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(This webpage was generated: 2024/11/20 18:36:55)


WMO standard data subtypes were introduced in BUFR edition 4 to provide a mechanism for better understanding of the overall nature and content of BUFR messages exchanged between NWP centers. In contrast, local data subtypes have existed since the advent of BUFR (i.e. since edition 0) and remain available in editions 4+ for backwards-compatibility, since many NWP centers including NCEP have made extensive use of them in the past.

What is important to understand is that both values (i.e. the standard subtype and the local subtype) are intended by WMO to be supplementary to one another, and therefore both may be present in any given BUFR message when using BUFR edition 4 or later.

All local types and subtypes are shown in italics below.

Data types

(local types in italics)
Code figure Meaning
0 Surface data - land
1 Surface data - sea
2 Vertical soundings (other than satellite)
3 Vertical soundings (satellite)
4 Single level upper-air data (other than satellite)
5 Single level upper-air data (satellite)
6 Radar data
7 Synoptic features
8 Physical/chemical constituents
9 Dispersal and transport
10 Radiological data
11 BUFR tables, complete replacement or update
12 Surface data (satellite)
13 Forecasts
14 Warnings
20 Status information
21 Radiances (satellite)
22 Radar (satellite) but not altimeter nor scatterometer
23 Lidar (satellite)
24 Scatterometry (satellite)
25 Altimetry (satellite)
26 Spectrometry (satellite)
27 Gravity measurement (satellite)
28 Precision orbit (satellite)
29 Space environment (satellite)
30 Calibration dataset (satellite)
31 Oceanographic data
101 Image data
255 Other category

DATA TYPE 0 - Surface data - land

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Hourly synoptic observations from fixed-land stations (SYNOP)
1 Intermediate synoptic observations from fixed-land stations (SYNOP)
2 Main synoptic observations from fixed-land stations (SYNOP)
3 Hourly synoptic observations from mobile-land stations (SYNOP MOBIL)
4 Intermediate synoptic observations from mobile-land stations (SYNOP MOBIL)
5 Main synoptic observations from mobile land stations (SYNOP MOBIL)
6 One-hour observations from automated stations
7 n-minute observations from AWS stations
8 Radiation observations from one-hour period
9 Radiation observations from n-minute period
10 Routine aeronautical observations (METAR)
11 Special aeronautical observations (SPECI)
14 Ground-based GPS humidity observations (GPSIWV)
20 Climatological observations (CLIMAT)
30 Sferics locations
40 Hydrologic reports
50 Hourly synoptic observations with supplementary one-hour data
51 Intermediate synoptic observations with supplementary one-hour data
52 Main synoptic observations with supplementary one-hour data
Code Meaning
0 Synoptic land - restricted (WMO Resolution 40)
1 Synoptic land - fixed
2 Synoptic land - mobil
7 Aviation - METAR/SPECI
8 NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) and Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) surface data
10 SHEF products - not included within any other subtype
11 SHEF products - AFOS (precipitation)
12 Supplementary climatological data
15 Snow cover, depth/density, and water equivalent
20 Wind energy Nacelle - restricted
100 Synoptic land - restricted (WMO Resolution 40) (BUFR)
101 Synoptic land - fixed (BUFR)
102 Synoptic land - mobil (BUFR)

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DATA TYPE 1 - Surface data - sea

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Synoptic observations (SHIP)
6 One-hour observations from automated stations
7 n-minute observations from AWS stations
20 Climatological observations (CLIMAT SHIP)
25 Buoy observation (BUOY)
30 Tide gauge
31 Observed water level time series
Code Meaning
1 Surface marine ship - restricted
2 Surface marine buoy (FM 18)
3 Surface marine buoy (FM 13)
4 Surface marine CMAN
5 Surface tide gauge (CREX)
6 Mean sea level pressure bogus
7 Surface marine Coast Guard
8 Surface tide gauge (CMAN)
9 USGS river/stream
10 Surface marine CMAN (SHEF)
11 Surface marine buoy (SHEF)
12 Surface tide gauge (SHEF)
13 Surface marine ship
14 RVF river forecast
21 Canadian water level
22 Canadian river gauge
101 Surface marine ship - restricted (BUFR)
102 Surface marine drifting buoy (BUFR)
103 Surface marine moored buoy (BUFR)
104 Surface marine CMAN (BUFR)
113 Surface marine ship (BUFR)
120 Surface marine saildrone (BUFR)
121 Surface marine SOFAR (BUFR)

