HWRF  trunk@4391
File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

This is the first configuration file read in during the pre_master job when creating the initial configuration. It sets directory paths to which the later conf files refer. Any variables set in later conf files will override variables set here.

This default file is used by NCEP EMC for retrospective runs. It assumes another file has set the CDSCRUB, CDSAVE, syndat and CDNOSCRUB variables in the [dir] section. This allows the system to be easily picked up and moved to another cluster. See File parm/system.conf.jet and File parm/system.conf.zeus for examples.

This is one of the core configuration files, read in by all HWRF configurations. This file sets options in the following sections:

Section [prelaunch]

Configure the prelaunch configuration overrides, run in hwrf_expt, and implemented in hwrf.prelaunch

Options in this section:

[prelaunch] ensid_overrides

allow per-ensid overrides for forecast ensemble

1 [prelaunch]
2 ensid_overrides = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] ungrib_overrides

replace [ungrib] tbl with per-year tblY values

1 [prelaunch]
2 ungrib_overrides = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] rsmc_overrides

read parm/hwrf_JTWC.conf and parm/hwrf_NHC.conf

1 [prelaunch]
2 rsmc_overrides = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] rsmc_conf

File to read for rsmc_overrides

1 [prelaunch]
2 rsmc_conf = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_{RSMC}.conf

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] basin_overrides

read parm/hwrf_(basin).conf

1 [prelaunch]
2 basin_overrides = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] basin_conf

File to read for recognized basins when basin_overrides is enabled

1 [prelaunch]
2 basin_conf = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_{vit.pubbasin2}.conf

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[prelaunch] no_basin_conf

File to read for unrecognized basins when basin_overrides is enabled

1 [prelaunch]
2 no_basin_conf = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_other_basins.conf

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [sanity]

Configure the sanity checks

Options in this section:

[sanity] fix_version

Minimum fix file version

1 [sanity]
2 fix_version = 20151223

The minimum required fix file version, checked by examining fix/hwrf_fix_datestamp.

fix_version must still be set even when check_fix=no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] check_input

check for an input file in HISTORY mode

1 [sanity]
2 check_input = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] input_item

the input item to check for

1 [sanity]
2 input_item = gfs_sfcanl

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] input_dataset

the dataset the item is in

1 [sanity]
2 input_dataset = gfs

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] check_exec

check for some executables

1 [sanity]
2 check_exec = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] check_fix

check fix file version

1 [sanity]
2 check_fix = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[sanity] check_expt

try to load hwrf_expt and run its sanity checks

1 [sanity]
2 check_expt = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [rocotobool]

Variables to set as boolean values when parsing the hwrf_workflow.xml.in; they'll be changed to YES or NO. This section is only used by the rocoto-based workflow.

Options in this section:

[rocotobool] RUN_GSI

Do we run GSI?

1 [rocotobool]
2 RUN_GSI = {run_gsi}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] CONDITIONAL_GSID03

Do we disable d03 GSI when TDR is unavailable?

1 [rocotobool]
2 CONDITIONAL_GSID03 = {conditional_gsid03}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] CONDITIONAL_GSID02

Do we disable d02 GSI when TDR is unavailable?

1 [rocotobool]
2 CONDITIONAL_GSID02 = {conditional_gsid02}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] RUN_OCEAN

Do we run with ocean coupling?

1 [rocotobool]
2 RUN_OCEAN = {run_ocean}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] RUN_WAVE

Do we run with wave coupling?

1 [rocotobool]
2 RUN_WAVE = {run_wave}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] RUN_RELOCATION

Do we enable vortex relocation?

1 [rocotobool]
2 RUN_RELOCATION = {run_relocation}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] ALLOW_FALLBACKS

Do we allow fallback when things fail?

1 [rocotobool]
2 ALLOW_FALLBACKS = {allow_fallbacks}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] SCRUB_COM

Should Rocoto scrub the COM directory?

1 [rocotobool]
2 SCRUB_COM = {scrub_com}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotobool] EXTRA_TRACKERS

Do we run the extra tracker jobs?

1 [rocotobool]
2 EXTRA_TRACKERS = {extra_trackers}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf


Do we run relocation for ensemble member?

1 [rocotobool]
2 RUN_ENS_RELOCATION = {run_ens_relocation}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [rocotostr]

Variables to set as string values when parsing the hwrf_workflow.xml.in. This section is only used by the rocoto-based workflow

Options in this section:

[rocotostr] FCST_RES

3KM or 2KM: which processor counts to choose

1 [rocotostr]

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] CDSAVE

save area for Rocoto to use

1 [rocotostr]

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] CDNOSCRUB

non-scrubbed area for Rocoto to use

1 [rocotostr]

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] CDSCRUB

scrubbed area for Rocoto to use

1 [rocotostr]

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] PARMhwrf

parm/ directory location

1 [rocotostr]
2 PARMhwrf = {dir/PARMhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] USHhwrf

ush/ directory location

1 [rocotostr]
2 USHhwrf = {dir/USHhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] EXhwrf

scripts/ directory location

1 [rocotostr]
2 EXhwrf = {dir/EXhwrf}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] EXPT

experiment name

1 [rocotostr]
2 EXPT = {config/EXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] SUBEXPT

sub-experiment name

1 [rocotostr]
2 SUBEXPT = {config/SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] OCEAN_MODEL

Which ocean model is selected: POM or HYCOM?

1 [rocotostr]
2 OCEAN_MODEL = {ocean_model}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[rocotostr] WAVE_MODEL

Which wave model is selected?

