Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American WRF-NMM with expanded integration domain

When Who What
2008/03/12/18 Treadon, Wu
  • Turn off assimilation of NOAA-16 AMSU-A brightness temperatures due to excessive noise (also turned off in ops NDAS/NAM)
  • 2008/02/29/18 Rogers
  • 00z 2/29 NDASEXP failed due to a system glitch, so 06Z NDASEXP was restarted from GDAS atmospheric states. To maintain cycled NDAS continuity, NDASEXP was restarted from NDASX (real-time NCO parallel expanded NAM run) starting with this cycle
  • 2008/02/27/00 Rogers
  • Changed lateral boundary condition script to pick up wrfbdy_d01 file from real-time NCO parallel (NAMX) on prodccs before trying to create file on the fly using GDAS/GFS sigma files on dew. This ensures that NAMEXP and NAMX use the exact same global model forecast files for lateral boundary conditions.
  • 2008/02/25/18 Wu, Rogers
  • Turn on assimilation of TAMDAR/AMDAR aircraft data
  • Restart NDASEXP cycle from NDASX (real-time NCO parallel expanded NAM run)
  • 2008/01/11/00 Wu, Treadon, Rogers
  • The 13 November 2007 change (which was intended to fix an error in the GSI analysis script that prevented the satbias_angle file from being updated) was not applied correctly due to an additional script error.
  • 2007/12/19/18 Treadon, Wu
  • Turned back on the assimilation of GOES-11 and GOES-12 1x1 sounder radiances.
  • 2007/12/10/18 Treadon, Wu
  • Turned off assimilation of GOES-11 and GOES-12 1x1 sounder radiances. On 4 December NESDIS stopped processing GOES-12 sounding/radiance data (GOES-E). On 5 December they replaced it with GOES-10 in the GOES-E slot. The last GOES-12 (satellite id 256) data was in 18Z 20071204 GDAS dump. When GOES-10 replaced GOES-12 in the GOES-E files (~ 18Z 20071205) it was assigned the GOES-11 satellite id 255 instead of the correct value of 254. As a result all GOES-E data are being processed as though it were GOES-11 data.

    Radiance monitoring plots show noisy increments are being added to the analysis field over GOES-10 domain. Furthermore, since the GOES-10 is being processed by the gsi as GOES-11 data, the GOES-10 data is corrupting the GOES-11 bias correction. Thus, the assimilation of the GOES-11 data is also being adversely impacted. For this reason assimilation of all GOES sounder radiances will be turned off until it is verified that the data are being correctly encoded.

  • 2007/11/28/18 Rogers
  • Due to system maintainence resulting in a 30-h outage on the development computer, NDASEXP was restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASEXP land states
  • 2007/11/27/00 Liu, Treadon, Wu
  • In the GSI analysis, fixed an error in how skin temperature variances are applied at water points. The application of the variances over water points in subroutine bkgvar was not correctly updated.
  • 2007/11/16/18 Treadon, Wu
  • Turned off assimilation of NOAA-18 AMSU-A channel 9 due to increased radiometric noise. Change implemented in operations at 18z 11/16
  • 2007/11/13/18 Pyle, Gayno, Wu, Rogers
  • Minor modification to the model orography to ensure consistent smoothing at/near the model's lateral boundary. NDASEXP was restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASEXP land states so that the new surface terrain field will be in the cycled model history file.
  • Fixed an error in the GSI analysis script (present since 10/23) which caused the global_angupdate code to fail, which prevented the satbias_angle file from being updated.
  • 2007/11/01/18 Treadon, Wu
  • Turned off AQUA AMSU-A channel 4 due to increased radiometric noise.
  • 2007/10/30/00 Parrish
  • A GSI error involving rotation of wind obs from earth coordinates to NAM grid coordinates was fixed. This only impacts a small number of observations (aircraft and sat winds) that fall close to the date line (180E).
  • 2007/10/24/18 Ferrier, Ek
  • Switched back to using the original version of the unified LSM, but corrected to remove a bug which induced spurious warming at the surface which was triggered by the presence of tiny amounts if ice (likely hail/graupel) reaching the surface.