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DATA TYPE 2 - Vertical soundings (other than satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
1 Upper-wind reports from fixed-land stations (PILOT)
2 Upper-wind reports from ships (PILOT SHIP)
3 Upper-wind reports from mobile-land stations (PILOT MOBIL)
4 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from fixed-land stations (TEMP)
5 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from ships (TEMP SHIP)
6 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind report from mobile-land stations (TEMP MOBIL)
7 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from dropwinsondes (TEMP DROP)
10 Wind profiler reports
11 RASS temperature profiles
14 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from descent radiosondes originally launched from fixed land stations
15 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from descent radiosondes originally launched from ships
16 Upper-level temperature/humidity/wind reports from descent radiosondes originally launched from mobile land stations
20 ASDAR/ACARS profiles (AMDAR)
21 Profiles of atmospheric constituents concentrations
25 Climatological observations from fixed-land stations (CLIMAT TEMP)
26 Climatological observations from ships (CLIMAT TEMP SHIP)
Code Meaning
1 Rawinsonde - fixed land
2 Rawinsonde - mobil land
3 Rawinsonde - ship
4 Dropwinsonde
7 NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) winds
8 NeXRaD Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds (Radar Coded Message)
9 Profiler winds (PIBAL)
10 NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) and Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) spectral moments
11 Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) winds
12 NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) and Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) RASS temperatures
13 Japan profiler winds
14 Other profiler winds
16 Europe profiler winds
17 NeXRaD Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds (Level 2)
18 Other Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds (BUFR)
20 Wind energy tower - restricted
21 Wind energy tower
101 Rawinsonde - fixed land (BUFR)
102 Rawinsonde - mobil land (BUFR)
103 Rawinsonde - ship (BUFR)
104 Dropwinsonde (BUFR)

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DATA TYPE 3 - Vertical soundings (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Temperature (SATEM)
8 VASS (Vertical atmospheric sounding system)
20 IR temperature/humidity sounding
30 Hyperspectral temperature/humidity sounding
40 MW temperature/humidity sounding
50 Radio occultation sounding
Code Meaning
1 GOES 5x5 FOV cloud and sounder radiances
2 GOES 1x1 FOV cloud
3 GOES 1x1 FOV sounder radiances
10 Radio occultation
101 Polar orbiting - TOVS
102 Polar orbiting - RTOVS
104 Polar orbiting - ATOVS

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DATA TYPE 4 - Single level upper-air data (other than satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
1 Manual (AIREP, PIREP)
Code Meaning
5 Flight level reconnaisance (RECCO)
13 TAMDAR (MADIS Chautauqua)
15 Flight level reconnaisance (High Density Observations)
30 Long-duration balloon

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DATA TYPE 5 - Single level upper-air data (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Cloud wind data (SATOB)
1 Cloud properties
Code Meaning
1 GOES low-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (NESDIS binary format)
2 GOES low-density winds - visible (NESDIS binary format)
3 GOES low-density winds - water vapor imager (NESDIS binary format)
4 GOES low-density winds - picture triplet (NESDIS binary format)
5 GOES high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (NESDIS binary format)
6 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager (NESDIS binary format)
8 GOES high-density winds - visible (NESDIS binary format)
9 GOES high-density winds - picture triplet (NESDIS binary format)
10 GOES high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
11 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
12 GOES high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
13 GOES high-density winds - picture triplet (BUFR)
14 GOES high-density winds - water vapor sounder (BUFR)
15 GOES high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR via GTS)
16 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR via GTS)
17 GOES high-density winds - visible (BUFR via GTS)
18 GOES high-density winds - water vapor sounder (BUFR via GTS)
19 GOES high-density winds - infrared (short-wave) (BUFR)
20 NESDIS GOES Satellite Cloud Product (SCP)
21 India low-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (SATOB)
22 India low-density winds - visible (SATOB)
23 India low-density winds - water vapor imager (SATOB)
24 India high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
25 India high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
26 India high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
30 GOES high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
31 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager deep-layer (BUFR)
32 GOES high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
34 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager cloud-top (BUFR)
39 GOES high-density winds - infrared (short-wave) (BUFR)
41 Japan low-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (SATOB)
42 Japan low-density winds - visible (SATOB)
43 Japan low-density winds - water vapor imager (SATOB)
44 Japan high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
45 Japan high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
46 Japan high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
47 Japan high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
48 Japan high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
49 Japan high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
50 GMS high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
51 GMS high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
52 GOES high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
53 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager deep-layer (BUFR)
54 GOES high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
55 GOES high-density winds - water vapor imager cloud-top (BUFR)
56 GOES high-density winds - infrared (short-wave) (BUFR)
61 Europe low-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (SATOB)
62 Europe low-density winds - visible (SATOB)
63 Europe low-density winds - water vapor imager (SATOB)
64 Europe high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
65 Europe high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
66 Europe high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
67 Europe high-density winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
68 Europe high-density winds - visible (BUFR)
69 Europe high-density winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
70 MODIS AQUA/TERRA winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
71 MODIS AQUA/TERRA winds - water vapor imager (BUFR)
80 METOP AVHRR winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
81 METOP AVHRR winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
90 NPP VIIRS winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
91 NPP VIIRS winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR)
99 CIMSS tropical cyclone winds

