HWRF  trunk@4391
Functions | Variables
scripts.exhwrf_launch Namespace Reference

Creates the initial HWRF directory structure for executing a single HWRF cycle. More...

Detailed Description

Creates the initial HWRF directory structure for executing a single HWRF cycle.

This script must be run before any other.

This script is executed as follows:

1 exhwrf_launch.py YYYYMMDDHH STID CASE_ROOT /path/to/parm [options]
When NCEP Central Operations (NCO) runs this job, the $PARAFLAG environment variable must be set to "NO" to trigger NCO-specific rules

Command line argument meanings:

The [options] can be:

This is the order in which configuration files and options are processed:

  1. Internal initial options from the startdata variable (which does almost nothing).
  2. parm/hwrf_input.conf — input file locations
  3. parm/hwrf.conf — detailed HWRF configuration settings
  4. parm/hwrf_holdvars.conf — for generating the com/storm*.holdvars.txt file
  5. parm/hwrf_basic.conf — basic, high-level HWRF configuration settings
  6. Configuration files listed in the [options] to exhwrf_launch
  7. Configuration section.Option=VALUE settings in exhwrf_launch
  8. The hwrf_expt.prelaunch() function is called to set per-cycle or per-basin settings.

See the hwrf_expt.prelaunch() function and the hwrf.prelaunch module for details on the prelaunch functionality.

After configuration information is determined, the sanity checks are run. If the sanity checks succeed, the initial directory structure is created and the com/storm*.conf file is generated. The database is filled with products and tasks generated by the hwrf_expt module, and then the script exits.


def usage (logger)
def main ()
 Processes configuration information and passes on to the hwrf.launcher module to create the initial directory structure and conf file. More...


tuple guess_HOMEhwrf
tuple guess_USHhwrf = os.path.join(guess_HOMEhwrf,'ush')
 logger = None
 The logging.Logger for log messages.
string startdata
 Initial configuration data to be inserted to the hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher before reading configuration files. More...

Function Documentation

def scripts.exhwrf_launch.main ( )

Processes configuration information and passes on to the hwrf.launcher module to create the initial directory structure and conf file.

Definition at line 110 of file exhwrf_launch.py.

Variable Documentation

tuple scripts.exhwrf_launch.guess_HOMEhwrf
Initial value:
1 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
2  os.path.realpath(__file__)))

Definition at line 59 of file exhwrf_launch.py.

string scripts.exhwrf_launch.startdata
Initial value:
1 = '''
2 # Holdvars file with ksh variables:
3 holdvars="{holdvars}"
5 # Main conf file:
6 CONFhwrf="{CONFhwrf}"
8 # Cycle being run:
9 cycle={YMDH}
11 # Three character storm ID -- just number and basin letter:
12 stormid3="{vit[stormid3]}"
14 # Long storm ID:
15 longstormid="{vit[longstormid]}"
16 '''

Initial configuration data to be inserted to the hwrf.launcher.HWRFLauncher before reading configuration files.

Definition at line 74 of file exhwrf_launch.py.