In the winter of 2007 the Winter Storm Recon Program is operational at the National Weather Service. The program will be organized similarly as in 2005. In case of a need for extra observations to be taken with the aim of reducing forecast uncertainty for threatening winter weather events, forecasters at WFO field offices can contact the WSR focal point in their respective region:
Alaska:     James Partain
Pacific:    Ken Waters
Western Region:    Andy Edman Warren Blier
Central Region:    Peter Browning
Southern Region:    Rusty Billingsley
Eastern Region:    Ken Johnson
The regional focal points, along with NCEP Service Center focal points, will forward the pertinent information on the forecast event to the Senior Duty Meteorologist at NCEP/NCO by 9:30 am eastern time.

The WSR07 program is expected to start in January 17, 2007. Approximately 140 flight hours (18-20 missions) will be available on the NOAA G-lV plane through March 15. In addition, flight hours will be available with 2 USAF C130 planes from Feburary 14, 2007 through March 12 . The C130s will be based in Alaska, while the G-IV will be based in Honolulu. The planes will take dropsonde observations in areas identified by the SDM as the most relevant for improving the forecasts for events requested by the field and NCEP forecasters.

Aircraft schedules:
C-130s: First flight is possible at 2007021400. Last possible flight is at 2007031200. All flights are out of Alaska .
G-IV: First flight is possible at 2007011700. Last flight is possible at 2007031500. Flights are from Honolulu.

Comments on the G-IV:
There are about 20 hours out of positioning of the G-1V to and from Honolulu. The total available hours for WSR is around 140.

For Plan of Day (POD), containing used/remaining flight our information, see:
or call up the bulletin NOUS42 KNHC




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