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DATA TYPE 6 - Radar data

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Reflectivity data
1 Doppler wind profiles
2 Derived products
3 Ground radar weather (RADOB)
Code Meaning
1 NeXRaD level 3 radial wind superob
2 NeXRaD level 2.5 radial wind superob
10 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (00z)
11 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (01z)
12 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (02z)
13 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (03z)
14 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (04z)
15 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (05z)
16 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (06z)
17 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (07z)
18 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (08z)
19 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (09z)
20 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (10z)
21 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (11z)
22 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (12z)
23 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (13z)
24 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (14z)
25 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (15z)
26 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (16z)
27 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (17z)
28 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (18z)
29 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (19z)
30 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (20z)
31 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (21z)
32 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (22z)
33 NeXRaD level 2 radial wind (23z)
40 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (00z)
41 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (01z)
42 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (02z)
43 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (03z)
44 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (04z)
45 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (05z)
46 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (06z)
47 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (07z)
48 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (08z)
49 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (09z)
50 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (10z)
51 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (11z)
52 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (12z)
53 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (13z)
54 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (14z)
55 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (15z)
56 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (16z)
57 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (17z)
58 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (18z)
59 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (19z)
60 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (20z)
61 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (21z)
62 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (22z)
63 NeXRaD level 2 reflectivity (23z)
70 Aircraft tail doppler radial wind
80 Canada reflectivity (00z)
81 Canada reflectivity (01z)
82 Canada reflectivity (02z)
83 Canada reflectivity (03z)
84 Canada reflectivity (04z)
85 Canada reflectivity (05z)
86 Canada reflectivity (06z)
87 Canada reflectivity (07z)
88 Canada reflectivity (08z)
89 Canada reflectivity (09z)
90 Canada reflectivity (10z)
91 Canada reflectivity (11z)
92 Canada reflectivity (12z)
93 Canada reflectivity (13z)
94 Canada reflectivity (14z)
95 Canada reflectivity (15z)
96 Canada reflectivity (16z)
97 Canada reflectivity (17z)
98 Canada reflectivity (18z)
99 Canada reflectivity (19z)
100 Canada reflectivity (20z)
101 Canada reflectivity (21z)
102 Canada reflectivity (22z)
103 Canada reflectivity (23z)
110 Canada radial wind (00z)
111 Canada radial wind (01z)
112 Canada radial wind (02z)
113 Canada radial wind (03z)
114 Canada radial wind (04z)
115 Canada radial wind (05z)
116 Canada radial wind (06z)
117 Canada radial wind (07z)
118 Canada radial wind (08z)
119 Canada radial wind (09z)
120 Canada radial wind (10z)
121 Canada radial wind (11z)
122 Canada radial wind (12z)
123 Canada radial wind (13z)
124 Canada radial wind (14z)
125 Canada radial wind (15z)
126 Canada radial wind (16z)
127 Canada radial wind (17z)
128 Canada radial wind (18z)
129 Canada radial wind (19z)
130 Canada radial wind (20z)
131 Canada radial wind (21z)
132 Canada radial wind (22z)
133 Canada radial wind (23z)

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DATA TYPE 7 - Synoptic features

