Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American WRF-NMM with fully cycled land states and 2mb model top pressure

When Who What
2006/11/29/00 Ferrier
  • Removed temperature criteria (T>0C) for triggering of deep convection which was put into the NAMY on 00z 9/9. This temperature check tends to inhibit elevated deep convective mixing, leading to egregiously large precipitation rates/huge rime factors in strong winter precip events.
  • 2006/11/07/00 Rogers
  • From 00z 11/02/2006 (start use of new divergence damping routine) to 12z 11/06/2006, the 9/5/2006 change to the horizontal diffusion in the ops NAM/NDAS (increase Smagorinsky constant for lateral diffusion from 0.27 to its maximum value of 0.4) was inadvertently left out of the new solve_nmm.F routine introduced with the 11/2 change to the divergence damping. This oversight was corrected starting with this cycle.
  • 2006/11/06/00 Ferrier
  • The first-guess reference temperatures in the upper half of shallow convective clouds was limited to be no more than -1C colder than the ambient temperature. This change is intended to address large sensitivities in 750-mb temperatures seen in assimilation forecasts, which after a series of experiments were found to be due to temperature adjustments associated with shallow convection.
  • 2006/11/02/00 Janjic, Jovic, Rogers
  • Use new divergence damping routine with increased damping of the external mode
  • Set divergence damping of both external and internal mode during NDAS to 5x ops; use 1x during free forecast
  • 2006/10/12/00 Janjic, Rogers
  • For the 3-h NMM forecast component of the NDAS, increase divergence damping over the entire domain (except lateral boundary) by 5x over ops NAM; damping during the free forecast remains at 2.5x more than the ops NAM
  • 2006/10/03/00 Ferrier, Janjic, Rogers
  • Increase divergence damping over the entire domain (except lateral boundary) by 2.5x over ops NAM
  • Change to the BMJ convective parameterization:
    1. Changed the value used for the latent heat term in the exponent for calculating equivalent potential temperature (ELIWV) in subroutine BMJ to use the same value that is used in the BMJ lookup table (ELIWV=2.683E6). A higher value (ELIVW=2.72E6) was previously used in the model integration.
  • 2006/09/23/00 Ferrier
  • BMJ convective parameterization changed to cap the cloud top height for shallow convection to extend no higher than 450 mb
  • 2006/09/09/00 Ferrier
  • Changes to the BMJ convective parameterization:
    1. Parameter ELEVFC changed to 0.6; the search for the most unstable parcel is done from the surface up to ELEVFC*Plow, where Plow is the midlevel pressure of the lowest layer.
    2. In response to the high precipitation bias that developed in parallel, the search for instability is extended to include not only whether the most unstable (highest theta-e) parcel could support convection, but also parcels originating at higher levels where when lifted to their LCL would be positively buoyant.
    3. Water loading effects were included in assessing the buoyant instability of parcels, from which a revised (lower) cloud top is determined to be at the highest level of positive buoyancy.
    4. At "swap points" (see item #2 in 2006/09/01/00 entry) the first-guess estimate for the top of shallow convection is based parcel instability using the same criteria as for deep convection, but not to exceed the upper limit for shallow convection (0.2 times the atmospheric pressure depth, or nominally 200 hPa for a surface pressure of 1000 hPa). A final adjustment is made to the top of shallow convection, in which it can extend to higher altitudes if (1) the mean ambient relative humidity in the cloud layer exceeds a threshold relative humidity (usually near 90%), and (2) the pressure-integrated parcel instability (similar to CAPE) must be greater than 0. The threshold relative humidity is based on the relative humidity at cloud base that is consistent with a deficit saturation pressure of 25 mb.
  • 2006/09/06/12 NCO/PMB, Rogers
  • Two changes to the ops NDAS/NAM:
    1. Horizontal diffusion parameter COAC in module_initialize_real has been changed back to 0.75, and the diffusion variables HDAC and HDACV have been multipled by 1.6/0.75=2.133333 just prior to the call to HDIFF in solve_nmm. Done at 12z 9/5 in the ops NAM and 18z 9/5 in the ops NDAS
    2. Revert to using the original 1/2 deg RTG_SST analysis (Wanqiu Wang's 2dvar analysis module, was used in the ops NAM-Eta) instead of the 1/12th deg RTG_SST (using Dave Parrish's 2dvar module) due to a persistent cold SST bias near Alaska and in Hudson's Bay the 1/12th deg SST product. Done at 06z 9/6 in the ops NDAS/NAM
  • Restarted cycled NDASY from ops NDAS
  • 2006/09/02/00 Ferrier, Rogers
  • Change to the BMJ convective parameterization:
    1. Parameter ELEVFC changed from 0.8 to 0.7; the search for the most unstable parcel is done from the surface up to ELEVFC*Plow, where Plow is the midlevel pressure of the lowest layer.
