Past MEG Presentations
Past MEG Presentations/Recordings
(Google Drive folder is directly available to those with a email address and also upon request)
Presentation lists for: Recent, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015
17 December 2020

Hurricane Marco (2020) and Hurricane Laura (2020) Case Reviews - Shannon Shields (EMC) and Marcel Caron (EMC)

3 December 2020

RAPv5 and HRRRv4 Operational Upgrade - Curtis Alexander (GSL)

The MEG Perspective on the Implementation of RAPv5/HRRRv4 - Chris MacIntosh (EMC) and Logan Dawson (EMC)

19 November 2020

Recent and Upcoming Changes to the NCEP Production Suite and Relevance to Winter Forecasting - Logan Dawson (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

29 October 2020

The 10 August 2020 Midwest Derecho - Ray Wolf (WFO DVN) and Geoff Manikin (EMC)

15 October 2020

The 2020 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall (FFaIR) Experiment - Sarah Trojniak (WPC) and Jimmy Correia (WPC)

The 2019 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment - Adam Clark (NSSL), Burkely Gallo (SPC), Brett Roberts (SPC/NSSL), and Israel Jirak (SPC)

1 October 2020

Assessing HMON/HWRF Performance Initialized with GFSv16 - Zhan Zhang (EMC)

GFS Wave vs Multi-1 Evaluation Summary - Deanna Spindler (EMC)

Field Evaluations of GFSv16 (Waves/Day 1–10 Weather) - Shannon Shields (EMC) and Philippe Papin (EMC)

24 September 2020

MEG Evaluation of GFSv16 - Alicia Bentley (EMC) and Geoff Manikin (EMC)

17 September 2020

GFSv16 STI SOO Team Evaluation - Geoff Manikin (EMC), Mark Klein (WPC), Bill Martin (WFO GSP), Chris Karstens (SPC), Mike Fowle (WFO DMX), Warren Blier (WFO MTR), Ben Trabing (NHC), Steverino Silberberg (AWC), Jack Settelmaier (SR SSD), Emily Niebuhr (AR ESSD), and Robert Ballard (WFO HFO & CPHC)

10 September 2020

GFSv16 Retrospective Case Studies: Extreme Temperatures - Shannon Shields (EMC)

GFSv16 Vertical Profile Assessment - Geoff Manikin (EMC)

3 September 2020

GFSv16 Retrospective Case Studies: Severe Weather - Chris MacIntosh (EMC)

GFSv16 Severe Weather: Strengths and Concerns - Logan Dawson (EMC)

27 August 2020

GFSv16 Retrospective Case Studies: QPF/Precipitation - Philippe Papin (EMC)

GFSv16 Retrospective Case Studies: Winter Weather - Alicia Bentley (EMC)

20 August 2020

GFSv16 Retrospective Case Studies: Tropical Cyclones - Shannon Shields (EMC)

GFSv16 Tropical Cyclones: Strengths and Concerns - Alicia Bentley (EMC)

13 August 2020

Field Evaluations of HREFv3 - Chris MacIntosh (EMC) and Logan Dawson (EMC)

6 August 2020

Introduction to GFSv16 Wave Component - Deanna Spindler (EMC)

Overview of GFSv16 Verification Statistics - Chris MacIntosh (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

30 July 2020

The MEG Evaluation of HREFv3 - Logan Dawson (EMC) and Geoff Manikin (EMC)

23 July 2020

STI CAM SOO Team Evaluation of HREFv3 - Israel Jirak (SPC), Rob Hepper (AWC), Marc Chenard (WPC), Emily Niebuhr (AR ESSD), Dave Levin (AR ESSD), Bryan Mroczka (WFO TBW), Mike Evans (WFO ALY), and Andy Taylor (WFO FGZ)

16 July 2020

GFSv16 Evaluation Kickoff - Geoff Manikin (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

25 June 2020

An Update on HREFv3 (and RAPv5/HRRRv4) - Geoff Manikin (EMC) and Logan Dawson (EMC)

18 June 2020

10th Annual HMT-WPC Winter Weather Experiment - Kirstin Harnos (WPC), Ben Albright (WPC), and Mike Bodner (WPC)

28 May 2020

Preliminary HREFv3 Stats and Relevant Case Examples - Logan Dawson (EMC)

14 May 2020

CPC Evaluation of GEFSv12 - Matt Rosencrans (CPC)

30 April 2020

GEFSv12-Wave: Overview of Upgrades and Verification Statistics - Jose-Henrique Alves (EMC) and Deanna Spindler (EMC)

GEFSv12-Aerosol: Overview of Upgrades and Verification Statistics - Partha Bhattacharjee (EMC) and Jeff Mcqueen (EMC)

Field Evaluations of GEFSv12 (Waves, Aerosols, and Weeks 2–4 Weather) - Shannon Shields (EMC)

Field Evaluations of GEFSv12 (Day 1–10 Weather) - Alicia Bentley (EMC)

23 April 2020

The MEG Evaluation of GEFSv12 - Alicia Bentley (EMC) and Geoff Manikin (EMC)

16 April 2020

GEFSv12 SOO Team Evaluation - Geoff Manikin (EMC), Randy Graham (NWS CR), Kris Mattarochia (NWS HNX), and Bill Martin (NWS GSP)

9 April 2020

HREFv3 Evaluation Kickoff - Geoff Manikin (EMC) and Logan Dawson (EMC)

2 April 2020

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Severe Weather - Logan Dawson (EMC)

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Low Skill/Dropouts - Shannon Shields (EMC)

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Cold-Air Outbreaks - Geoff Manikin (EMC)

26 March 2020

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Tropical Cyclones - Shannon Shields (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

26 March 2020

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Tropical Cyclones - Shannon Shields (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

19 March 2020

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Winter Storms - Alicia Bentley (EMC)

12 March 2020

Overview of GEFSv12 Verification Statistics - Alicia Bentley (EMC)

GEFSv12 Retrospective Case Studies: Excessive QPF - Shannon Shields (EMC)

5 March 2020

Perspectives from WFOs Regarding NWP Performance for the 20–21 February 2020 Winter Storm - Mike Dutter (WFO AKQ), Dan Leins (WFO RAH), and Ryan Ellis (WFO MHX)

27 February 2020

GEFSv12 Evaluation Kickoff - Geoff Manikin (EMC) and Alicia Bentley (EMC)

13 February 2020

7 February 2020 Surprise Mid-Atlantic Severe Event - Steve Zubrick (WFO LWX), Kyle Pallozzi (WFO LWX), Brian Haines (WFO PHI), and Geoff Manikin (EMC)

6 February 2020

Revisiting Precipitation Type Issues in the GFS - Geoff Manikin (EMC)