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Forecast Tropical cyclone tracks from EPS
1 Squall Line
Code Meaning
0 Tropical storm
1 Vaisala lightning (NLDN short-range)
2 Vaisala lightning (LLDN long-range)
3 Earth Networks lightning
21 NeXRaD level 2 boundary layer heights

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DATA TYPE 8 - Physical/chemical constituents

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Surface ozone
1 Ozone vertical sounding
2 Total ozone
3 Acid rain
Code Meaning
10 ATOVS SBUV-2 ozone
11 ATOVS SBUV-2 ozone
12 Global ozone monitoring experiment (GOME)
13 Aura ozone monitoring instrument (OMI)
14 NPP OMPS ozone - nadir profile
15 Aura ozone microwave limb sounder (MLS)
16 NPP OMPS ozone - total column
17 NPP OMPS ozone - nadir profile
18 NPP OMPS ozone - total column
19 NPP OMPS ozone - limb profile
20 AIRNOW ozone - 1-hr and 8-hr forward averaged, daily ingest
21 AIRNOW ozone - 1-hr backward averaged, daily ingest
22 AIRNOW ozone - 8-hr backward averaged, daily ingest
23 AIRNOW ozone - 1-hr backward averaged, hourly ingest
31 AIRNOW particulate matter - 1-hr backward averaged, daily ingest
32 AIRNOW particulate matter - 1-hr backward averaged, hourly ingest
41 MODIS aerosol optical depth
42 NPP aerosol optical depth
45 AERONET aerosol optical depths and thicknesses

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DATA TYPE 9 - Dispersal and transport

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Trajectories, analysis or forecast
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 10 - Radiological data

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
1 Observation (RADREP)
2 Forecast (RADOF)
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 11 - BUFR tables, complete replacement or update

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 12 - Surface data (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 ERS-uwa
1 ERS-uwi
2 ERS-ura
3 ERS-uat
4 SSM/I radiometer
5 Quickscat
6 Surface temp./radiation (SATOB)
7 ASCAT data
8 Soil moisture
9 Normalised differential vegetation index (NDVI)
10 Normalised radar backscatter
11 Surface emissivity
12 Sea surface temperature
13 Precipitation
Code Meaning
1 DMSP SSM/I brightness temperatures
2 DMSP SSM/I derived products
3 GPS integrated precipitable water
4 GNSS ground-based
6 DMSP SSM/IS derived products
8 ERS scatterometer
9 ERS radar altimeter
10 NAVOCEANO POES - low-resolution sea-surface temperatures
11 NESDIS POES - high-resolution sea-surface temperatures, brightness temperatures and albedo
12 NAVOCEANO POES - high-resolution sea-surface temperatures, brightness temperatures and albedo
13 NASA TRMM microwave imager
17 NAVOCEANO POES - sea-surface temperatures
18 NESDIS POES - sea-surface temperatures
22 NESDIS GOES - sea-surface temperatures
23 S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (clear sky without land)
24 S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (probably clear sky without land)
25 S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (everything but clear sky without land and probably clear sky without land)
31 AQUA AMSR-E ocean surface products - level 2
34 AQUA AMSR-E ocean surface products - MISST
103 DMSP SSM/I neural net 3 products
122 METOP 50-km ASCAT scatterometer
123 METOP 25-km ASCAT scatterometer
137 Quickscat scatterometer
138 WindSat scatterometer (FNMOC)
139 WindSat scatterometer (NESDIS)
150 NASA Langley - GOES 1x1 FOV cloud
160 University of Wisconsin GOES imager-effective cloud
222 GCOM-W/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) sea surface temperatures
255 OCEANSAT 50-km OSCAT scatterometer