  • Values in the F_RimeF array are set to 1.0 if no ice is present at a grid point. Before this change, the value of the array could be >1 if rimed ice was present in the previous time step, but then ice was no longer present in the current time step. The values of this array were not reset to 1, so that the "memory" of what happened in earlier times in the forecast affected this array.
  • 2007/10/23/18 Rogers
  • No 12z 10/23 run was made due to dew system maintainence, so the NDASEXP cycle was restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASEXP land states
  • 2007/10/18/18 Ek, Ferrier, Rogers
  • In the WRF-NMM model, switched to using a version of the unified LSM which "mimics" the ops NMM-LSM (sf_surface_physics=99) land-surface physics module.
  • 2007/10/17/12 Rogers, Ferrier
  • Due to an increasing dry soil moisture / warm 2-m temp bias introduced by an unknown glitch with the changes put in at 18z 9/5 (see below), the NDASEXP cycle was restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASY land states
  • 2007/10/16/18 Ferrier, Rogers
  • Reset SIGFAC parameter back to zero in the gravity wave drag formulation.
  • 2007/10/02/18 Rogers
  • Pulled out 9/24 GSI changes due to questionable performance over Alaska
  • 2007/09/26/12 Treadon, Wu
  • Turned off three AQUA AIRS channels (300, 843, 1783) due to increased noise.
  • 2007/09/24/18 Ek, Ferrier, Parrish, Wu
  • In the gravity wave drag formulation, change SIGFAC, which scales the effects of subgrid-scale orography (SIGFAC*standard deviation of the terrain height) from 0 to 3.
  • Began running with Unified Land-Surface physics package (sf_surface_physics=2 in WRF-NMM namelist)
  • Changes to the GSI analysis:
    1. Use latest (September 2007) version
    2. Code modified to fix a bug in which wind observations were not rotated from earth to e-grid coordinates when read into the code.
  • 2007/09/05/18 Ferrier, Gayno, Pyle, Rogers
  • Begin use of gravity wave drag/mountain blocking. Run with SIGFAC=0: gravity wave drag responds only to ELEVMAX, the maximum elevation within the grid box only. No further inflation is done based on the standard deviation of the 30" heights in the grid box.
  • Begin use of "3x3" smoothed-desmoothed terrain
  • NDASEXP cycle restarted from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASEXP land states
  • 2007/09/04/18 Wu
  • Switch to using latest (August 2007) version of the GSI analysis
  • 2007/08/27/12 Janjic, Ferrier
  • Due to open boundary conditions, the requirement for exact conservation of specific humidity, TKE, and cloud water is relaxed in the advection step. The exact conservation is still required in the antifiltering step following the advection step.
  • 2007/07/31/18 Wu
  • Begin use of retuned background errors in the GSI analysis for improved obs fit to first guess.
  • In the GSI analysis' satinfo file, change the use flag for GOES ozone channel 9 from 1 to -1. With a value of 1, makes this channel used in the quality control for all of the other channels and thus, many other channels are rejected. This change will allow for more GOES 1x1 radiances to be used in the analysis
  • 2007/07/24/12 Rogers, Black, Ek, Ferrier, Gayno, Lin, Parrish, Wu
  • First run of WRF-NMM V2.2 code with IJK array indexing
  • Revert back to using ops LSM physics (sf_surface_physics=99) instead of unified LSM (sf_surface_physics=2)
  • NDASEXP (IJK version) started from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASEXP (IKJ) land states at 12z 18 June.
  • 2007/07/23/18 Wu, Rogers
  • Turned off QuikScat data in GSI due to negative impact on the first guess fits.
  • 2007/07/09/18 Wu, Parrish, Rogers
  • Turned off strong balance constraint in GSI analysis
  • 2007/06/19/12 Ek, Wong, Mitchell, Janjic, Ferrier
  • These two changes were implemented into the ops NDAS/NAM on this date:
    1. Change in module_sf_myjsfc: under stable conditions, modify roughness length for heat so that it is only a function of surface-layer bulk Richardson number, removing the dependence on surface elevation. This change will tend to decrease surface heat flux and the 2-m warm bias.
