Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Log

NAM run with NDAS started from GDAS atmospheric states and NDASR land states every cycle (so-called "partial cycling" test)
Parallel Slot
Control Slot
Start date of parallel experiment
12Z 2008/07/01
End date of parallel experiment
00z 2008/08/01
Experiment changes log
Background links
Evaluation of parallel results
Daily forecast maps vs NAMR (00z cycle)
Daily forecast maps vs NAMR (12z cycle)
Daily forecast stats
NAM Parallel and ops NAM 500 mb Height Forecasts vs GDAS analysis
NAMR,NAMY Analysis Increments / Observations
NAMR,NAMY Verification against rawinsondes / surface data (07/18/08-07/27/08)

Mesoscale Parallel Home Page