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DATA TYPE 13 - Forecasts

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 14 - Warnings

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 20 - Status information

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 21 - Radiances (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Earth radiation budget
5 Cross-track Infrared Sounder
6 Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder
7 Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite
Code Meaning
21 NOAA RTOVS brightness temperatures - HIRS-2
22 NOAA RTOVS brightness temperatures - MSU
23 NOAA ATOVS brightness temperatures - AMSU-A
24 NOAA ATOVS brightness temperatures - AMSU-B
25 NOAA ATOVS brightness temperatures - HIRS-3
27 NOAA ATOVS brightness temperatures - MHS
28 NOAA ATOVS brightness temperatures - HIRS-4
33 RARS ATOVS brightness temperatures - AMSU-A
34 RARS ATOVS brightness temperatures - AMSU-B
35 RARS ATOVS brightness temperatures - HIRS-3
36 RARS ATOVS brightness temperatures - MHS
37 RARS ATOVS radiances - CrIS
38 RARS ATOVS brightness temperatures - ATMS
39 RARS ATOVS radiances - IASI
41 NESDIS GOES imager brightness temperatures
42 SEVIRI all-sky radiances
43 SEVIRI clear-sky radiances
44 Himawari-8 clear-sky radiances
45 GOES-16 all-sky radiances
46 GOES-16 clear-sky radiances
51 NOAA-17 and METOP-2 AVHRR brightness temperatures (clear and over ocean)
52 NOAA-17 and METOP-2 AVHRR brightness temperatures (cloudy or over land)
53 NOAA-18 AVHRR brightness temperatures (clear and over ocean)
54 NOAA-18 AVHRR brightness temperatures (cloudy or over land)
100 MTG IRS radiances from principal components
123 Antenna temperatures - AMSU-A
201 DMSP SSMI/S brightness temperatures
202 NPP CrIS radiances
203 NPP ATMS brightness temperatures
204 NPP VIIRS radiances
205 CrIS full spectral radiances (2211 channels)
206 CrIS full spectral radiances (431 channels)
212 CrIS radiances (direct broadcast)
213 ATMS brightness temperatures (direct broadcast)
214 TMS radiance data
239 IASI radiances (direct broadcast)
241 IASI radiances
242 Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR L1A2 brightness temperatures
246 GMI brightness temperatures
248 AMSR2 brightness temperatures
249 AQUA/AIRS AMSU-A brightness temperatures - every field-of-view
250 AQUA/AIRS AMSU-A brightness temperatures - central field-of-view
251 ATOVS AMSU-A radiances
252 ATOVS AMSU-B radiances
253 AQUA/AIRS principal components
254 AQUA/AMSR-E brightness temperatures
255 AQUA/AIRS AMSU-A brightness temperatures - warmest field-of-view

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DATA TYPE 22 - Radar (satellite) but not altimeter nor scatterometer

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Cloud and precipitation radar
1 Synthetic Aperture Radar
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 23 - Lidar (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Lidar based missions (for wind, for cloud/aerosol, for water vapour, for altimetry)
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 24 - Scatterometry (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Wind scatterometry
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 25 - Altimetry (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Radar altimetry
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 26 - Spectrometry (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Cross nadir shortwave spectrometry (for chemistry)
1 Cross nadir IR spectrometry (for chemistry)
2 Limb sounding shortwave spectrometry
3 Limb sounding IR spectrometry
4 Limb sounding sub-millimetre wave spectrometry
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 27 - Gravity measurement (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 28 - Precision orbit (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 29 - Space environment (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 30 - Calibration dataset (satellite)

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Subsetted data
1 Collocated data
2 On-board calibration data
3 Bias monitoring
4 Near real-time correction
5 Re-analysis correction
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 31 - Oceanographic data

