Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch (VPPPG)
The Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch (VPPPGB) team works collaboratively with the community to conduct diagnostic verification studies of model performance on weather and climate time and space scales; diagnostic studies to evaluate potential improvements in forecast skill; production of deterministic and ensemble products using models from EMC; and, post-processing of model output for use by the global weather community. The VPPPGB publishes research results in various media for dissemination to the world oceanographic and meteorological community, and supports the development and implementation of the Unified Forecast System. The VPPPGB uses the METplus software for verification and evaluation, the Unified Post Processor (UPP) software for model post-processing, and other custom software tools.
Branch Objectives
- Verify and evaluate both real-time and new EMC modeling systems.
- Create and support post-processed model data and products for internal and external users.
- Diagnose systematic errors and biases for model skill improvement.
Functions include
- Develop, support, and maintain verification software systems and EMC’s Model Verification Web Pages to illustrate and visualize model skill on all temporal and spatial scales
- Evaluate new model systems, in partnership with internal and external users, led by EMC’s Model Evaluation Group
- Research and create new model verification metrics and graphics to improve skill assessment
- Support and contribute to the community-based METplus verification software system
- Develop, support, and maintain post-processed data and products produced by EMC modeling systems
- Work with internal and external users to create and evolve post-processed products for use by the global weather community
- Evaluate and quality control post-processed products
- Create ensemble data products and develop statistical bias correction, calibration, and downscaling methods
- Support and contribute to the community-based Unified Post Processor software
Model Diagnostics
- Investigate and determine systematic errors and biases for both real-time and new modeling systems
- Assist the Unified Forecast System community in evaluating and diagnosing skill for new and emerging model components, such as new dynamic cores and physics packages
- Develop and evaluate diagnostic software for EMC models

Branch Chief, Jason Levit
Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation (VPPPGB)
Jason Levit had his start as an undergraduate researcher at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms in 1991, Jason's career focus has been on creating tools and technologies to assist scientists and information technology professionals in solving problems related to hazardous weather prediction. Prior to his position at EMC, Jason worked at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), where he was leading the development of the new Community Atmospheric Model Post-Processing System (CAMPS) for the Meteorological Development Lab (MDL) at NWS Headquarters. Prior to his job at CIRA working with MDL, Jason held private sector positions at Weather Analytics as the Director of Data Science, and at Mitre as a Development Meteorologist. Before that, Jason held positions at several organizations in the NWS, including the Office of Science and Technology (OST), the Aviation Weather Center, and the Storm Prediction Center. Prior to NWS, he held research positions at the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS), both in Norman, OK on the campus of Oklahoma University, where he received a B.S. and M.S. in Meteorology.