These are real time meteograms produced by the 20km RUC Model. Here is a sample set of meteograms for Kansas City, Missouri (724460) for the period beginning at 18Z on 6 May 2002 (cycle indicated in upper right) and ending at 06Z on 7 May.
TRACE 1 LEFT: TMPF, DWPF - Temperature (red), Dew Point (green): 2-meter values in degrees F
TRACE 2 LEFT: P01M, C01M - Precipitation (solid orange), Convective Precip (dashed blue): hourly accumulations in inches and
TRACE 3 LEFT: VSBK, CDBP - Horizontal visibility (red, left axis): in MILES, calculated from the Stoelinga-Warner algorithm and Cloud base pressure (purple, right axis) in mb
TRACE 4 LEFT: CAPE - Convective Available Potential Energy in J/kg, computed in GEMPAK using forecast soundings from the model
TRACE 1 RIGHT: CAPE - Low (solid green), mid (dashed blue), and high (dotted purple) cloud fractions in per cent
TRACE 2 RIGHT: PMSL, HLCY - Sea Level Pressure in mb (orange, left axis) and Helicity (aqua, right axis): in m**2/s**2, using storm motion based upon the Bunkers Dynamic Method
TRACE 3 RIGHT: WIND SPEED at 850 MB (green), 700 MB (gold), and 500 MB (pink) in knots
TRACE 4 RIGHT: CINS - Convective Inhibition in J/kg, computed in GEMPAK using forecast soundings from the model
These meteograms are produced from hourly forecast files that have been converted from BUFR into GEMPAK. This product is experimental and is for evaluation only. The forecasts are for the nearest model grid point to the station. More information on the RUC model can be found here .