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Surface observation
1 Surface observation along track (TRACKOB)
2 Spectral wave observation (WAVEOB)
3 Bathythermal observation (BATHY)
4 Sub-surface floats (profile)
5 XBT/XCTD profiles (TESAC)
6 Waves reports
7 Tsunameter data
Code Meaning
4 Airborne Expendable Bathythermograph (AXBT)
5 Subsurface float profiles (BUFR)
6 XBT/XCTD (TESAC) profiles (BUFR)
7 Along track (TRACKOB) observations (BUFR)
8 Marine mammal profiles
11 NLSA ERS-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution regional)
12 NLSA TOPEX sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution regional)
13 NLSA TOPEX sea-surface height anomaly (low-resolution global)
14 NLSA GFO sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution regional)
101 NAVOCEANO ERS-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
102 NAVOCEANO GFO sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
103 NAVOCEANO TOPEX sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
104 NAVOCEANO JASON-1 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
105 NAVOCEANO GFO altimeter wind/wave (IGDR)
106 CNES JASON-1 altimeter wind/wave (IGDR)
107 NAVOCEANO GFO altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
108 NAVOCEANO ENVISAT altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
109 NAVOCEANO ENVISAT sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
110 NAVOCEANO JASON-1 altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
111 CNES JASON-2 altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
112 NAVOCEANO JASON-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (OGDR)
113 NAVOCEANO JASON-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (IGDR)
114 NAVOCEANO JASON-2 altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
115 CNES JASON-2 altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
116 SSALTO/DUACS ENVISAT sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global)
117 NAVOCEANO CRYOSAT-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (IGDR)
118 NAVOCEANO SARAL sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (OGDR)
119 NAVOCEANO SARAL sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (IGDR)
120 NAVOCEANO CRYOSAT-2 altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
121 NAVOCEANO SARAL altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
122 CNES SARAL altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
123 CNES CRYOSAT-2 altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
124 CNES JASON-3 altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
125 NAVOCEANO JASON-3 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (OGDR)
126 NAVOCEANO JASON-3 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (IGDR)
127 NAVOCEANO JASON-3 altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
128 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (NRT)
129 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (STC)
130 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3A altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
131 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3B sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (NRT)
132 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3B sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (STC)
133 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3B altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)
134 CNES Sentinel 3A altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
135 CNES Sentinel 3B altimeter wind/wave (OGDR)
136 NAVOCEANO CRYOSAT-2 sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (OGDR)
137 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 6A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (NRT)
138 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 6A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (STC)
139 NAVOCEANO Sentinel 6A altimeter wind/wave (fast delivery)

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DATA TYPE 101 - Image data

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
0 Multi-purpose VIS/IR imagery
1 Conical scanning MW imagery (intermediate frequencies)
2 Low frequency MW imagery
3 Ocean colour imagery
4 Imagery with special viewing geometry
5 Lightning imagery
6 High resolution shortwave imagery for land observation
7 SMOS data
Code Meaning

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DATA TYPE 255 - Other category

Standard subtypes Local subtypes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning
1 Mesonet - Denver Urban Drainage (MADIS)
2 Mesonet - RAWS National Interagency Fire Center (MADIS)
3 Mesonet - MesoWest (MADIS)
4 Mesonet - APRS WeatherNet (MADIS)
5 Mesonet - Kansas Department of Transportation (MADIS)
6 Mesonet - Florida (MADIS)
7 Mesonet - Iowa Department of Transportation (MADIS)
8 Mesonet - Minnesota Department of Transportation (MADIS)
9 Mesonet - Anything Weather (MADIS)
10 Mesonet - National Ocean Service PORTS (MADIS)
11 Mesonet - Aberdeen Proving Grounds (MADIS)
12 Mesonet - Weather for You (MADIS)
13 Mesonet - NWS Cooperative Observers (MADIS)
14 Mesonet - NWS HADS (MADIS)
15 Mesonet - AWS (MADIS)
16 Mesonet - Iowa Environmental (MADIS)
17 Mesonet - Oklahoma (MADIS)
18 Mesonet - Colorado Department of Transportation (MADIS)
19 Mesonet - West Texas (MADIS)
20 Mesonet - Wisconsin Department of Transportation (MADIS)
21 Mesonet - LSU-JSU (MADIS)
22 Mesonet - Colorado E-470 (MADIS)
23 Mesonet - DC Net (MADIS)
24 Mesonet - Indiana Department of Transportation (MADIS)
25 Mesonet - Florida Department of Transportation (MADIS)
26 Mesonet - Alaska Department of Transportation (MADIS)
27 Mesonet - Georgia Department of Transportation (MADIS)
28 Mesonet - Virginia Department of Transportation (MADIS)
29 Mesonet - Missouri Commercial Agriculture Weather Net (MADIS)
30 Mesonet - Miscellaneous (MADIS)
31 Urbanet - Miscellaneous (MADIS)
32 Urbanet - University of South Alabama (MADIS)
33 HF-METAR - one-minute ASOS
34 RWIS - South Dakota Department of Transportation (MADIS)
101 Cooperative observer surface - New England Pilot Project (NEPP) and Historical Climatology Network (HCN) (MADIS)
102 Cooperative observer surface - NWS Cooperative Observers (SHEF)
111 Mesonet - Climate Reference Network (MADIS)
131 Hydrological surface - Denver Urban Drainage (MADIS)
160 Hydrological surface - Miscellaneous (MADIS)
161 Snow (MADIS)

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