1 [rocotostr]
2 WAVE_MODEL = {wave_model}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [config]

Sets basic configuration options used by all components.

See the main documentation for [config] for details.

Options in this section:

[config] GFSVER

GFS version (default)

1 [config]

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] forecast_length

Length of the forecast in hours

1 [config]
2 forecast_length = 126

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] scrub_com

Do we scrub the com directory?

1 [config]
2 scrub_com = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] sync_frequently

Do we run "sync" frequently?

1 [config]
2 sync_frequently = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] cycling_interval

Number of hours between cycles. Only 6.0 has ever been tested. Several things will break if you try to change this without modifying the code and scripts.

1 [config]
2 cycling_interval = 6.0

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] scrub

Scrub option: do we delete temporary files? Disabling this will disable most, but not all, temporary file deletion.

1 [config]
2 scrub = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] out_prefix

Prefix to prepend to most output files in the COM directory. Also used for archive filenames.

1 [config]
2 out_prefix = {vit[stormnamelc]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{vit[YMDH]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] RUNhwrf

RUNhwrf is a component of some other file paths

1 [config]
2 RUNhwrf = {SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_gsi

GSI and FGAT initialization

1 [config]
2 run_gsi = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_ocean

run with ocean coupling?

1 [config]
2 run_ocean = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_wave

Wave coupling? No. Not implemented. Do not change.

1 [config]
2 run_wave = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] ocean_model

Selected ocean model: POM or HYCOM

1 [config]
2 ocean_model = POM

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] atmos_model

Selected atmospheric model. Must be WRF

1 [config]
2 atmos_model = WRF

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] wave_model

Selected wave model. Must be WW3

1 [config]
2 wave_model = WW3

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_relocation

vortex relocation

1 [config]
2 run_relocation = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_ensemble_da

run the DA ensemble

1 [config]
2 run_ensemble_da = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_ens_relocation

run relocation for ensemble members

1 [config]
2 run_ens_relocation = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_satpost

make synthetic satellite products

1 [config]
2 run_satpost = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] run_multistorm

run as a Multi Storm (even if 1 or No storms)

1 [config]
2 run_multistorm = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] use_spectral

Use spectral vs. GRIB input for init & bdy

1 [config]
2 use_spectral = yes

Note that the GSI still needs spectral input from GDAS and the GFS ENKF. The use_spectral flag only controls what is used to prepare the inputs to ungrib and metgrid.

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] spectral_bdy

spectral vs. GRIB for boundary if use_spectral=yes

1 [config]
2 spectral_bdy = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] allow_fallbacks

if gsi fails, run off of GFS reloc vortex

1 [config]
2 allow_fallbacks = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] extra_trackers

1 [config]
2 extra_trackers = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] conditional_gsid03

run gsi_d03, only when high-res inner-core data are available

1 [config]
2 conditional_gsid03 = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] conditional_gsid02

run gsi_d02, only when high-res inner-core data are available

1 [config]
2 conditional_gsid02 = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] blend_innercore

use first guess in inner core region (merge job)

1 [config]
2 blend_innercore = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] input_catalog

Pull data from external sources to a staging area.

1 [config]
2 input_catalog = hwrfdata

The input_catelog specifies a section (default: [hwrfdata]) to use for.

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[config] email_sdm

Enables email to the NOAA SDM. Do not email the NOAA Senior Duty Meteorologist (PLEASE).

1 [config]
2 email_sdm = no

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [archive]

Configure archive locations and methods.

Options in this section:

[archive] mkdir

make the archive directory? yes or no

1 [archive]
2 mkdir = yes

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[archive] wrfout

Location for the extra wrfout file archive.

Location for an extra archive file made with just the native WRF output files. If this option is empty or missing, then the extra archive will not be made, and the job to make it will not be launched.



It must begin with hpss: and end with .tar

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

Section [dir]

Configure directory paths.

Options in this section:

[dir] WORKhwrf

Main scrub directory

1 [dir]
2 WORKhwrf = {CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/{vit[YMDH]}/{vit[stormid3]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] HOMEhwrf

HWRF install location

1 [dir]
2 HOMEhwrf = {CDSAVE}/{EXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] com

COM directories are used for communicating between cycles and storms. This is the COM directory specified by the vitals in the "vit" variable.

1 [dir]
2 com = {CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/com/{vit[YMDH]}/{vit[stormid3]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] realstormcom

1 [dir]
2 realstormcom = {CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/com/{YMDH}/{realstorm}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] realstormwork

1 [dir]
2 realstormwork = {CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/{YMDH}/{realstorm}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] oldcom

1 [dir]
2 oldcom = {CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/com/{oldvit[YMDH]}/{oldvit[stormid3]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] oldsid

1 [dir]
2 oldsid = {oldvit[stormid3]}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] outatcf

Delivery location for ATCF files

1 [dir]
2 outatcf = {CDNOSCRUB}/{SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] outdiag

Delivery location for wrfdiag files

1 [dir]
2 outdiag = {CDNOSCRUB}/diagtrak/{SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] outstatus

Delivery location for status files

1 [dir]
2 outstatus = {CDNOSCRUB}/cycstatus/{SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] outatcfcorrected

delivery location for corrected ATCF files

1 [dir]
2 outatcfcorrected = {CDNOSCRUB}/atcf/{SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf

[dir] outships

delivery location for SHIPS files

1 [dir]
2 outships = {CDNOSCRUB}/ships/{SUBEXPT}

Defined in File parm/hwrf_basic.conf