  • 2006/09/01/00 Ferrier, Janjic
  • Two changes to the BMJ convective parameterization, one change to the cloud microphysics:
    1. The triggering of deep and shallow convection is considered only for grid points with positive CAPE. The CAPE is calculated only over the cloud layer (i.e., the lifting condensation level [LCL] of the most unstable parcel [MUP]) using Zavisa's existing "FIRST ENTROPY CHECK" code, which includes virtual temperature effects. The code was modified slightly to ignore the contribution to CAPE from subcloud effects (when the MUP is subsaturated).
    2. "Swap points" are when a grid point fails the entropy check for deep convection but has positive CAPE and is considered for shallow convection. During these situations the cloud top is assumed to be where the relative humidity increases most rapidly with pressure (decreases most rapidly with height, as often associated with inversions). If the calculated CAPE over the shallow cloud depth is negative, then the cloud top is reduced until the CAPE over the cloud depth becomes positive.
    3. During melting precipitation ice particles are assumed to have the same mean diameter (1 mm) as at the freezing level. The change is expected to alter heating and cooling profiles in stratiform precipitation, and preliminary results suggest improved forecasts of temperature and humidity profiles in stratiform precipitation associated with mesoscale convective systems.
  • 2006/08/31/00 Ferrier
  • The following changes are intended to increase the presence of supercooled liquid water and improve forecast products for use in aircraft icing algorithms:
    1. T_ICE changed from -30C to -40C. The new value is consistent with the temperature of homogenous nucleation and the rapid freezing of cloud droplets to ice crystals.
    2. T_ICE_init changed from -5C to -15C based on aircraft icing observations.
  • 2006/08/29/12 Rogers
  • Modified the SST preprocessing job to use monthly climatological values of water temperature for Lake Champlain
  • 2006/08/18/00 Rogers, Pyle, Janjic
  • The desired COAC increase from 0.75 to 1.6 in the ops NAM and NAMY was never applied because a new value of COAC, which is defined in module_initialize_real, is only used if REAL runs due to a NDAS cold start, which has not been done in NAMY since before the COAC change on 7/19. To make this change in a cycled NDAS run, COAC has been changed back to 0.75, and the diffusion variables HDAC and HDACV have been multipled by 1.6/0.75=2.133333 just prior to the call to HDIFF in solve_nmm.
  • NDASY cycle restarted from ops NDAS
  • 2006/08/16/06 NCO/PMB
  • The following NAMY changes were implemented into the ops NDAS/NAM and the DGEX:
    1. Modified the SST preprocessing job to use new climatological values for Great Salt Lake water temperatures from the University of Utah; a cosine fit to the bimonthly observational data from Saltair Boat harbor (from 1972-1989). From Steenburgh et al., 2000: Climatology of Lake-Effect Snowstorms of the Great Salt Lake. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 709-727.
    2. Modified the SST preprocessing job to use monthly climatological values of water temperature for the Salton Sea in southern California
    3. Modified the SST preprocessing job to use monthly climatological values of water temperature (obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers) for Fort Peck Reservoir in Montana
  • 2006/08/15/12 Rogers, Pyle, Ferrier
  • Allow horizontal diffusion between neighboring grid points with a slope of <= 54 m / 12 km (9x that in ops NAM)
  • Increase divergence damping over the entire domain by 2x
  • Use the "old" 1/2 deg RTG_SST analysis (Wanqiu Wang's 2dvar analysis module, was used in the ops NAM-Eta) instead of the 1/12th deg RTG_SST (using Dave Parrish's 2dvar module) due to SST problems near Alaska in the 1/12th deg product
  • 2006/08/15/12 NCO/PMB
  • The following NAMY changes were implemented into the ops NDAS/NAM and the DGEX:
    1. Remove any restrictions to horizontal diffusion between water points at different elevations (e.g., between erroneously sloping water points and water points at sea-level)
    2. Change in start_domain_nmm to redefine z0=z0base (veg component) + z0land, removing terrain height component
    3. Code changes to allow horizontal diffusion at grid points along coastal/ice boundaries where the slope between neighboring grid points is > 6 m
    4. COAC increased from 0.75 to 1.6, increases Smagorinsky constant for lateral diffusion from 0.27 to its maximum value of 0.4
    5. Enhanced vertical diffusion: change parameter EPSL in module_bl_myjsfc from 0.1 to 0.32.
    6. Turned on assimilation of sfc temperatures in GSI analysis
  • 2006/08/01/00 Pyle
  • Remove any restrictions to horizontal diffusion between water points at different elevations (e.g., between erroneously sloping water points and water points at sea-level)
