EMC FV3-CAM Verification

This page displays verification statistics from experimental configurations of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) and the 3-km limited area model configuration of the Finite-Volume Cubed Sphere model (FV3LAM):

(1) RRFS-A CONUS: A RRFS prototype covering the CONUS and including two 6-h spinup cycles with hourly DA and 24 product cycles with hourly DA. Spinup cycles are coldstarted from 03/15Z GFS forecasts. Product cycles are started from 1-h forecasts from the 08/20Z spinup cycles, with 60-h forecasts at 00/12Z and 18-h forecasts at other times.

(2) RRFS-A N. America: A RRFS prototype, similar to RRFS-A CONUS, but covering North America.

(3) FV3LAM-DA-X: An FV3LAM configuration that includes a 6-h DA cycle coldstarted from a 6-h limited area model forecast. Runs daily, out to 60 hours, at 00Z and 12Z, and over North America.

Verification comparisons against the NAM Nest, HRRR, and the FV3-based GFS are provided.

Please use links on the left to navigate to verification statistics.

DISCLAIMER: This webpage is not "operational" and is not subject to 24-h monitoring by NCEP's Central Operations staff.