HWRF  trunk@4391
1 ##@namespace produtil
2 # Platform-independent weather and ocean forecasting utility package.
3 #
4 # @anchor produtil_overview
5 # The produtil package is a general production weather and ocean
6 # forecasting utility package. It implements a number of classes and
7 # functions needed to implement a reliable, cross-platform weather or
8 # ocean forecasting system. This package is entirely
9 # model-independent: nothing in it is specific to, or reliant on, the
10 # HWRF model.
11 #
12 # Note that before you use anything in this module, you must first
13 # call the produtil.setup.setup() function, and that function should
14 # only be called once per process. Generally this is done at the top
15 # of the main program.
16 #
17 # @section file_and_prod_manip File and Product Manipulation
18 #
19 # There are a number of file and directory manipulation routines in
20 # the produtil package. In many cases, these replace Python standard
21 # library routines that either have known bugs or lack logging
22 # functionality. If a function exists in produtil and the Python
23 # standard library, it is best to use the produtil version to avoid
24 # Python's bugs.
25 #
26 # * produtil.fileop --- Many simple routines to manipulate files and
27 # directories. Works around many Python bugs and adds logging to
28 # file manipulation routines.
29 # * produtil.acl --- A wrapper around libacl. This is used by the
30 # produtil.fileop.deliver_file() to copy access control lists (ACLs)
31 # * produtil.cd --- Two classes to implement safe cd-in-cd-out blocks
32 # using the Python "with" construct. Also implements temporary
33 # directories and deletion of pre-existing directories if requested.
34 # * produtil.locking --- File locking that works around Lustre, GPFS
35 # and Panasas bugs.
36 # * produtil.retry --- Retry operations.
37 # * produtil.rstprod --- Handle NOAA restricted data requirements.
38 # * produtil.dbn_alert --- Trigger DBNet alerts.
39 # * produtil.datastore --- A database and product tracking.
40 # * produtil.atparse --- A simple text preparser.
41 #
42 # @section prog_exec Program Execution
43 #
44 # The produtil package has flexible, shell-like syntaxes for
45 # specifying program execution, including complex MPI execution with
46 # multiple executables. Most critically, this package works around a
47 # bug in Python's subprocess module, which forgets to close pipes
48 # after a fork() call, causing deadlocks in multi-stage pipelines.
49 # That bug renders Python's subprocess module worthless for complex
50 # pipelines. The produtil.run does not suffer from that problem.
51 #
52 # * produtil.run --- shell-like syntax for running programs, including
53 # a cross-platform way of requesting MPI and OpenMP program
54 # execution.
55 # * produtil.prog, produtil.mpiprog --- Object tree that underlies the
56 # produtil.run implementation.
57 # * produtil.mpi_impl --- Contains one module for each MPI implementation
58 # supported by produtil.
59 # * produtil.pipeline --- Launches and monitors processes for produtil.run.
60 #
61 # You should never need to access the mpi_impl or pipeline modules
62 # directly, and you should only need the prog and mpiprog modules for
63 # type checking. (For example, is my argument a
64 # produtil.prog.ImmutableRunner?) In nearly all cases, you can use
65 # the produtil.run functions to access the full functionality of all
66 # of the program execution modules.
67 #
68 # @section other_utils Other Utilities
69 #
70 # * produtil.setup --- Contains the produtil.setup.setup() function, which
71 # initializes the entire produtil package.
72 # * produtil.log --- Initialization of the logging module. Sets up
73 # logging to match what is required in the NCEP production environment.
74 # This is highly configurable (as is the Python logging module).
75 # * produtil.sigsafety --- raises an exception on fatal signals,
76 # instead of causing an immediate uncontrolled exit. This is connected
77 # to the produtil.locking module to work around bugs in Lustre,
78 # Panasas and GPFS file locking.
79 # * produtil.rusage --- monitor and limit process resource usage
80 # * produtil.batchsystem --- Query information about the batch system and
81 # current batch job.
82 # * produtil.cluster --- Query information about the cluster.