    2. The minimum canopy resistance was increased for evergreen needleleaf forest (doubled from 125.0 to 250.0, units of s/m) and for mixed forest (from 125.0 to 150.0). This change reduced large latent heat fluxes and high 2-m dewpoint temperatures over the northwest in summer 2006 retrospective runs (esp. FVS subregions NWC and NMT). The change will also reduce moisture fluxes and 2-m dewpoint temperatures over the southeast.
  • 2007/06/09/00 Keyser
  • For all observations (except level 2 radar data) input to the GSI, replace operational dumps/PREPBUFR file with new files created using a mask which covers the entire expanded NAM domain. The operational NDAS/NAM observation files did not contain any data east of the prime meridian and south of the North Pole in the eastern hemisphere.
  • 2007/06/08/18 Ek, Rogers
  • When the new unified Noah-LSM land surface module was put into this run on 3 May, the change to the roughness length for heat, put in on 24 April, was inadvertently replaced with the ops version of the code (./phys/module_sf_myjsfc.F) As of this cycle this oversight has been corrected.
  • 2007/06/06/18 Wu, Rogers
  • Turned off assimilation of mesonet moisture data due to degraded 600-300mb temperature fits in the GSI and big temperature adjustments due to convection in the first 1-2 hours of the model forecast
  • 2007/05/24/12 Rogers
  • Switched back to previous WRF-NMM code with IKJ indexing due to problems with the IJK code when RESTART=TRUE
  • Restarted from ops GDAS atmospheric states and NAMY land states
  • 2007/05/22/18 Black, Ek, Rogers
  • Switched to using new WRF-NMM model code with IJK indexing
  • Restarted from ops GDAS atmospheric states and NAMY land states
  • 2007/05/07/18 Wu
  • Fixed a bug in the GSI analysis so that it would correctly thin satellite data if the analysis domain extended beyond the North Pole. This bug caused the expanded NAM analysis to use about one order of magnitude less satellite data than the operational NAM analysis domain
  • 2007/05/03/18 Ek
  • Begin use of the new unified Noah-LSM land surface module (sf_surface_physics=2) in place of the operational NMM-LSM module (sf_surface_physics=99)
  • 2007/04/26/18 Wu, Parrish
  • Changes to the GSI analysis:
    1. New GSI version with ijk and ikj I/O and strong balance constraint
    2. use AIRS radiance data
    3. use GOES 1X1 radiance data
    4. QuikScat ocean surface winds
    5. SATWND (eumetsat and modis)
    6. MESONET q and uv (winds with uselist)
  • 2007/04/24/18 Ek, Wong, Mitchell, Janjic
  • Change in module_sf_myjsfc: under stable conditions, modify roughness length for heat so that it is only a function of surface-layer bulk Richardson number, removing the dependence on surface elevation. This change will tend to decrease surface heat flux and the 2-m warm bias.
  • 2007/04/19/12 Black, Ferrier, Ek, Gayno, Lin, Pyle, Rogers
  • Expanded NAM parallel started with these changes running in the NAMY parallel:
    1. Remove two modifications to longwave radiation made for the June 2006 WRF-in-NAM implementation
      1. Remove averaging of longwave temperature tendencies from the lowest two model layer
      2. Compute the upward LW at the surface was based on the ground (skin) temperature instead of the average of the skin and lowest model layer temperatures.
    2. The minimum canopy resistance was increased for evergreen needleleaf forest (doubled from 125.0 to 250.0, units of s/m) and for mixed forest (from 125.0 to 150.0).
    3. Began use of the 12-36 h forecast precipitation from the 00z ops NAM run to fill in for the CONUS-based Stage II/IV analysis as a driver for NDAS soil moisture outside of the CONUS (OCONUS)
    4. Fixed an error in the computation of latitude used for stratopsheric ozone concentrations; the error led to using climatological ozone values valid at the equator at all latitudes.
  • Use ops GSI analysis
  • Coldstarted from ops GDAS atmospheric states, NDASY land states, and the ops NDAS long-term precipitation budget
  • Changes to model terrain and land/sea mask vs. ops NAM :
    1. Landmask includes a smaller Great Salt Lake and a better depiction of the Channel Islands off the California coast
    2. The orography was smoothed twelve times instead of once as in ops NAM.
    3. Waterfalls were removed.