HWRF  trunk@4391
File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Obsolete override file for Phase 1 WCOSS. Do not use this; it does not work. Changes are required in the rocoto/ directory and ush/hwrf_wcoss.py to get Phase 1 working again.

This is a configuration override file. This file sets options in the following sections:

Section [hwrfdata]

HWRF staging area paths. See hwrf.input.DataCatalog for details.

See the main documentation for [hwrfdata] for details.

Options in this section:

[hwrfdata] inputroot

1 [hwrfdata]
2 inputroot = /hwrf2/noscrub/input/hwrfdata/

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Section [config]

Sets basic configuration options used by all components.

See the main documentation for [config] for details.

Options in this section:

[config] disk_project

1 [config]
2 disk_project = hwrfv3

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[config] input_sources

1 [config]
2 input_sources = wcoss_sources_{GFSVER}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[config] fcst_catalog

1 [config]
2 fcst_catalog = wcoss_fcst_{GFSVER}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[config] archive

1 [config]
2 archive = hpss:{SUBEXPT}/{out_prefix}.tar

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Section [holdvars]

Holdvars variable generation section. This sets variables that are only used to create the holdvars file for ksh. Nothing in this section is ever used by the Python code. That vestigial file is just for compatibility with legacy external workflows, and it will be removed eventually. The external workflows that need it are: HHS - to decide whether things failed graphics scripts - for data paths Note that you must also edit parm/hwrf_holdvars.txt in order for the values in this section to be sent to the holdvars.txt file.

See the main documentation for [holdvars] for details.

Options in this section:

[holdvars] WHERE_AM_I

1 [holdvars]
2 WHERE_AM_I = wcoss

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[holdvars] WHICH_JET

1 [holdvars]
2 WHICH_JET = none

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[holdvars] NPROCS_A_NOIO

1 [holdvars]

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[holdvars] NPROCS_C

1 [holdvars]
2 NPROCS_C = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[holdvars] NPROCS_O

1 [holdvars]
2 NPROCS_O = 9

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Section [wrfexe]

This section is read by all scripts that run the wrf or nmm_real.

See the main documentation for [wrfexe] for details.

Options in this section:

[wrfexe] nio_groups

1 [wrfexe]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[wrfexe] nio_tasks_per_group

1 [wrfexe]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 6,6,6

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[wrfexe] poll_servers

1 [wrfexe]
2 poll_servers = yes

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[wrfexe] nproc_x

1 [wrfexe]
2 nproc_x = -1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[wrfexe] nproc_y

1 [wrfexe]
2 nproc_y = -1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Section [runwrf]

This section is read by the script that runs the WRF forecast job at 2km. It is not used by other executions of wrf. See runwrf3km for the 3km configuration.

See the main documentation for [runwrf] for details.

Options in this section:

[runwrf] nio_groups

1 [runwrf]
2 nio_groups = 1

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[runwrf] nio_tasks_per_group

1 [runwrf]
2 nio_tasks_per_group = 4,4,4

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[runwrf] poll_servers

1 [runwrf]
2 poll_servers = yes

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[runwrf] nproc_x

1 [runwrf]
2 nproc_x = 16

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[runwrf] nproc_y

1 [runwrf]
2 nproc_y = 28

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[runwrf] wrf_ranks

1 [runwrf]
2 wrf_ranks = 464

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

Section [dir]

Configure directory paths.

See the main documentation for [dir] for details.

Options in this section:

[dir] utilexec

1 [dir]
2 utilexec = /nw{ENV[envir|-prod]}/util/exec

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[dir] utilscript

1 [dir]
2 utilscript = /nw{ENV[envir|-prod]}/util/exec

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use


1 [dir]
2 CDNOSCRUB = /hwrf/noscrub/{ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use


1 [dir]
2 CDSCRUB = /ptmpd2/{ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[dir] CDSAVE

1 [dir]
2 CDSAVE = /hwrf/save/{ENV[USER]}

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use

[dir] syndat

1 [dir]
2 syndat = /com/arch/prod/syndat

Defined in File parm/system.conf.wcoss_phase1_dont_use