HWRF  trunk@4391
scripts.exhwrf_check_init Namespace Reference

Checks the initialization jobs' output and database entries to see if the initialization appears to have succeeded. More...

Detailed Description

Checks the initialization jobs' output and database entries to see if the initialization appears to have succeeded.

This is not a comprehensive check, but it tries to be as thorough as possible without taking more than a half minute to run.


def check_ocean_init (logger)
 Checks to see if the ocean initialization succeeded for the chosen ocean model. More...
def check_wave_init (logger)
def check_gsi (logger)
 Checks to see if the GSI data assimilation system ran correctly for all domains for which it should have run. More...
def check_relocate (conf, who, init, relocate, logger, when)
 Checks to see if the vortex relocation system ran correctly. More...
def check_fgat_relocate (conf, logger)
 Checks all steps of the FGAT relocation. More...
def check_gfs_relocate (conf, logger)
 Calls check_relocate() to check the GFS relocation. More...
def main ()
 Checks the entire HWRF initialization to see if all needed inputs to the forecast are present and all init tasks ran correctly. More...

Function Documentation

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_fgat_relocate (   conf,

Checks all steps of the FGAT relocation.

confthe hwrf.config.HWRFConfig for configuration info
loggera logging.Logger for log messages
True if the relocation jobs ALL succeeded, or False otherwise

Definition at line 153 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_check_init.main().

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_gfs_relocate (   conf,

Calls check_relocate() to check the GFS relocation.

confan hwrf.config.HWRFConfig for configuration info
loggera logging.Logger for log messages
True if the GFS relocation ran correctly and False otherwise

Definition at line 168 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_check_init.main().

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_gsi (   logger)

Checks to see if the GSI data assimilation system ran correctly for all domains for which it should have run.

loggera logging.Logger for log messages
True if the GSI ran for all expected domains, False otherwise

Definition at line 71 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_check_init.main().

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_ocean_init (   logger)

Checks to see if the ocean initialization succeeded for the chosen ocean model.

loggera logging.Logger for log messages
True if the ocean init ran, False otherwise

Definition at line 15 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_check_init.main().

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_relocate (   conf,

Checks to see if the vortex relocation system ran correctly.

confan hwrf.config.HWRFConfig for configuration info
whoa string name for this relocation job, for messages
initan hwrf.init.HWRFInit or subclass, the grids input to the relocation
relocatean hwrf.relocate.RelocationTask to check
loggera logging.Logger for messages
whenthe expected forecast time of this relocation"
True if the relocation job succeeded, or False otherwise

Definition at line 89 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.

Referenced by scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_fgat_relocate(), and scripts.exhwrf_check_init.check_gfs_relocate().

def scripts.exhwrf_check_init.main ( )

Checks the entire HWRF initialization to see if all needed inputs to the forecast are present and all init tasks ran correctly.

Definition at line 180 of file exhwrf_check_init.py.