EMC News Items
AUGUST 2022 : MDAB Chief Dr. Vijay Tallapragada receives two prestigious recognitions while attending the 2022 AMS Summer Community Meeting.

Dr. Vijay Tallapragada of National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), has been appointed as a Senior Scientist and AMS Fellow.
Over his career in NOAA and the NWS, Dr. Tallapragada has worked relentlessly to improve operational modeling systems. In his new role, Vijay will focus on technical direction for a revamped production suite and engagement with the community as EMC continues to embrace open development of NWS operational modeling systems.
Vijay was also elected as an AMS Fellow, a move that was based on his contributions to the development of modeling systems that protect lives and livelihoods, his scientific contributions documented in the peer-reviewed literature, his service to the meteorological community, and his mentoring of students and early-career scientists.