HWRF  trunk@4391
HWRF Experiment Layer

The HWRF experiment layer describes the HWRF workflow. It defines which parts of the hwrf and pom system are to be run by instantiating objects in the hwrf_expt module. It makes connections between the systems, such as telling the GSI to use the relocation output, by calling class methods, passing the instantiated objects. The resulting object structure is defined in the hwrf_expt module, and reused by the scripting layer, in the scripts directory, to actually run the HWRF system. Each of these objects contains a fun() function (or similar) which performs the actual task of that object, be it post-processing, running the forecast or simply copying files to delivery locations.

The experiment layer also contains the hwrf_alerts module, which defines what data goes where in the production workflow. It adds DBNet alerts, used by the NCEP production suite to trigger delivery functions. It also has email capability and can deliver tracks to custom locations. This module has the important job of ensuring that the forecasting centers receive the hurricane track file, and the public receives the model output files.

See also
hwrf.launcher This module loads the workflow as described by the Experiment Layer in the scripts.exhwrf_launch, and runs sanity checks to ensure the workflow has no obvious errors before it is run. Every script calls hwrf.launcher.load() to reload the experiment configuration information created by the initial launcher script.
scripts The HWRF Scripting Layer, which interfaces with the Experiment Layer. It contains many command-line executable scripts that load the hwrf_expt module, and tell it to run various aspects of the HWRF system. These scripts are executed by the Workflow Layer, be it Rocoto, ecFlow or a user running wrapper scripts.
hwrf_expt The hwrf_expt module contains the object structure of the HWRF system. It is initialized by the scripts which run hwrf_expt.init_module(), a complex function that knows how to initialize various HWRF workflows for different model configurations.
hwrf_alerts The module that adds DBNet alerts and other custom delivery methods for the NCEP production suite. It ensures model output gets to forecasters and the public.