  • 2006/07/25/00 Janjic, Pyle
  • Change in start_domain_nmm to redefine z0=z0base (veg component) + z0land
  • Code changes to allow horizontal diffusion at grid points along coastal/ice boundaries where the slope between neighboring grid points is > 6 m
  • 2006/07/19/12 Janjic, Pyle, Rogers
  • 10x increase in horizontal diffusion removed, COAC increased from 0.75 to 1.6
  • Use operational NEXRAD Level 2 radial wind data, instead of data created from Krishna Kumar's parallel dump job.
  • NDASY cycle restarted from NDASX
  • 2006/07/06/12 Rogers
  • Modified the SST preprocessing job to use new climatological values for Great Salt Lake water temperatures from the University of Utah; a cosine fit to the bimonthly observational data from Saltair Boat harbor (from 1972-1989). From Steenburgh et al., 2000: Climatology of Lake-Effect Snowstorms of the Great Salt Lake. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 709-727.
  • 2006/07/04/00 Rogers
  • Turned on assimilation of sfc temperatures in GSI analysis
  • 2006/06/29/12 Gayno, Rogers
  • Modified the SST preprocessing job to use monthly climatological values of water temperature for the Salton Sea in southern California
  • 2006/06/21/12 Ferrier, Janjic
  • To correctly do the enhanced vertical diffusion test, described in the 12z 5/31/2006 entry, change parameter EPSL in module_bl_myjsfc from 0.1 to 0.32.
  • NDASY cycle restarted from ops NDAS
  • 2006/06/20/12 MMB WRF-NMM and GSI implementation team
  • WRF-NMM and GSI implemented into production NAM on this date except for the 12Z 5/31/2006 model changes to diffusion, divergence damping, and EPSQ2
  • 2006/05/31/12 Pyle, Ferrier
  • Increase horizontal diffusion by 10x
  • Increase divergence damping at the lateral boundary by 8x
  • Increase the lower floor value for TKE (EPSQ2) from 0.02 to 0.2
  • NDASY cycle restarted from NDASX
  • 2006/05/17/12 Wu
  • In the GSI analysis, the amplitude part of the background error was retuned to improve treatment of winds (reduced penalty function)
  • 2006/05/17/00 Ferrier, Janjic, Pyle, Black
  • Use vegetation component of z0base instead of z0 the calculation of the Zilitinkevitch fix for z0T in module_sf_myjsfc.F.
  • Include vertical variation of atmospheric density in computation of turbulent mixing of temperature, moisture, wind, and total condensate.
  • 2006/05/16/12 Wu
  • In GSI analysis, change gross error check limit for upper level wind observations from 7 m/s to 10 m/s
  • 2006/05/09/00 Parrish, Wu
  • Begin assimilation of NEXRAD Level 2 radial wind data in the GSI analysis
  • 2006/05/06/00 Derber, Wu
  • Changes to GSI analysis:
    1. turn off MSU satellite data
    2. tighten the gross error checks for all conventional data
    3. increase iteration number from 50 -> 75
    4. +/- 15 minute window for all surface obs (was +/- 1.5 hours)
  • 2006/05/05/00 Wu, Janjic, Pyle, Rogers
  • Revert back to original z0t formulation in NAMX/Repository code
  • Turn off assimilation of surface temperature data over land in the GSI analysis
  • Cycled NDASY restarted from NDASX parallel
  • 2006/04/21/00 Pyle, Janjic, Ek, Ferrier
  • Use z0base instead of z0 the calculation of the Zilitinkevitch fix for z0T in module_sf_myjsfc.F.
  • 2006/04/18/12 Lin
  • The 3/10 change (inflation of the daily gauge analysis data by 4% to account for under-catch of precip) in the code which computes the difference between the 24h sum (12Z-12Z) of edas precip input and the daily gauge analysis was never implemented in NDASY due to a compile glitch.
  • Changed the computation of the difference between the 24h sum (12Z-12Z) of edas precip input and the daily gauge analysis in the pcpbudget code to inflate the daily gauge analysis data by 10% to account for under-catch of precip before the difference is computed. Previous version of the code for the WRF-NMM NDAS had no inflation of the analysed daily gauge data, while the ops NDAS has a 10% inflation.
  • 2006/04/12/00 Wu
  • Revert back to pre-3/17 vertical background errors for humidity in the GSI analysis.
  • 2006/04/05/00 Wu
  • Turn back on use of humidity channels from satellite observations in GSI analysis
  • Begin use of GPS-IPW data in GSI analysis
  • 2006/04/03/12 Black, Chuang, Ferrier, Rogers
  • Switch to latest (27 March 2006) WRF Repository code
  • Numerous changes to restart file (add arrays for WRFNMM-to-SREFETA interpolation code, removed unused arrays). Because of this, cycled NDASY restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASY cycled land states
  • 2006/03/29/00 Wu, Treadon, Janjic, Rogers
  • Revert back to original Zilitinkevitch fix for z0T in module_sf_myjsfc; WRF-NMM code running in NAMY is identical to NAMX.
  • Turn off use of humidity channels from satellite observations in GSI analysis
  • Restart cycled NDASY from cycled NDASX
  • 2006/03/24/00 Janjic
  • Changed Zilitinkevitch fix for z0T in module_sf_myjsfc:


