]
2 restart_outR = {com}/{out_prefix}.{RUNmodIDout}.spin_restart.{ab}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] restart_out

Output restart R files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars

1 [hycominit]
2 restart_out = {com}/{out_prefix}.{RUNmodIDout}.restart.{ab}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf

[hycominit] spin_archv

Output spin files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars

1 [hycominit]
2 spin_archv = {com}/{out_prefix}.spin_archv.{ab}

Defined in File parm/hwrf.conf