  • ZT=MAX(EXP(ZZIL*SQRT(USTAR*0.1)*0.1,EPSZT) (new)

  • 2006/03/18/00 Black
  • Bug fixed in ./phys/module_ra_gfdleta.F : the modification of the top model layer pressure to account for the total ozone from the model top (2 mb) to the top of the atmosphere (0 mb) was incorrect because an undefined array index was used in the equation.
  • 2006/03/17/00 Pyle, Wu
  • Changes to the GSI analysis:
    1. Begin use of latest (March 2006) GSI release
    2. Use NMM-based background errors computed using an ensemble/Monte Carlo approach
  • When the model was cold-started (RESTRT=FALSE) the vegetation derived component of z0 is inadverently added to the full z0 variable twice. To fix this problem, the addition of the vegetative z0 has been removed from ./phys/module_sf_myfsfc.F, and the cycled NDAS has been restarted from GDAS-based SI/REAL atmospheric states to reset the value of z0.
  • 2006/03/14/00 Pyle
  • Modified lateral boundary codes MKBND and COMBC to use GFS cloud water at the NAM lateral boundaries and to modify the LB winds so that the net flux around the boundaries is zero.
  • 2006/03/11/00 Black
  • Bug fix in ./phys/module_cu_bmj.F : the vertical summation of the enthalpy that will then be conserved during the adjustment process within the cloud will now include a nonzero contribution from L(dq) that was missing before in the lowest cloud layer.
  • 2006/03/10/12 Lin
  • Changed the computation of the difference between the 24h sum (12Z-12Z) of edas precip input and the daily gauge analysis in the pcpbudget code to inflate the daily gauge analysis data by 4% to account for under-catch of precip before the difference is computed. Previous version of the code for the WRF-NMM NDAS had no inflation of the analysed daily gauge data, while the ops NDAS has a 10% inflation.
  • 2006/03/10/00 Black, Rogers
  • Switched to use the latest (2 March 2006) version of the WRF repository code
  • 2006/03/08/12 Gayno
  • Changed the surface update script to use the global 1/12th degree RTG_SST analysis instead of the 1/2 degree RTG_SST analysis.
  • 2006/03/04/00 Gayno, Pyle, Rogers
  • Changed the partial cycling code so that it wrote out the z0 computed by SI/Real in the GDAS-based wrfinput file, instead of using z0 from the best available cycled NDAS WRF-NMM restart file. Since the NMM logical variable RESTRT=FALSE if partial cycling is invoked, the model was adding 1/2 of the vegetation z0 component to z0 every time the NDAS cycle was coldstarted. This led to z0 values 3-4x too big over a large portion of the NAM domain.
  • Restarted the cycled NDAS from GDAS-based atmospheric states and WRF-NMM based land states using the modified partial cycling code described above.
  • 2006/03/02/00 Ferrier, Rogers
  • Previous NDASX/NAMX running on blue renamed NDASY, NAMY. Earlier changes to NAMX prior to 00z 3/2/2006 can be found in the NAMX change log
  • The cloud layer emissivity (E) associated with a cloud optical depth (D) is currently parameterized as

    E = 1-.exp(-0.75*D),

    as defined over a contiguous cloud layer was changed to


    The 1.66 factor agrees with the equation in the WRF RRTM, while the extra factor of 1.5 accounts for the larger absorption coefficients used in NCAR's RRTM to convert from cloud mixing to optical cloud depth.

  • Page Last Modified: March 1, 2006